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Awix (3310 KP) rated King Kong (1933) in Movies

May 21, 2020  
King Kong (1933)
King Kong (1933)
1933 | Adventure, Fantasy
Landmark pulp adventure provides everything you want from a monster movie and almost nothing you don't want. Surely everyone knows the plot of one of the most famous films of all time? Blonde, island, gorilla, tall building, biplanes.

The reason King Kong has endured and been endlessly remade is simply because there's barely a duff bit in it (although Bruce Cabot comes close as the juvenile lead): even the bit with them getting to the island, which could be filler, is smartly filled with brazen foreshadowing of the rest of the plot. From then on it's rampaging and dinosaur fights all the way. Slightly eccentrically structured, in that the whole New York sequence almost feels like an afterthought to the rescue of Fay Wray on the island itself. One also wonders if there was an actual decision to make Kong so sympathetic at the climax, or whether this was a happy accident: if Kong was really intended to somehow be an anti-hero, it's odd that his chief tormentor not only survives but goes on to star in the rush-job sequel. Nevertheless, a groundbreaking classic and the wellspring of an entire genre.
I am, I am, I am: Seventeen Brushes with Death
I am, I am, I am: Seventeen Brushes with Death
Maggie O'Farrell | 2017 | Biography
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Moving, harrowing, well-written
I Am, I Am, I Am is a memoir by award-winning British author, Maggie O'Farrell. It is subtitled Seventeen Brushes With Death, and in describing these (mostly, but not exclusively, her own) experiences, O'Farrell also, of course, shares many other important moments of her life. As well as describing the situation that led to them, the physical effects they had on her and those close to her, she also notes the change in attitude they caused.

There is a deep sense of violence faced by a woman's body, which is apparent in her experiences. She describes near misses with vehicles, a mugging, juvenile encephalitis, the birth of her first child, near drownings, a knife-throwing act, dysentery-induced dehydration, and an encounter with a murderer.

The section about her miscarriages is deeply moving. She questions why it isn't discussed and why it is given little exposure. She explains how mothers end up feeling isolated because of the little care given to those who have experienced it. Her voice and pain shines through at this particular point.

As with her fiction, O'Farrell’s prose is often exquisite. This is a privileged peek into the life of an amazing author, a moving and fascinating read.
What happens to kids when both of their parents are taken from them? Do they learn to survive with the situations they are given or do they find a new way to live their lives?

Porsche Santiaga was the middle daughter of Ricky and Lana Santiaga. When her parents were both arrested one night, and she her younger twin sisters were snatched up by the Bureau of Child Welfare. After being tossed from foster home to foster home and no word from her family, Porsche found herself in upstate New York in a juvenile detention center. There she met Siri(the gentle girl who was always there to protect her), Riot(the head of the Diamond Needles), and other members of the Diamond Needles to help her through her sentence.
When she is finally out on her own, she tries to find and help her family the best way she could. She is a natural born hustler so finding work for a fair wage was not a problem for her. She was only 12 years old and making over $1000 a week. She wasn't selling her body, or drugs. Just being the best person she could be and helping people in the neighborhood.
Porsche's story is a very sad one, but it has a happy ending.

Awix (3310 KP) rated At the Earth's Core (1976) in Movies

Nov 10, 2018 (Updated Nov 10, 2018)  
At the Earth's Core (1976)
At the Earth's Core (1976)
1976 | Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Second in Amicus's series of Burroughs-inspired pulp adventures with Doug McClure. Adventurers seeking to drill through the mountains from England to Wales take a wrong turn and end up in a terrifying wasteland dominated by sub-human beasts; it takes them a while to figure out their mistake. It turns out the Earth's core is ruled by evil giant pterodactyls with hypnotic powers - having taken a fancy to the local princess (Munro), the beefier of the visitors (McClure) resolves to sort the situation out.

One of the final examples of the kind of cheap and cheerful genre movie that the success of Star Wars the following year was to transform utterly. This one is notable for some of the worst man-in-a-suit monster effects ever seen outside Japan, the closest thing to a bad performance ever given by Peter Cushing, and an oddly inconsistent tone - much of it is rather juvenile, but some of the violence is a bit heavy for what often feels like a knockabout kid's film (the Earth's core is a wholly abstinent place - there isn't even the suggestion of funny business between McClure and Munro). The Iron Mole model is actually not bad, and the prog rock soundtrack certainly makes it distinctive. Kind of fun, in the end. Contains the line 'You can't mesmerise me, I'm British!'