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The Girl Thief
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
76 of 220
Book sirens arc
The Girl Thief
By J.A. Schneider

Kate Tilden reaches her delicate, manicured hand next to mine, and I turn to her, startled. She's unsteady, and there's a stain on the bodice of her strappy party dress. Wine, probably. Her big blue eyes are red-rimmed and imploring me, just a caterer's assistant, for help up the stairs. That startles me more… but so it begins.
Kate and her husband Griffin are a troubled glamor couple with dangerous secrets. Some I know because I have researched them, never dreaming that gaining access to them would be this easy. Has it been too easy? That gives me pause, but I feel kind of sorry for Kate. Online gossips say she's miserable, and she took to me the last time I worked here. She even insists that I'd be a good live-in companion just to talk to, help with her problems. The pay would be better. Would I please stay awhile? Maybe longer?
The irony stuns me, because this is what I've long wanted. I have a secret too, something Griff and Kate Tilden could never guess. My only fear, besides being alone with them in this vast, isolated house, is that Griff is reputedly dangerous.
Well, I can be dangerous too. They don't know my real reason for infiltrating their lives…

This was really good I enjoyed it from start to finish. I did see the ending coming but it didn’t really take away from it being a pretty good read. Well written and decently paced. I will be reading more from this author the writing style is right up my street.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2)
Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2)
Ilona Andrews | 2008 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.1 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Addictive magical read
My Kate love continues to grow and if I didn’t have study and arc obligations, I’d be running straight into book three. MAGIC BURNS showed a bit of a softer side to Kate with the introduction of Julie and I found that whole part of the storyline interesting. Curran piques my attention constantly and I’d like to see his presence in the book so much more than it is, but I’m grateful for any little peeks.

I feel like I have started to get some answers to my questions in this instalment, like how magic and tech works, how the pack and the people are organised and function. I’m still a bit foggy over the order. My big questions are...who is Kate’s father and what is so special about her blood (please don’t tell me).
The Life Intended
The Life Intended
Kristin Harmel | 2014 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Life Intended, by the talented Kristin Harmel, is a real page turner. The premise of the book covers Kate Waithman's life after her husband is tragically killed in a car accident shortly after they were married. What Kate doesn't realize though is her life is far from being complete. The book encompasses the pain a widow feels after their spouse has been taken from them, and how to still find happiness after that.

I seriously could not put this book down for anything and I just wanted to keep reading to find out what happened. Just when you think you know the direction the book is going to go, there's still a little twist that you don't see coming that still makes this book quite enjoyable. At the end tears may be shed, so you may want to have some tissues ready.
My Sister's Keeper
My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (52 Ratings)
Book Rating
The ending, OMG!!! (0 more)
It takes a while to pick up (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
When Kate Fitzgerald is discovered to have leukaemia her parents aren’t a match for platelets and a kidney. So they have a “designer baby” to help Kate. But what happens when Anna decides she doesn’t want to help anymore.

I’d heard of the book and the film but hadn’t read/seen either. I sat up all last night to finish the book and spent 20 mins crying once I was done.

If you expect it to be mushy, it’s not really. It took a little time to get into but it was well worth it! I don’t know if the film is anything like the book, but it does make me inclined to see it (when I recover from the book. Definitely a book I’ll keep to read again!!!


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