A Jar of Wild Flowers: Essays in Celebration of John Berger
Yasmin Gunaratnam, Amarjit Chandan, Jean Mohr and Sally Potter
'John Berger has made the world a better place to live in. These essays tell us how he succeeded in...

High on Rebellion: Inside the Underground at Max's Kansas City
Max's Kansas City, an all-in-one restaurant-bar-nightclub, opened its doors in December 1965 at 213...

Putting It On: The West End Theatre of Michael Codron
Michael Codron and Alan Strachan
Michael Codron is undoubtedly the leading producer of postwar British theatre. Still active after an...

Beware of Pity
Anthea Bell, Stefan Zweig and David Pearson
Stefan's Zweig's Beware of Pity is an almost unbearably tense and powerful tale of unrequited love...

Shock Treatment
-If you haven't read this book yet--buy it, take it home, and read it now! This is the work that...