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Isle of Dogs (2018)
Isle of Dogs (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation
7.8 (39 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When, by executive decree, all the canine pets of Megasaki City are exiled to a vast garbage-dump called Trash Island, 12-year-old Atari sets off alone in a miniature Junior-Turbo Prop and flies across the river in search of his bodyguard-dog, Spots. There, with the assistance of a pack of newly-found mongrel friends, he begins an epic journey that will decide the fate and future of the entire Prefecture.

Before this even hit our screens I was worried I was going to be bored of it because I'd seen the trailer so much. Thankfully that wasn't the case.

It was a beautifully crafted film, and refreshingly different. I loved that it was from the dog's point of view, kind of a reverse Lassie. All the individual dogs and their quirks are very entertaining. And those dumb little moments they have that you'll identify with if you've ever owned a dog.

When Chief and Atari as separated from the rest of the pack on Trash Island I really like how the master/pet relationship is reversed when Atari see's the ride. The amount of times I had been in Chief's position... "Don't do it." *shifty look and edges closer* "Don't" *edges further*

My only wish for this film would be that there was more dog, less person. But despite that it was amusing, and very stylish.

As films go this month there were a few that were hit with "controversy" of some description, and Isle Of Dogs was no exception with cried of cultural misappropriation. I can't say that this is going to be something I can ever say I'd be on the receiving end of, but any rational person would not take a film as an accurate portrayal of a culture and its people.