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Superbad (2007)
Superbad (2007)
2007 | Comedy
First time I have seen this since it was released and I have to say it was a bit of a disappointment. It has some amusing moments but it wasn't nearly as funny as I remember , possibly due to me being 13 years older and my sense of humour not being quite so juvenile (maybe?). I found Jonah Hill's shouty and sweary character incredibly irritating and only laughed at him when he got hit by a car (as if Emma Stone would go anywhere near that). You can't help but like McLovin though and the best moments of the film involve his character and the crazy journey he takes. Plot wise it's pretty standard high school fare that has been done better a million times before in movies that better stand the test of time. Overall it's an easy watch but nothing to write home about.

Becs (244 KP) rated Maga High in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Maga High
Maga High
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was contacted by Lindzi herself to review her novel Maga High, the first in the Jodie Trilogy. I was excited and ready to have a fun easy-going read that dwindled my worries of stress. This novel didn’t quite hit home but it also didn’t really leave me disappointed. Just a big ole fat “meh” about it.

First off, there are quite a bit of grammatical errors and sentences/ paragraphs that don’t make any sense. I was utterly confused half of the time and I feel like there is so much that is missing from the story line. The writing is also very juvenile, where it kind of works in some parts but not in others. The characters feel more fake than what they are supposed to be, like they’re trying too hard. Wait, that’s not the word I’m looking for. The word I’m looking for is that they are lacking depth. They have no care in the world and seem destructive.

The story is a slow burn, yet it’s not really a burn at all. Just really a smolder that doesn’t feed the hunger in your brain at all. Also, why are there so many damn exclamation points?! It seriously takes away from the entirety of the novel. Well that, the juvenile writing style, and the lack of depth to the characters.

Reasons why I rated it 3 stars:
1. The characters lacked depth and background.
2. There was an over use of exclamation points and it really took away from the novel.
3. There were a ton of grammatical errors and sentences/ paragraphs that didn’t make any sense.
4. The story was interesting and it somehow captivated my attention long enough for me to finish reading it.
5. It was a fun read that packed tons of drama into it.

“It doesn’t matter what battle you might be fighting, everybody has their own going on. I suppose it’s how you handle it that counts.”

Awix (3310 KP) rated Network (1976) in Movies

Feb 16, 2018 (Updated Feb 16, 2018)  
Network (1976)
Network (1976)
1976 | Comedy, Drama
Acclaimed satirical comedy-drama; impressively prescient look at American media. Long-serving newscaster is victim of falling ratings, has breakdown and threatens to commit suicide on live TV: network execs are appalled until it transpires this has caused a spike in viewing figures, so they give him a job as a ranting news gimp.

Smartly written and well-performed; slight tendency towards speechifying rather than actual dialogue in the closing stages, but at least the speeches are good. Movie predicts rise of reality TV and collapse in news values with eerie accuracy, also the potential power of rabble-rousing TV demagogues (chief rabble-rouser does not complain about fake news, but it's a near thing). On another level, film is basically just cinema being snotty about how television is a more juvenile and morally bankrupt medium - 1976 was one of the very last years they could do this without it seeming like massive hypocrisy.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

First off, I have to say that this book was a lot of fun but I definitely found the formatting distracting. The version that I read had a few typos and formatting issues that took away from the story.

With that said, I really liked the plot. This book is definitely for a more juvenile audience but the plot was enchanting. I really enjoyed the idea of the novel and how young the romance is (kissing, nothing steamy). I've been reading quite a lot of steamy books so this was refreshing.

I liked the drama and the little bit of angst that the characters had. The characters were interesting and I did keep rooting for them when they had their trials.

Ultimately, I cannot wait to start on the next book. This book was a great start to a series and I cannot wait to see how the plot thickens.
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
1955 | Classics, Drama

"It's about the quality of the star, those people who the camera just loves, and James Dean is really amazing. He's moody, but there's a lot going on beneath the surface. He doesn't go with the crowd which is always very attractive. When you're dealing with adolescence you've always got the kids with that strength of character. I think that's very important. I watched Rebel Without A Cause in the eighties with a group of kids and they thought it was really funny and old fashioned. When you look at it it now it is obviously a bit melodramatic, but that's partly because it's influenced so many films since. It's also a very strange film, a fated film, because the three main juvenile leads, Sal Mineo, Natalie Wood and James Dean, died prematurely. Sal Mineo was murdered in the late seventies, Natalie Wood drowned in an accident, and of course JD was too fast too young."

Koroshiya 1 (Ichi the Killer) (2001)
Koroshiya 1 (Ichi the Killer) (2001)
2001 | Action, Comedy, International
A wicked cocktail of "Looney Tunes", 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘉𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘵, 𝘊𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘬, and about 18 bags of crystal meth. Seldom has the term "bloodbath" ever been meant so literally, features perhaps the most gruesome and deeply unsettling throat slashes in all of cinema - and there's plenty of them. Remember that gag from 𝘏𝘰𝘵 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴! 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘋𝘦𝘶𝘹 where the little body count counter was in the corner of the screen while Charlie Sheen was gunning through hilarious amounts of enemies? That's pretty much this whole movie. Has such a primal sense of hyper, grisly fun - sets up one impossibly over-the-top scenario and then immediately tops it, rinse and repeat for 130 minutes. If it wasn't already clear that Tadanobu Asano is one of Japan's coolest and most magnetic actors then this makes the case ten-fold. He plays the role of Kakihara with an effortless, ice-cold, commanding gravitas. And that wardrobe! Just sadistically entertaining up and down, the type of film that makes you think like a juvenile psychopath.
When We Were Young
When We Were Young
Anna Benoit | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Livvy's character was kind of relatable at times. (0 more)
Grammatical errors throughout. (3 more)
Hardly any background or character development.
Beginning was a bore.
Parts didn't make sense.
Not the greatest read.
The beginning was very boring and did not grab my attention at all. There were grammatical errors littered throughout the entirety of the novel and parts that didn't make any sense.

Will I reread? No. Not really my cup of tea. Do I recommend? I mean if you like stories that are a bit juvenile and feel like they were rushed, with hardly any character or background development - then sure.

○ interested in its physical book
○ a continuous read / page-turner
○ diverse in any way
● something’s lacking
● took me a long time to finish
○ an LMAO read
○ I laughed more than a few times
● it’s j u s t awkward
○ gave me goosebumps
○ one of the best books I’ve read
● painful & sad
○ tear-jerker
○ a roller-coaster of emotions
○ thrilling
● confusing
○ sooo relatable
● it is kind of annoying
○ it has a lot of flashbacks
○ it moved me
○ would recommend!
○ great even for a reread
○ definitely a YAY
● I’m sorry it’s a NAY
○ it’s between YAY and NAY
Kingpin (1996)
Kingpin (1996)
1996 | Comedy
Familiar Farrelly fare to a fault (I swear to God that repetition was unintentional) - it's got every single hallmark of their films all rolled into one: extremely juvenile peepee/caca/sex jokes, USA heartland road trip, lovable doofus + straight man lead pairing plus the underdeveloped woman who puts them at odds with each other, runtime that's about 15 or so minutes too heavy, unpointed misogyny, and heaping helpings of sentimentality. For better or worse, this is the quintessential Farrelly film. On the whole though, it's okay. Comedy is hit or miss here but this can be damn funny, specifically Bill Murray - who easily runs away with this entire film (the film's biggest flaw? that there isn't more of him). Randy Quaid is a riot too, though this is oddly a better sports movie than it is an outright comedy. All these (still fair) gross-out comedy trappings are infused into your model sports film formula but it's oddly really engaging as that, and the comedy is just a bonus. I like how this movie portrays skill, and it's also one of the Farrellys' best looking ones, too. All of this is still rather simple but it's fun.

Awix (3310 KP) rated King Kong (1933) in Movies

May 21, 2020  
King Kong (1933)
King Kong (1933)
1933 | Adventure, Fantasy
Landmark pulp adventure provides everything you want from a monster movie and almost nothing you don't want. Surely everyone knows the plot of one of the most famous films of all time? Blonde, island, gorilla, tall building, biplanes.

The reason King Kong has endured and been endlessly remade is simply because there's barely a duff bit in it (although Bruce Cabot comes close as the juvenile lead): even the bit with them getting to the island, which could be filler, is smartly filled with brazen foreshadowing of the rest of the plot. From then on it's rampaging and dinosaur fights all the way. Slightly eccentrically structured, in that the whole New York sequence almost feels like an afterthought to the rescue of Fay Wray on the island itself. One also wonders if there was an actual decision to make Kong so sympathetic at the climax, or whether this was a happy accident: if Kong was really intended to somehow be an anti-hero, it's odd that his chief tormentor not only survives but goes on to star in the rush-job sequel. Nevertheless, a groundbreaking classic and the wellspring of an entire genre.
I am, I am, I am: Seventeen Brushes with Death
I am, I am, I am: Seventeen Brushes with Death
Maggie O'Farrell | 2017 | Biography
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Moving, harrowing, well-written
I Am, I Am, I Am is a memoir by award-winning British author, Maggie O'Farrell. It is subtitled Seventeen Brushes With Death, and in describing these (mostly, but not exclusively, her own) experiences, O'Farrell also, of course, shares many other important moments of her life. As well as describing the situation that led to them, the physical effects they had on her and those close to her, she also notes the change in attitude they caused.

There is a deep sense of violence faced by a woman's body, which is apparent in her experiences. She describes near misses with vehicles, a mugging, juvenile encephalitis, the birth of her first child, near drownings, a knife-throwing act, dysentery-induced dehydration, and an encounter with a murderer.

The section about her miscarriages is deeply moving. She questions why it isn't discussed and why it is given little exposure. She explains how mothers end up feeling isolated because of the little care given to those who have experienced it. Her voice and pain shines through at this particular point.

As with her fiction, O'Farrell’s prose is often exquisite. This is a privileged peek into the life of an amazing author, a moving and fascinating read.