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Public Image: First Issue by Public Image Ltd
Public Image: First Issue by Public Image Ltd
1978 | Punk
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I prefer Metal Box, but this is a wonderful album and it just shows you where Lydon was culturally at that point in time. And he was obviously a bright fella. In interviews he was always talking about bands like Hawkwind and Can, so you always knew he was going to come from the left field, but the album didn't sound like anything else. I mean, Wobble's bass, Donut [Jim Walker]'s drumming, Keith Levene's guitar. I saw them play and Keith Levene had that metal guitar and he broke string after string during every song, Wobble was just sat down, and the whole thing just captured the bedlam but it just wasn't delivering what people were expecting. If you listen to 'Religion', it is just so cutting and stark and amazing; he channelled all of the anger that he had in a way that he couldn't with the Pistols because he wasn't being manipulated. He was cynical by this point because of the way he'd been treated and all the bullshit, and it all came out on this album. It was a game changer, this album."

Blue and Lonesome by The Rolling Stones
Blue and Lonesome by The Rolling Stones
2016 | Blues
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Legitimately sounds like 70's era Stones at times (0 more)
Smoky and Serene
When I heard the Stones were releasing a blues cover album, I though that Keith Richards would steal the show, but it is actually Jagger who is most prominent on this record. This album proves that the Stones have still got it and at times, they sound just like they did when they were in their 30's. If you are a Stones fan or a fan of blues music in general, then this is essential.
Appetite for Destruction by Guns N' Roses
Appetite for Destruction by Guns N' Roses
1987 | Rock
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Paradise City by Guns N' Roses

(0 Ratings)


"The climax. The euphoria that comes from that intro. You know everything's going to be OK. You can feel they've gone through this hell, and they've arrived at this place that didn't really do them any good. They broke up, but it's a massively positive song, and it's absolutely fantastic. People say they didn't fulfil their potential - Keith Richards says bands don't stay together long enough - but really? They didn't have to. That one album is up there with Never Mind The Bollocks, with with any classic debut album. It's up there. Totally.""


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Guardians in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
The Guardians
The Guardians
Josh Grisham | 2020 | Law, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of the best John Grisham books I’ve read in quite some time! It’s a strong, captivating story featuring the “good guys” versus “bad guys” dynamic that Grisham does so well.

Cullen Post works for Guardian Ministries, traveling the country fighting wrongful convictions. Guardian takes on clients forgotten by the system. Post, a lawyer and Episcopal minister, finds himself drawn to their latest client, Quincy Miller, who is serving life in prison. Quincy supposedly killed Keith Russo, a lawyer in Seabrook, Florida. He’s been in prison for over twenty years. And now Post is realizing that Quincy’s case is going to ensnare him and Guardian in a dangerous world—powerful people killed Keith Russo, and they do not want Quincy Miller exonerated.

"I have saddled myself with the burdens of innocent people rotting away in prison while rapists and murderers roam free."

This book has the legal and dramatic hallmarks of a strong Grisham novel. I was drawn to Post immediately and quickly caught up in Quincy’s case and Post and Guardian’s world. There are lots of twists and turns and surprises as Post works to free Quincy. I love the details Grisham throws in, plus the peeks into the courtroom, tidbits about examining evidence, and more. It’s a powerful read that gives you plenty to think about. Definitely worth a read! 4 stars.
L.A. Witt | 2013
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.75 stars

I haven't read a dystopian story in quite a while so this was a nice change. And I actually quite liked it. The storyline wasn't something I'd read before and I was intrigued how it would play out.

I was really into it until about 70% when it went a little awry for me. Aiden vanished from Keith's life for a while and like Keith I was a little WTF? And then I wasn't totally convinced by the reasoning behind it to start with...but the last 10% or so made up for it.

It was an interesting take on what the future might be like.

Wayne Coyne recommended The Kids are Alright in TV (curated)

The Kids are Alright
The Kids are Alright
2018 | Comedy
(0 Ratings)
TV Show Favorite

"More than any other band, the Who put that thing in me that made me who I am now, and this documentary told their story in a way that really zapped me. That connection you see between Pete Townshend and Keith Moon: you rarely see people get so possessed by their music, their energy and connection to each other. Then there’s Roger Daltrey being this flawless singer, an angel, in the chaos of it all. This documentary shows how much of the band’s exuberance is in their music, and when we’re watching their performances being constructed, I don’t see them being fakes – I see them making art out of their imaginations."


Sean Lennon recommended Live Evil by Miles Davis in Music (curated)

Live Evil by Miles Davis
Live Evil by Miles Davis
1970 | Jazz
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I have three copies of Live Evil on vinyl because I play it so much. My favourite period of Miles Davis is from Bitches Brew to Big Fun, but in terms of the musicians on it, this is a compilation so you get almost every musician he played with in that period. Hermeto Pascoal is on it, and Airto Moreira – usually it's just one of those guys. John McLaughlin's on it, Billy Cobham my favourite drummer and Jack DeJohnette, my other favourite drummer. On the same song! Keith Jarrett, Herbie Hancock, Joe Dallin... you get all the greats of that period on one record. In terms of the Miles Davies free form jazz album, that's the one to get."

The Best of Keith Sweat by Keith Sweat
The Best of Keith Sweat by Keith Sweat
2004 | Rhythm And Blues, Soul
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"See I’m a Pisces so I get down with love songs. I’m totally into slow jams and old-school R&B, all that. As far as R. Kelly and Usher, all that shit is really cool, but this Best of Keith Sweat is the most flawless album. You can throw it on and every song is legit. The beats are dope. People have sampled a lot of his shit. I just think it’s probably the best album to put on and freaking make love to your woman. ‘How Deep Is Your Love’ is the track for sure. That is such a heavy bass. Celly Cel from the Bay sampled it, ‘It’s Goin Down.’ That one is legit"

Weekends with Daisy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of the best books that I've read in a while, to be honest. I was pleased with the lovely Daisy. There's a grouping of pictures in the middle of the book, so I paused to look at them when I came across them and was happy to see that Daisy had been matched with a little boy (their picture was included), but disappointed to have the ending ruined for me because at that point in the book, they were still wondering if Daisy was going to make it through the training.

It's one thing to say to lock a murderer or another inmate up forever and throw away the key, but it's another thing to have a name and a face to that story. Thinking of Keith still in jail for the crime that he committed so long ago really was scary. While obviously he needed to pay for what he had done, it is amazing to think that one decision had so many consequences. Fortunately for Keith, I believe that dogs like Daisy are a great outlet for people in his situation. With their need to pass the time doing something positive, I think training dogs for the disabled is an excellent way to help not only the inmates themselves, but the community around all of us.

I've always said that one day I wanted to train a service dog puppy, however, I will have to keep this in mind when I reach that point in my life. Being a weekend puppy raiser sounds hard as hell, but so fulfilling.
Aftermath  by The Rolling Stones
Aftermath by The Rolling Stones
1966 | Compilation

"Aftermath is one of my favourite Stones albums because it's the first record Mick and Keith wrote all the songs on, there were no covers. It was recorded at RCA studios in Los Angeles in-between dates of their American tours. It has great tracks like 'Under My Thumb', 'I Am Waiting', 'Stupid Girl', 'Lady Jane' and 'Goin' Home'. It has incredible sounds like a distorted bass, which is almost like a pre-Public Image, post-punk bass sound. Also, Brian Jones plays the marimba, harpsichord, sitar and loads of other different instruments. It's a very interesting album and one of my favourites. It sounds more like an American record than an English one. It sounds like the Stones have finally found their voice. A beautiful record with a cool cover as well."
