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Barbie (2023)
Barbie (2023)
2023 | Animation, Romance
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Margot robbie (1 more)
Ryan gosling
Watched today in a packed cinema which doesn't happen often this year but this one definitely was full anyway the movie itself based on the well known children's doll barbie it starts off with a nod 2001 a space odyssey won't say anymore on that part plus u have helen mirren as the narrator of the movie and then the movie the really start robbies barbie getting up meeting all the barbies and there are alot as there's alot of Kens especially Ryan gosling Ken who thinks he's got a chance with barbie and for some reason they have to visit the real world and I won't say anymore u will have to watch the movie
This wouldn't normally be my type of movie but I did laugh thruout the movie it is cheesey but also fun robbie was born to play barbie I don't think no one else could same goes to gosling as Ken shout out goes to kate mckinnon who steals every scene she's in.
Overall good movie not sure if some of the scenes are okay for little ones but older ones will find it ok
Capturing the Baron’s Heart (A Wildewardian Tale)
Capturing the Baron’s Heart (A Wildewardian Tale)
Gwyneira Blythe | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CAPTURING THE BARON'S HEART is a prequel story to the Wildeward Academy series and tells you more about Victoria's parents - Kate and Dorian. You also find out a bit more about the Wild Hunt but only enough to tease and tantalise.

Where to start? This is as richly detailed as her other books, giving you insight and delight at the ton's machinations. The wizards play their role and confirm what I knew all along - give me a witch over a wizard any day!

I loved how this led up to what I already know from reading the other books in this series. The only complaint I have is that now I want to re-read all of them again, to immerse myself in Victoria's adventures as she grows and becomes the Darkling Child of Prophecy.

Absolutely amazing and I loved every word. Highly recommended but make sure you read the other ones too!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 9, 2022
Contagion (2011)
Contagion (2011)
2011 | Drama
Steven Soderbergh has produced some fine films in his time as an established director; Ocean’s Eleven was a sublime mix of dark humour and action, whilst Ocean’s Twelve and Thirteen remained decent but not exactly pulse-racing. Here, it seems Soderbergh sticks to what he knows best, how to deliver a brilliantly shot, gripping film. Here we have, Contagion.

An all-star cast with the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, Matt Damon and Jude Law is bolstered by excellent cinematography and nail-biting claustrophobia in a film which never forgets its purpose: to shock.

Contagion starts with a cough, a single cough from a single woman, which in turn spreads across the globe, killing over 20 million people in every country on the planet and becoming one of the worst viral epidemics the world has ever seen. The directing style is exquisite and focuses on the days after the first contraction of the deadly virus; close-ups of door knobs and drinking fountains add to the heightened panic and sense of claustrophobia and the continuous references to bird-flu bring it home how frail a race we actually are.

Soderbergh gets stuck into the details of the virus straight away and the pace never lets up, you’ll be gasping for air with the infected as you struggle to keep pace with what’s going on; it’s a relentless film, much like the disease itself. The movie is one of many recent developments that have parallel storylines running throughout; Kate Winslet is a scientist at the centre of disease research, whilst Matt Damon plays a middle aged father protecting his daughter.

Gwyneth Paltrow plays a wife and mother who has been embarking on a dangerous affair whilst away on business and it has to be said, she is excellent in her role, even though it lasts a mere 20 minutes before she pegs it. Her illness is well controlled on screen and you share the pain she is in.

Matt Damon is somehow immune to the virus after losing his wife (Paltrow) and more disturbingly, his son in scenes unbefitting of the films 12A certificate and Kate Winslet looks surprisingly angelic in her body bag… oops, didn’t mean to spoil that for you.

Alas, it’s not all good news as Jude Law pops up now and again as an annoying journalist trying to discover a cure and shame the money grabbing pharmaceutical companies, he plays the character well and you definitely buy into his sense of ‘crazy’ but out of all the stories shuffling for your attention, his is the one you care least about.

Unfortunately, some other small issues hold the film from being a complete success. Parallel storylines are all well and good but there are perhaps too many here. Whilst focusing on Winslet dealing with the fact she has contracted the virus, you forget about how Mr. Damon is coping looking after his potentially not immune daughter and the same can be said for Law’s character too. Which one are we to focus on?

Contagion is artistically, a brilliant film, but it could be said that it’s more style over substance. Yes, the characters have depth, though not as much as we’d like, the story is well written and the shots are beautifully choreographed but that good, solid story is lost about half way through as Soderbergh tries to handle all the different viewpoints. It’s a fantastic film, but not the outright success it could have been. You will however, be reaching for that anti-bacterial hand cleanser a little more often.
Her Every Fear
Her Every Fear
Peter Swanson | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here:


<b><i>Face it. Accept it. Float with it. Let time pass.</i></b>

Kate, our anxiety riddled main character, has just flat swapped with her American cousin in order to boost her confidence and try to escape her haunted past for a little while, but as soon as she arrives at her cousin's luxurious apartment, things begin to go sour. Her new next door neighbour has been murdered, and her secretive American cousin seems to the main suspect.

<b>This <i>could</i> have been <i>so</i> good.</b> Swanson’s last hit novel, <a href="">The Kind Worth Killing</a> (aw look at my baby review) was so goddamn exciting and thrilling but this was completely missing whatever spark the other had. A co-reviewer (Maxi/Slothreads) commented that this book was “uninspired” and I couldn’t have put that any better myself, hence why I’m quoting it. This had potential to work and be great but I feel like Swanson was pushed for time by his editors on this and spewed out whatever came to mind first. I know I sound like a total arse for saying that but I’m just really disappointed in this novel! <b>Warning: some spoilers ahead.</b>

Let’s start off by talking about our uninteresting characters. Kate suffers from anxiety disorder, made a lot worse by a terrifying incident she had with her ex boyfriend, so she decides to travel across the pond and into her cousin's apartment. While anxiety is something I’m all too familiar with, I don’t actually have any sympathy for Kate, as we’re supposed to. If she was really as damaged as she is made out to be, I find it very hard to believe she would move to America for 6 months all by herself, make friends and chat with everyone she comes across and sleep with a guy, Alan, who’s admitted to be a creepy window watcher after 3 days of knowing him. Next comes ol’ cousin Corbin who’s a cliche jock. Swanson makes him out to be the guilt ridden, caring man but after the revelation of his bad deeds in the past, how are we supposed to like him or feel sorry for him? It makes all the empathetic talk from him seem so creepy. Our only interesting character is, of course, the psycho. A bit of an over-the-top, cliche psycho, but at least worth reading about.

My <b>main</b> issue with this novel is the repetition of scenes. Our narrator chops and changes several times in the novel, so we’re often presented with a retelling of what we’ve already been told by another narrator. I’d say that at least 25% of this book is a repeat of a part we’ve already read, so it gets very tedious, very quickly. Another issue with this novel is the lack of plot twist, I mean, there is a plot twist, but it’s not that exciting and it happens early on in the novel, so the rest of the book plays out exactly how you would expect it to. Can I also quickly just complain about the unnecessary focus on the fact that Alan is Jewish? It made me uncomfortable. And that Swanson should have done some more research into England because we don’t have £100 notes.

This novel had great potential, but in the end, it was a let down. The “ending” was terribly mediocre and then the remaining chapters were a waste of time to read, they really could have been removed.

Thanks to Netgalley and Faber & Faber Ltd for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
A Snapshot Of Murder
A Snapshot Of Murder
Frances Brody | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Snapshot of Murder
By: Frances Brody
Crooked Lane Books
Mystery and Thrillers
Publish Date 19 April 2019
Pages 448
#ASnapshotOfMurder #NetGalley
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="10 Book Reviews" title="10 Book Reviews"/>
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>

This book is set in the year 1928 in London. The time is in April.
Characters are Harriet the niece of Kate Shackleton. She has been living there for about 7 months.
Kate Shackleton is a private investigator of sorts. Her husband Gerald is no longer around since the war.
Carine Murchison is a photographer friend.
Tobias Murchison is Carine Husband. He isn't well liked.
Edward Chester Carine's old flame
Carine's father
Derek another Photographer
Rita a friend of Carine's
This story is mostly about Carine and her family. When she was five her mother was going away but promised to come back and get her. Her mom never came back. She has had dreams off and on about a spot in the cellar in the studio that belongs in the family. Carine takes pictures just like her mother and Grandmother. Carine stopped going to school at the age of 13 because her Dad needed her to take pictures to make a living. Carine never did know her Grandma but is named after her. The Studio is name Carine Photo Studio. Her father is a drunk. Carine falls in love with a Poet named Edward Chester. Her father doesn't like and does everything in his power to stop this relationship which he does. Edward goes off to war and is killed. After the war she meets Tobias who happened to a friend of Edwards and tells her of his death. Carine's father likes Tobias and helps him to marry Carine.
As the story goes on Edward returns from the died but is disfigured from the war. The books tells why Carine thought was dead.

As the time has now changed to summer they go to an old farmhouse to see the parish hand over and old church for a museum for the Bronte Sisters. During this trip Tobias ends up dead. Who killed him or did he kill himself. Why him and someone else.
There were a lot of characters and each of them had a reason but who did it and why. I did enjoy this book and recommend that you read it. There are some interesting turns. Since this is a thriller/ mystery it is hard to go into details because I don't want to spoil it for you.
Her Pretty Face
Her Pretty Face
Robyn Harding | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compulsively readable with some great twists & turns
Frances is struggling. She feels overweight and socially inept, struggling to keep up with the beautiful, wealthy mothers at the fancy private school, Forrester Academy, that her son Marcus attends. That struggle is made even harder by an incident with Marcus and a classmate, Abbey Dumas, that sets the other moms against her. Even worse, no one knows about a horrible event in Frances' past that haunts her: not even her husband, Jason, and Marcus. But she feels rescued when she forges a friendship with a beautiful mother, Kate Randolph. She's funny, irreverent, and almost seems to recognize a kind of darkness in Frances. Suddenly, life at Forrester--and life in general--seems bearable. Meanwhile Kate's teenage daughter Daisy feels as if her mother has stopped loving her. Every few years her parents uproot her and younger brother to move yet again. What is the purpose of trying at school--in life--she wonders? Then a startling discovery comes to light, changing everything for Frances, Kate, and Daisy.

The format of this novel makes it an incredibly quick read: we get present-day events told by Frances and Daisy, interspersed with snippets told by a young boy named DJ, whose older sister, Courtney was murdered by a man named Shane Nelson in the 1990s. I found this to be a fascinating thriller: it keeps you wondering the entire time, with some very interesting and unexpected turns. I always appreciate a novel with some twists that I'm not expecting. I especially enjoyed how Daisy grew on me--her character was really well-done and while, at first, she seemed out of place in the story, by the end, she was my favorite, and I couldn't imagine the book without her.

In many ways this is a more character-driven book than a straight-up mystery. While, as mentioned, there's definitely some unexpected moments, there was no explosive ending, which I thought might happen for a while. In the end, though, I think that was appropriate--you become somewhat attached to these characters and Harding does a good job of bringing you into their (often twisted) worlds.

Overall, I enjoyed this one. It was compulsively readable, with some great twists and turns and interesting characters. I've had THE PARTY on my Kindle for a while--this has definitely motivated me to push it up higher in my TBR pile.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!)
The Scorpio Races
The Scorpio Races
Maggie Stiefvater | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Scorpio Races tells the story of Kate "Puck" Connelly and her brothers Finn and Gabe. They live on an island and were orphaned suddenly when their parents were killed by the water horses when out on their fishing boat. The story is told by both Puck and the other main character Sean Kendrick. Sean happens to be the multiple time winner of the Scorpio Race which is held the 1st of November every year.
Of course, as you can probably guess Sean & Puck fall for each other & develop a strange kind of bond while preparing for the race. The predictability on that part of the story caused me to bring this rating down to stars.
The rest of the the story is 5 star all the way however. I was particularly facinated by the many layers of the story & the sub-plots mixed in throughout. There are many intriguing characters sprinkled favorite being Mr. Holly, the American come to the island to but a horse. The plot is slow at first, but in the last 1/2 of the book the pace picks up. I found myself unable to put it down for about the last 100 pages.
Gallowstree Lane (Collins and Griffiths #3)
Gallowstree Lane (Collins and Griffiths #3)
Kate London | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fans of The Wire or Broadchurch will love this.
I didn't realise until after I'd finished this, that it was actually the third in the series - not that it made any difference whatsoever to my enjoyment!
It's a really well told, gritty police procedural, heavy on the character building. In fact I became very attached to these characters: the struggling single parent WPC; the teenaged boys who had become involved in drug dealing; the officer involved with a big operation; the DC investigating a murder. I didn't like the big drug dealer though (which I think was the whole point. He was a man devoid of conscience).
The mothers in this really resonated with me: women trying to do their best , one working long hours and sacrificing time with her baby to be able to provide for him in a job she loves; the other, a woman who risks losing her son to drug dealing and violence. Both women backed into impossible-to-get-out-of corners.
I really, really enjoyed this book, and I'll be buying the first two in the series to read and catch up!!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to the author, Kate London, for reading along with us!
I saw the movie for this book before I read it. When I saw the movie, I didn't realize it was a book. I wasn't reading as much back in those days. But I received the sequel, How Hard Can It Be? so I decided to read I Don't Know How She Does It. As a working mother I thought that I would be able to relate to Kate Reddy in this book. Even though I don't have a corporate job, trying to find enough hours in the day to fit in time to do for yourself, your job and your family seems nearly impossible. But I couldn't find the connection in this book. While the book as a whole was good, I didn't find myself invested in it. I wanted to know what was going to happen, but I didn't really care.

I think part of my issue is that I kept thinking the book was set in the United States and then having to transfer myself back to the UK. This is why you never watch the movie first. It gives you a false sense of hope. I don't know if I would have felt any differently about the book if I hadn't seen the movie, though.