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Merissa (11928 KP) rated Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3) in Books

May 17, 2022 (Updated Jun 19, 2023)  
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
INTELLIGENCE CHECK is the third book in the Dungeons and Dating series, and it's time for Mase and Hunter. I was 'slightly' excited at the thought of this book and, let me tell you, I was not disappointed.

Mase is a perfect little ray of sunshine... on the outside. Inside, he is dealing with the loss of his twin sister, all the feelings that encompasses, plus normal things like trying to finish school and pay all his bills. Hunter, on the other hand, keeps himself to himself. He doesn't ask much of anyone, knowing all too well the feeling of being let down.

These two! Oh, my days. I love them so much. Two perfect-for-each-other puzzle pieces that slot together with ease. Well, not too much ease, because there's the whole 'issues from the past' to contend with, but you get my meaning. They do have their issues to deal with but they do the mature thing, in that they give each other space when needed, no matter how painful it may be, and communicate with each other.

It's a slow-burn romance in that Hunter isn't prepared to take advantage of Mason when he's drunk. Mason thinks he's been rejected by Hunter, and then Hunter thinks the same when Mason doesn't mention it again. Remember I said they communicated? Yeah, well, maybe not so much to begin with! 😆

This was a fantastic addition to the series that also let me catch up with Roxie and Mel, plus Cal and Julian. Now, I just need to know what's going on with Kelly! A brilliant book that I have no hesitation in highly recommending!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 12, 2022
The Salt House
The Salt House
Lisa Duffy | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hope and Jack Kelly's life changes irrevocably when their young daughter, Maddie, doesn't wake up from her nap. Hope, working a few rooms away from Maddie's crib, is paralyzed by grief and unable to return her to freelance writing job or really, most portions of her life. Jack, meanwhile, throws himself into work to escape the pain: spending hours away from his family on his lobster boat. Maddie's two older sisters, Jess and Kat, are forced to deal with the loss of their sister while watching their parents fall apart. Young Kat is trying to make sense of it all, while teenage Jess struggles watching her parents argue constantly. Then Jack's childhood rival, Finn, returns to town: threatening Jack's fishing territory and sanity.

This is a raw, heartbreaking novel full of real emotion. It's honestly awful and a little gut-wrenching at times: it's so powerfully written that it made me want to hold my two young daughters extra close. The brutal reactions and grief of poor Hope and Jack are tough to read, as is watching their children struggle.

Duffy is an excellent writer: the book is quite well-done. The story unfolds a year after Maddie's death and is told in varying perspectives by each member of the Kelly family. She captures each of their voices perfectly, even young Kat, who may be the best of all.

There is certainly some drama in this novel, though it's mainly the story of two hurt people coping in their own (stubborn) way. My heart went out to Hope, and I quite liked her two daughters, but I found myself often frustrated with Jack, even though I recognized he was grieving. Even so, his stupidity and inability to communicate drove me a bit crazy at times.

This is a well-written story of family, grief, and love. It's not always an easy read, but it's a certainly a worthy one.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 06/13/2017.

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Louise (64 KP) rated George in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Alex Gino | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this book up for the #AntiBullyReads readathon and wow I am so glad I did. In 2015 there was a lot of hype going around booktube about this book about how important this book was. So I got myself a copy and year down the line I actually managed to read it and loved it.

George is a 10-year-old boy on the outside but on the inside he is a girl and has felt like one for a long time. George wants to be accepted for who she truly is but she is terrified of the repercussions of telling her family and friends. George’s school is putting on play – Charlotte’s Web – George wants a part, not just any part, the main part. She wants to play Charlotte. George and her best friend Kelly practice for the part and knows every line, every pause, she has the perfect timing to become the star of the show. When George auditions the Teacher thinks it’s a joke and says that she can have any other part but there is only one part George wants.

I pretty much-loved all the characters in this book and their actions and thoughts were so impactful as to George’s journey. There were characters that made me angry but then they realised that they were in the wrong and some characters (Headteacher)made me swell up with happiness and gratitude that they recognised George for who she really is.
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This is the first book that I have read with a transgender character and what it means to be transgender too and would like to read some other books that deal with topic.

I really enjoyed this story, it is sensitively written, packed full of emotion and a very important read for anybody. There needs to be more diverse books for Middle-Grade to read and then maybe (hopefully..fingers crossed)there will be less bullying and stigma in the world. This book may be written for Middle-Grade but should be read by everyone and definitely recommend.

I rated this 4 out of 5 stars.
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)
2011 | Sci-Fi, Romance
7.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story David Norris (Matt Damon) is running for congress when a story gets released cause his ratings to slide. It is now upon Harry (Anthony Mackie) to fix this to make sure David wins and follows his destine path. David goes on to win and thanks to a chance meeting with Elise (Emily Blunt) gives one of the best speeches people have heard boosting his chances of running for senate.

The next morning Harry misses the chance he has to stop David getting on a bus to work, on this bus he meet Elise again cause his destiny to be changed. After getting her phone number he arrives at work only to discover that Charlie (Michael Kelly) his campaign manager and his office had been frozen by Richardson (John Slattery) and his team for adjustments. After seeing behind the curtain Richardson burns the number putting David back on his path, warning David not to find Elise and not tell anyone about the people making peoples lives happen.

David is left trying to keep his destine line while always trying to find Elise can he beat the adjustment team watch and you will see.

Verdict The headline review was ‘Bourne meets Inception’ and in a way it is having a way of controlling someones life by make chances things happen. the action chases are well constructed without even having to use guns. David love for Elise is strong with all the obstacles and sacrifices he makes for the idea of a better futures. This is a strong action thriller that everyone should enjoy but you would have to watch from start to finish and will struggle if picked up half way through.

Best quote Elise ‘ I’m not some hopeless romantic, I would never allow myself to be that way, but once I’ve fell, even for a moment, what I felt with you’

Favourite character Harry David personal watcher who explains the rules and breaks some too

Stand out performance Matt Damon he gives his normal strong performance as an important figure who takes risks

Best moment The door chase

Worst Moment Maybe being picky but maybe more explanation of the year gaps
Heartbreak at Roosevelt Ranch (Roosevelt Ranch #2)
Heartbreak at Roosevelt Ranch (Roosevelt Ranch #2)
Elise Faber | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heartbreak at Roosevelt Ranch is the second book in the Roosevelt Ranch series, and this time we get to know more about Miss (Melissa), Kelly's sister. She is married to Rob who had recently had a promotion at work, but the cost of this appears to be their marriage.

I was a bit worried about this book before I started it. Call me sappy but I hate to read stories about a marriage gone wrong although I don't mind if they're already divorced or separated. Consider it one of my quirks! Instead, what I found was a story that had me invested from the very beginning. Yes, Miss and Rob's marriage was in danger. Yes, they BOTH had work to do to put it right. And yes, Rob did make some stupid decision's to do with his career. NEITHER of them was blameless, and it took both of them to see it and to try to work it through.

Celeste was the other woman and all I saw was a woman trying waaaay too hard. Every moment that Rob was thinking about her, he was comparing her to Miss, and Miss always came out first. Rob is married, that doesn't mean he stops seeing other women around him, or can appreciate their qualities. So long as he doesn't touch and doesn't wander, I don't see the problem. I can't remember who said it, but "I can look at the menu, honey. I just don't order anything anymore!"

There are some questions left after reading this, questions that Miss also has, so you never know, they may be answered in future books. I'm sure Miss and Rob will play a part in those, just like Justin and Kelly played a part in this one.

The pacing was smooth and the writing intricate enough to keep my interest. The characters build up from the previous book, and I loved the internal thoughts of both Miss and Rob. This was a great addition to the series, and I have no hesitation in recommending it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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