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Andy K (10823 KP) created a video about Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) in Movies

Mar 9, 2018 (Updated Mar 9, 2018)  

Jonathan Ke Quan (Ke Huy Quan) as Short Round

Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.9 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Michelle yeoh (2 more)
Ke Huy Quan
Jamie lee Curtis
Saw today been wanting to see this movie for at least a month just from the trailer and also after I had seen doctor strange and the multiverse of madness here’s another movie featuring a multiverse the movie is amazing hats off to both directors daniels to pull such a movie and casting ke huy quan in his first film since goonies Michelle yeoh who is amazing as evelyn and her many other versions of her if she had taken another path other than runing a laundymat and then there’s Jamie lee Curtis her fight scenes with Michelle amazing I could go on and on taking about the all I will go and see u won’t be disappointed
Finding 'Ohana (2021)
Finding 'Ohana (2021)
2021 | Adventure, Family
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Hey you guys, if you're looking for a fun flick to watch with the ohana then this should fit the bill. It's very Goonies-ish, and even stars Ke Huy Quan who played Data in The Goonies. If you've been to Oahu then it's fun seeing all the recognizable places. And if you're lucky enough to curl up with your ohana to watch this movie, then you no need to go on a treasure hunt for the treasure is right there beside you.

Andy K (10823 KP) created a poll about in Movies are the shiz!

Jul 11, 2018  
Who doesn't love a great "Introducing" performance? They don't really do this much any more. Of the choices listed below, which is your favorite performance for the actor listed as "And Introducing"...

Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween
Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia
Christopher Mintz-Plasse in Superbad
Whoopi Goldberg in The Color Purple
Cameron Diaz in The Mask
Ke Huy Quan in Inidana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Mary Badham and Phillip Alford in To Kill A Mockingbird
Christian Bale in Empire of the Sun
Tippi Hedron in The Birds

0 votes

Kate Winslet in Heavenly Creatures
Tatum O'Neal in Paper Moon
Johnny Depp in The Nightmare on Elm Street
Jennifer Hudson in Dreamgirls

0 votes

Peter Ostrum in Willy Wonka an the Chocolate Factory
Katharine Houghton in Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

0 votes

Otto (the copilot) from Airplane!
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.9 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Everything Everywhere All at Once is one of those rare films where I can't think of the appropriate words to describe it. It's a thrilling and emotional spectacle brimming with unique visuals and is a true cinematic rollercoaster.
The narrative is part family drama, and part mind bending sci-fi. The family drama is well crafted and effortless to become invested in. It's gives the characters room to breathe whilst simultaneously wasting little time before shit goes off the rails. When I say mind bending, that's exactly what it sounds like. The sci-fi element is just bonkers. The alternative universes that are shown off are memorable and colourful, and the action set pieces are joyous to behold. There's some solid martial arts on display, and multiple scenarios where you can safely say "well I've never seen that in a film before".
Towering above all of the batshit insane fun however, is the very human centre that EEAAO carries with it. The last 40 minutes or so get unashamedly existential, and accurately convey the feeling of how easy it is to feel like a failure, or to feel alone and unheard in a bustling universe. It's hard hitting but is wholesome as hell (never thought a silent and subtitled conversation between two rocks would hit me in the feels but here we are)
Michelle Yeoh is wonderful and delivers a career best performance. Stephanie Hsu is also great and it's bloody lovely to see Ke Huy Quan back with a vengeance. Jamie Lee Curtis remains easy to love, even as a pain in the arse, pro wrestling tax auditer.
The Daniels have delivered and then some in their follow up effort to the equally weird Swiss Army Man and truly deserve all the praise coming their way.
Everything Everywhere All at Once is a phenomenal experience. I can't imagine anything will beat it for my personal best film of 2022. It's a bonafide, head fucking masterpiece.
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.9 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A fun ride - with heart
The first recommendation when watching EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE is to not try to figure out what is going on in this movie during the first 1/2 hour to 45 minutes. This will drive you mad. Just sit back and enjoy the mind-bending experience you are having.

After that point, either it will click in your brain…or it won’t. If it does - great! If not…continue to sit back and enjoy the mind-bending experience you are having.

For…EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE is a trippy head-trip of a film that is certainly unique - but it also has something going for it that all good films do - characters that you will care about in a story that will touch your heart.

Written and Directed by Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert (SWISS ARMY MAN), EVERYTHING…tells the tale of unhappily married couple Evelyn Wang (Michelle Yeoh) and Waymond Wang (Ke Huy Quan), her father Gong Gong (the great James Hong) and their daughter, Joy (Stephanie Hsu). When interdimensional travel interrupts their mundane life, things get much, much more than mundane.

Yes, folks, you read that right INTERDIMENSIONAL TRAVEL - and this is not a Marvel movie! Evelyn and family start jumping to parallel dimensions, experiencing everything, everywhere…all at once (hence, the name of the film).

This is a smart, unique and visually interesting film and credit for this must go to Wang and Scheinert. They have come up with something unusual. However, they don’t just do “unusual for unusual sake” they wrap this film up - and connect the dots - in a satisfying way in the end. Oh…and they also build in some incredibly impressive fight scenes along the way. To not hype them too much, but these are the best fight scenes that have been on film in quite some time - certainly the most interesting and unique since the JOHN WICK films.

The duo, smartly, enlisted the aid of the underappreciated - but very talented - Michelle Yeoh (CRAZY RICH ASIANS) as the protagonist of this piece. It is a wise choice for she must go from mousey housewife to kick-butt SuperHero (and everywhere in between) throughout the course of this film and her Martial Arts background comes in very, very handy. It is a bravura performance by Yeoh and it would be TERRIFIC if her name is called come awards season next year (yes, it is that good of a performance).

She is ably assisted by Hong (a veteran character actor with more than 450 credits to his name), Hsu (known for her role as Mei in THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL) and, especially Quan (the kid “Short Round” who assists the hero in INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM) - it was good to see Quan back on the big screen.

The filmmakers also sprinkle some very strong character actors/actresses in the mix here. Both Jenny Slate (Mona-Lisa Saperstein in PARKS & REC) and Harry Shum, Jr. (GLEE, CRAZY RICH ASIANS) are fun in small roles as is the aforementioned James Hong as Gong Gong (the Grandfather).

But…the person who ALMOST steals this film from Ms. Yeoh is the incomparable Jamie Lee Curtis as the somewhat overweight and out of shape IRS Agent who plays a pivotal role in Evelyn’s life across the Dimensions. It is a fun role for Curtis who is not afraid to look physically bad. Again, I would LOVE IT if she got some love come awards time next year (she won’t, but maybe in some other parallel Universe she would).

Not for everyone - the multi-dimensional travel is going to give some folks a headache as they try to figure things out - but if you surrender yourself to the wildness that is going on, and embrace the spirit and the heart of this film, you will be rewarded with a very rich film going experience.

Letter Grade: A-

8 Stars out of 10 (might move up to 9 on a rewatch) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)