Bringing International Fugitives to Justice: Extradition and its Alternatives
A novel and robust framework for the operational and legal analysis of recovering fugitives abroad,...
Grill My Cheese: From Slumdog Grillionaire to Justin Brieber: 50 of the Greatest Toasted Cheese Sandwiches Ever!
Nisha Patel and Nishma Chauhan
Grill My Cheese includes the 50 ultimate recipes for the world's most-loved comfort food. With...
Nothing is Written in Stone: The Notebooks of Justin Keating 1930 - 2009
Justin Keating (1930-2009), perhaps best known as a Labour Party politician, was also a senator,...
What If?: The Architecture and Design of David Rockwell
Elizabeth Diller, David Rockwell, Chee Pearlman and Justin Davidson
Widely admired for his sophistication, creativity and exuberance, David Rockwell is one of the...