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Keeping secrets is a very bad idea.
Former teenage runaway and new single mother Nadia Armstrong moves to Kingston to turn her life around. But six months after she rents a low-end apartment, her body is found on a concrete slab at an isolated construction site. Major Crimes begins piecing together her last days, uncertain if this is a case of suicide or murder. To make matters more difficult, a member of the team is leaking information to reporter Marci Stokes, putting Staff Sergeant Rouleau in a precarious position.
Meanwhile, Officer Kala Stonechild’s niece, Dawn, is secretly corresponding with her father, who’s out on early parole. Dawn isn’t sure what he wants, especially when he turns up in town uninvited. Dawn’s friend Vanessa is also keeping a dangerous secret — her relationship with an older man named Leo, who preys on young girls. And it’s not long before he has Dawn in his sights.
*Disclosure - I received a free copy for purposes of an honest review; Thank you NetGalley and Dundurn for the eARC.*
I have not read any other books in this series and this has not hindered me in any way with how I was able to pick up with the already established characters. The author did a great job of giving me just enough to give the story depth with back story tidbits.
This book has plenty of twists and turns to it to keep you engrossed from the start. I like the story-line of this book and it had relevant topics; sadly things that are happening daily in our world.
I don’t want to give too much away to the story-line but will say completely hooked me and a very surprise ending but also sad.
Will be reading the previous ones as really enjoyed this.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 11, 2020  
Today's special guest on my blog is Melissa Lenhardt - Author of the women's fiction novel THE SECRET OF YOU AND ME. Enter the #giveaway to #win a signed hardback of the book and your choice of either a FaceTime call or virtual book club visit with the Melissa Lendhardt!

True love never fades—and old secrets never die . . .

Nora hasn’t looked back. Not since she fled Texas to start a new life. Away from her father’s volatile temper and the ever-watchful gaze of her claustrophobically conservative small town, Nora has freed herself. She can live—and love—however she wants. The only problem is that she also left behind the one woman she can’t forget. Now tragedy calls her back home to confront her past—and reconcile her future.

Sophie seems to have everything—a wonderful daughter, a successful husband, and a rewarding career. Yet underneath that perfection lies an explosive secret. She still yearns for Nora—her best friend and first love—despite all the years between them. Keeping her true self hidden hasn’t been easy, but it’s been necessary. So when Sophie finds out that Nora has returned, she hopes Nora’s stay is short. The life she has built depends on it.

But they both find that first love doesn’t fade easily. Memories come to light, passion ignites, and old feelings resurface. As the forces of family and intolerance that once tore them apart begin to reemerge, they realize some things may never change—unless they demand it.
Hidden Deep (Hidden Saga, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review when I signed up for the book tour.

I loved this book so much that I had to stay up late to finish reading it because once I started I could not put it down! Ryann is a teenage girl living with her mom and grandmother and due to an "incident" that occurred when she was young, she is overly protected.

Lad is a young and mysterious man who is keeping secrets from Ryann and who also finds himself with some important decisions to make.

Nox is the arrogant band leader who also has a secret that will in time be revealed. You want to hate and love him as you find yourself questioning his ulterior motive.

The storyline kept me on my toes. I was surprised, shocked, happy and sad as I read this book and I love how the author pulled me in from the very beginning. Smooth flowing storyline and well developed characters make this a must read book and I cannot wait until the next book in this trilogy is released.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, this second entry into the Rogues Club series was much better than the first. As with the first book, the plot is unoriginal and I have read better books with the same theme, but it was still a nice, easy, and sometimes humorous read. Also, I love scarred/tortured/etc heroes, they're my weakness! :P All the characters were much more enjoyable and believable, especially Alex and Hawk (I've found that Annette Blair's secondary characters are usually more interesting than the hero and heroine, except Alex and Hawk were equally enjoyable this time), there was more humor, and overall I actually enjoyed it. My main problem was the secret keeping; there were times when I thought, "Just tell him/her you idiot!" Sometimes that can be very annoying in romances. However, as I said before, this book was a nice read to pass the time but nothing too remarkable.
What's the next best thing to a new Falco novel? I suspect it must be this latest offering from Lindsey Davis who, with her tongue firmly in cheek, introduces us to the next generation in the form of Falco's adopted daughter, Flavia Albia, who is all grown up (and indeed widowed) and, guess what? Working as a private informer out of an apartment in Fountain Court!

If you liked the Falco novels, you'll like this, but if you haven't read any then you will be able to pick this up without any confusion about the back story. We've moved on from the somewhat benign Vespasian through the short lived Titus and on to mad, bad and dangerous to know Domitian. Falco and Helena are cautiously keeping their heads down!

Davis always has a knack from bringing ancient Rome to life so you get a bit of an history lesson without even realising it.

I was quite pleased with myself for picking out the culprit about halfway in. To start with, they seem to be random, senseless killings, but all is explained by the time you turn the final page - which seems to come all too soon. There were still some surprises in there that I didn't see coming too!

My favourite bit? A throwaway remark from Albia that her dad has seem some things so secret that he probably won't be able to publish his memoirs for a couple of thousand years.... Great stuff; bring on the next instalment!

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Servitude (Reagalos #1) in Books

Sep 2, 2021 (Updated Jul 14, 2023)  
Servitude (Reagalos #1)
Servitude (Reagalos #1)
Rebecca Cohen | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SERVITUDE is the first book in the Reagalos series and we are introduced to a fantasy world where para-dimensional mathematics and portals are known and utilised.

Lornyc is the heir to the High Lord of Reagalos although no one knows about it. Methian is the heir to the Xenetra realm and has a reputation as a playboy. Keeping their relationship secret is the norm for them, until magical contracts turn up out of the blue, ensuring Lornyc becomes Methian's valet, plus other contracts to other realms he can't get out of. And then there are the whole treachery and assassination attempts to contend with.

What you have is a book that will hold your interest. There are numerous characters for you to learn about, political situations, marriages, you name it. The beginning was a bit bumpy for me and I had to work at it as I felt I had arrived halfway through already. Once you get past that, it becomes intriguing and will get you turning the pages.

I hope to see more of Methian in future books as I feel he could be a really strong character in his own right, rather than 'just' a consort. He is also heir to his own realm so... yep, I'd like to see more of him. Vella is another great character - loyal to her family, dangerous to those who cross her or those she loves.

A great, solid start to the series and I look forward to moving on from here. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 2, 2021
The Grinch (2018)
The Grinch (2018)
2018 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
After watching The Grinch my heart grew three times.

This is the first time that I've ever encountered The Grinch... yes, ever. Apart from calling people a grinch when they moan about Christmas. Never read the book, never seen previous incarnations. I really don't know how.

I'm really pleased that this film was good. After most of Secret Life Of Pets and all of Sing I was starting to lose faith in Illumination. This is a much better offering and genuinely a nice film. It's funny, it's thoughtful and it's Christmassy all rolled into one.

Despite the film being called The Grinch the stars of the show were Max and Fred. Max shows you just how happy a dog can be all of the time even if they're surrounded by negative feelings, and Fred, well... those puppy dog eyes... good boys! I did also love Cindy-Lou Who. That kids has a fantastic eye for gadgets that must come from repeated viewings of other holiday classics like Home Alone.

There really isn't a lot else to say about this other than it's a great film. Cindy-Lou is a great motivational speaker and the whole film in general fills you with the desire to do good things and take a new perspective on things... well it did for me... this film might have brainwashed me.

As a little extra we also take a step back to the good old days where you got a cartoon before the main screening! Yellow Is The New Black. An amusing diversion. Those poor little minions.

(P.S. The reason this is getting four and a half stars and not five is that the alarm clock. If you've seen the trailer you'll understand my slight disappointment... I suppose what they've done is more in keeping though. *grumpy sigh*)

What you should do

Don't be a Grinch. You should go and see this... kids, no kids, it doesn't really matter. It's brilliant animation with a wonderful story to tell.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'll take a giant portion of Cindy-Lou's ingenuity please!
Behemoth (Leviathan, #2)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As the world plunges into The Great War, the Leviathan travels to the Ottoman Empire in hopes of keeping the peace with the Emperor. Follow Deryn and Alek as they travel around the world. These books abound with secret missions, new beasts and machines, hidden lies and truths that are (FINALLY) revealed and many historical figures encountered. As you may have guessed, I have a problem with binge reading. When I find a series that I am IN LOVE with, I won't stop until I am finished! However, most of the time I need to wait six months to a year before the next installment. Thankfully that was not the case with Mr. Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan Trilogy. My favorite beastie by far is the perspicacious loris. I want one!!! It was so much fun reading this alternate history of WWI. Learning a few interesting details about the war that did in fact happen along the way. Although Mr. Westerfeld has made some definite changes to history in this book, it was very entertaining and engrossing. I love the whole idea behind this series.
The First to Lie
The First to Lie
Hank Phillippi Ryan | 2020 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who Do You Trust When You Are Surrounded by Lies?
As this book opens, we meet two women. Nora has just taken a job as a sales rep for a Boston based pharmaceutical company. However, she is not that interested in selling the product. Instead, she is keeping her identity a secret so she can try to find some kind of dirt on the company. Meanwhile, Ellie is a reporter who has just gotten a job at a Boston news station that is about to relaunch itself. She is planning a story on the same pharmaceutical company, but she is having trouble getting sources to go on the record. But in a world where everyone is lying, who can be trusted?

This book is a twisty thriller, and the less you know going into the story the better. Once again, Hank Phillippi Ryan has concocted a story that kept me engrossed from start to finish. Along the way, we get the story from several different points of view and in two distinct timelines, but it was always easy to follow what is going on, and all that information came into play before the story was over. I liked and sympathized with most of the characters. There was one character I found very annoying. We were supposed to find her annoying, but even so, she bugged me. I did feel like the timeline was a little off in one part, and I believe there was a continuity error as well. Overall, these are minor issues as I enjoyed the book while I raced to find out what was going to happen next.

mostlyinpyjamas (13 KP) rated Still Me in Books

Nov 25, 2017  
Still Me
Still Me
Jojo Moyes | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
First chapter has me hooked.
I was lucky enough to receive a sample of the new Jojo Moyes book, Still Me, via Netgalley.

The blurb; Lou Clark is back in the ALL NEW Jojo Moyes novel Still Me, follow-up to the Number One international bestsellers Me Before You and After You. Read the first chapter here! Lou Clark knows too many things . . . She knows how many miles lie between her new home in New York and her new boyfriend Sam in London. She knows her employer is a good man and she knows his wife is keeping a secret from him. What Lou doesn’t know is she’s about to meet someone who’s going to turn her whole life upside down. Because Josh will remind her so much of a man she used to know that it’ll hurt. Lou won’t know what to do next, but she knows that whatever she chooses is going to change everything.


I absolutely love Jojo Moyes’ books, she writes in a way that gently pulls you in without you even realising, then by the end of the first chapter you know you’re completely hooked.

I’ve only read the first chapter of Still Me but already I feel as if I’ve met up with an old friend – Lou Clark – and can’t wait to see what’s next for her.

The story begins with Lou arriving in New York, about to start a new job as a companion to ‘a rich mans wife who gets depressed’.

I’m looking forward to reading about life with the Gopnik family and the adventures Lou will have on Fifth Avenue New York.

The only trouble with reading the first chapter of Still Me is that now I have to wait until 25th January 2018 to read the rest of the book.