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ClareR (5589 KP) rated First Born in Books

Jan 22, 2023  
First Born
First Born
Will Dean | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this gripping thriller - it had me guessing up to the last page.

Molly and Katie are twins. Katie is the adventurer, and has moved to New York to go to university.
Molly lives an extremely structured life, and finds it hard to deviate from her routine. However, when Molly gets a call telling her that Katie has died suddenly, she must fight her fears, fly to New York and stay in a hostel (all very difficult things for her to do).

There are so many twists and turns in this novel, that I didn’t know what was coming and couldn’t even begin to guess. I couldn’t decide if I even liked the main character Molly or not - she’s not a likeable person, which is probably why her sister moved to another continent. But I like not liking a character - and there was so much to dislike! Molly is manipulative and she’s determined to find the person that she believes killed her twin.

The suspense in this was set to maximum - it’s well worth a read!
Hidden Agenda
Hidden Agenda
2017 | Action/Adventure
Casting, story & quick time events. (0 more)
Very short story, perma-death style system & game can only be played via downloadable app?! (0 more)
An unfortunate let down
Hidden agenda is a story about detective marney (katie Cassidy) who 5 years after capturing and arresting the infamous serial killer "the trapper killer" is thrown after the announcement that she may have arrested the wrong man...who is on death row with only 48 hours left...she has to be sure.

This game genuinely looked like a hit, with its dark, gritty tone, detective based story & quick time scenarios but was quickly derailed due to only being able to play by downloading a companion app and using a portable device (providing your device was able too - fyi old fire tabs don't 😕)

Once you have it, you will be prompted to add you name & choose a colour? As you can have friends join in too, but still need to if it's just you?

The story is incredibly short, even shorter if you make a wrong choice or are too slow to move your device pointer to a specific moving target, which from a I can assure you, can become rather infuriating.

Answering a phone call or video call WILL disrupt your game and you will be sent back to start all over.....Including adding your name and colour again.

Aside from that- great casting, great story, great graphics and this would make and absolutely fantastic live action movie.
The Companion
The Companion
Katie Alender | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been a fan of Katie Alender's since I first read her book Bad Girls Don't Die. I haven't read a bad book from her yet, and reading Alender's latest book, The Companion, was no different. I enjoyed reading it.

After losing her parents and two younger sisters in a car accident, Margot is sent to the state institution as she has no other family. There, she has vivid nightmares that leave her screaming at night. The other orphans at the institution call her lucky although Margot isn't sure she'd consider herself lucky. When she is chosen by a rich family to come live with them at their large and gorgeous home, Margot's luck may be changing. However, it doesn't seem like it's for the better. Strange things are happening at Margot's new home. Plus, she's meant to play companion for the sick and mute Agatha. On the plus side, her nightmares have seemed to stop but at what price?

The plot of The Companion was a very strong one and had quite the creepy vibe to it which I thoroughly enjoyed. Everything about about the plot was solid and flowed smoothly. The pacing was superb, and I found myself dying to know what would happen next. In fact, I felt like I was actually part of the narrative the whole time. There are a few plot twists although I felt that most were easy to figure out long before they were revealed. While the majority of The Companion was a great read, the last 100 or so pages let this book down. Margot, the protagonist of the story, seems to lose her brain and common sense towards the ending of the novel. She does some really dumb things that put her life in danger. I had a hard time believing that anyone could be that dumb. Other than that, the rest of the story is really great! Loose ends are tied up by the end of the book. However, I would have liked to know how the flowers grew so quickly by a certain grave, but that's probably just a me thing.

All of the characters in The Companion were fleshed out enough to feel realistic. The only exception was Margot towards the end of the book as stated earlier. She started out so strong and smart, it was kind of a shock to see her dumbed down towards the ending. I had really enjoyed her character and her hunger to find out what was really going on when it came to Agatha as well as what happened to Lily. Agatha was definitely my favorite character. I loved how helpful and strong she tried to be despite what was going on with her. I liked Barrett, but I just wish he would have fought a bit harder to try to help Margot instead of just giving in all the time to his mom. Laura was definitely an interesting character for sure. I enjoyed trying to figure out her story alongside Margot. I felt that Laura was the best written character in The Companion.

Trigger warnings for The Companion include minor violence, death, murder, attempted murder, some heavy kissing, drugging, and gaslighting.

Although the last hundred pages do take away from the book a little, The Companion is still a worthwhile read. It does have an interesting plot and characters and will have you hooked from the very first page. I would recommend The Companion by Katie Alender to those aged 13+ who love a suspenseful story.

Merissa (11726 KP) created a post

Feb 4, 2021  
💥AVAILABLE NOW with special release week's price $2.99!!!💥OF WICKED BLOOD by Olivia Wildenstein and Katie Hayoz
  An Upper YA Paranormal Romance series with magic, mystery, adventure, and a slow-burn romance, lots of cursing, and not just the magical kind...
TITLE: Of Wicked Blood
SERIES: The Quatrefoil Chronicles book 1
AUTHORS: @olives21 and @katie_hayoz
GENRE: Upper YA Paranormal Romance
I didn’t mean to steal the Bloodstone from the De Morel’s crypt.
Scratch that, I did mean to steal it.
Until I realized it was a curse-magnet that only comes off if I, along with a jolly trio, successfully defeat four curses.
If any of us fail, I’m dead.
I’ve never been a glass half-empty sort of person, but my glass looks in dire need of a refill right about now.
The only highlight of this wicked treasure hunt: feisty, entitled Cadence de Morel.
I was raised on tales of magic, in a small town reputed to be the birthplace of French witchcraft.
Did I believe all the stories I heard? Absolutely not. I mean, if magic existed, Maman wouldn’t have died, and Papa wouldn’t be stuck in a wheelchair, right?
The night Slate Ardoin waltzes into my life, wearing a ring he stole from my mother’s grave, I call him a monster.
But then I meet real ones, and Slate, well . . . he becomes something else to me.
Something frustrating to live with but impossible to live without.
Something I will fight for, no matter the cost.
**Warning: contains profuse cursing (and not just the magical kind).
#Bookbloggers and #Bookstagrammers SIGN-UP for #BookBlitz (February 22-26) and/or #BookTour (March 22-26):
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Batman Begins (2005)
Batman Begins (2005)
2005 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Good start to the DARK KNIGHT trilogy
BATMAN BEGINS is a seminal film in the oeuvre of Christopher Nolan for a variety of reasons. Certainly, it became his biggest Box Office success to date and marked him as an "A" list Director. Also, you start seeing the recurring actors that I call "the Nolan players" in his films - Michael Caine, Cillian Murphy, Ken Watanabe. But, most importantly, BATMAN BEGINS starts showing the Hallmarks of what a "Christopher Nolan" film is.

What are "hallmarks of a Christopher Nolan" film? Well...the film starts with a long tracking shot.. If you just showed me this shot, I would have instantly said "Christopher Nolan". Nolan plays with time (as usual) in this film, albeit, in a "standard" flash back, flash forward way. And, of course, there is the driving Hans Zimmer score and marvelous Cinematography by frequent Nolan collaborator Wally Pfister. All sure signs that you are watching something directed by Nolan.

BATMAN BEGINS, of course, tells the origin story of Bruce Wayne/Batman. While most of us (including me) rolled their eyes in 2005 at the thought of another Batman flick (the memories of George Clooney and his "Bat-Nipples" still fresh), Nolan had a different idea - a serious take on the material. And it is the realism and grit that make this film work. Instead of making a COMIC BOOK movie, Nolan made a movie BASED ON a comic book (an important distinction) and this spin on this genre works very well.

Downing the cowl in this film is Christian Bale. At the time, he was NOT a household name. As a matter of fact, he was beginning to be branded as a young, talented actor who was somewhat difficult to work with. Casting Bale in the title role was a stroke of genius by Nolan. He is the perfect embodiment of this character. Showing the dark side - and intensity - that this character needs, Bale also brings a bit of playfullness that I did not remember to the part - and this helps balance the character, he is just not all "Dark Knight" (do you hear me current JUSTICE LEAGUE Directors/Writers)?

Michael Caine is also perfectly cast as the fatherly figure, Alfred Pennywise (Bruce Wayne's Butler) as is Gary Oldman as Police Sgt. Jim Gordon. What makes Oldman's casting so interesting is that it was so against type for him. The same can be said for Liam Neeson's casting as Ducard. You could argue that "Liam Neeson - Action Star" grew from this role. Along for the ride is good ol' Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox, the "Q" of this series, so we get an answer to the age old question "how does Batman get all those wonderful toys". Finally, I have to admit that - upon rewatching this film - I was surprised at how good Katie Holmes is in the role of Rachel Dawes. Sure, it ends up being the typical "damsel in distress" role at the end, but until then she brings a character of strength to the screen that more than holds her own against Bale.

But, make no mistake about it, this film is not just about the characters, it is about the vision - and the action - that Nolan brings to the screen and he brings it hard. This film is dark - and works here. Up until now, SuperHero films were multi-colored, bright COMIC BOOK looking films, but Nolan brings grit, realism and darkness to the proceedings here. It is a jarring change that instantly made this film very interesting to watch (of course, it also ushered in the era of "dark" films, but I can't blame Nolan for poor copycats).

Nolan also relied on - primarily - practical effectst througout this film and the movie has a heaviness to it because of it. When a train crashes, you feel that a train has crashed. When Batman breaks through the window, you can FEEL the window break. This sort of visceral experience just can't be duplicated on a green screen.

Not everything in this film works - Tom Wilkerson's mob boss Falcone is a bit too cartoon-y for my tastes and Cillian Murphy's villain SCARECROW just isn't villiany enough for me - but these are quibbles in a film that was unique for it's time - and ushered in a whole new way to make SuperHero films. A type of film that Nolan will continue to tweak - and improve on - in the subsequent films in this Dark Knight series.

One final note, when rewatching a film from over 10 years ago, it is fun (at least for me) to see "stars before they were stars" in small roles. In this one, Katie Holme's Rachel Dawes character helps a little boy through the carnage of the final battle. I kept looking at that little boy and saying to myself - who is that? GAME OF THRONES fans will recognize that little boy is none other than King Joffrey himself, Jack Gleeson.

If you haven't seen BATMAN BEGINS in awhile, check it out - it holds up well.

Letter Grade: A-

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)