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Jason X (2001)
Jason X (2001)
2001 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.4 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jason X might be trash, but by God its glorious trash.
At this point, we're in full blown "fuck whatever has happened in the previous films" territory, with liberal splashings of narrative bullshit just to get Jason into a space setting, as he's cryogenically frozen only to be unwittingly thawed 450 years later aboard a spaceship, where he is snapped out of his slumber by teenagers shagging in another room. It's damn good then, that Jason X knows just how silly it is. The first Friday the 13th movie to release in a post Scream landscape, its self awareness gives it a much needed pass, as Jason slashes his way through a suspiciously 2000s looking cast.
The set looks cheap as hell, the CGI is terrible, the script is overspilling with cheesy one liners and puns, most of the characters are generally forgettable or unlikable, but despite all of this, it's an incredibly enjoyable film. Kane Hodder is back (sadly, for the last time movie wise) as Jason and once again cuts an imposing figure (especially when Uber Jason infamously rocks up near the films climax) and just to top it off, there's an inexplicable David Cronenberg cameo near the beginning.

Jason X is obviously flawed, but it's a damn good time, isn't boring, and boasts some decent gore. A two star film that I would recommend to anyone. Final thought - it's weird that Jason has a full head of hair in this...

Jackjack (877 KP) Feb 1, 2021

Haha your reviews honestly crack me up and are always spot on!! It is a really good shit film 😂👌


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Feb 1, 2021

Glad to hear it man!

Her Wolf (Westervelt Wolves #1)
Her Wolf (Westervelt Wolves #1)
Rebecca Royce | 2019 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved it!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ashlee Morrison has a secret obsession—with a dark and mysterious male. The only problem is that he’s a wolf and she’s becoming convinced that she’s insane. But Ashlee’s wolf is no ordinary canine; he is Tristan Kane, third son in the royal family of the Westervelt Wolf pack.

Trapped in his wolf form by his evil father’s men, Tristan has desperately sought a way out of predicament and is shocked to find that the sad but beautiful redhead who has come to the wolf cage can not only hear him, but awakens in him the knowledge that she is his mate, the other half of his soul.

Ashlee, unaware that she is half wolf-shifter, agrees to accompany Tristan back to his pack in Maine to seek answers to her past and understand her future. But as Tristan and Ashlee grow closer, familial betrayals will threaten to destroy the fragile love they have started to build.

With the odds stacked against them, Ashlee and Tristan will either embrace their love to save the Westervelt Wolves or be lost forever to despair.


I was looking forward to this as other books of Rebecca's I've enjoyed. This one has to be my favourite so far! I loved the whole concept of it. It was told brilliantly especially for her her first published book. I really enjoyed the conversation between Ash and her wolf. I'm very much looking forward to reading the test of the series !


Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
All Aboard!!
Old Movie Revisited: Snowpiercer. One of those awesome apocalyptic films that makes you wanna ride a train. It reminded me of a bunch of other stuff thrown in there... Battlestar Galactica directed by Terry Gilliam on a train heading Beyond Thunderdome, there was even a scene where I felt Resident Evilish as well. (Our heroes go into a train car and encounter all these dudes with black masks on and giant axes, I instantly thought that Alice was about to come in and wipe them out.) So whats its about you ask, instead of looking it up your damn self? Its about a self-sustaining train that loops the world after global warming has sent us into another ice age. The train in seperated by class, workers way in the back, rich folk up front. And its all about a revolution to take over the train led by Captain America, Billy Elliot, and Kane from the Nostromo, to bust to the head of the train, and take over, I guess. Tilda Swinton gets to be called by her real name, because she's awesome, once again, and even Ed Harris pops up in there! "Nice." The best line is delivered by Captain America:"You know what I hate about myself? I know what people taste like. I know babies taste the best." However I can't really picture Chris Evans doing that, he looks to nice, The Capt America image has gone too far. Anyways, its a cool movie and definitely needs to be watched!! Filmbufftim on FB

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 2, 2019

Such a great film.


365Flicks (235 KP) Nov 2, 2019

Can't wait to see what they do with the TV show