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The Upside (2019)
The Upside (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Bryan Cranston (1 more)
Kevin Hart
Originality (0 more)
If you go into this film expecting to see a lighthearted, well-acted, sentimental comedy, you probably won't be disappointed.

Full Review:
Ride Along (2014)
Ride Along (2014)
2014 | Action, Comedy
I will make this review quick and easy. This movie is simple. Simple pedestrian
story, simple shells of characters with no depth and simple jokes. This is the
kind of movie that you go watch, enjoy yourself and forget about ten minutes
after you walk out of the theater. Is that bad? Not as long as have the right
expectations going in.

If your expectations are the following, you will
have a good time:

– Fans of Kevin Hart going to see Kevin Hart be Kevin
– Introducing your significant other or parents to Kevin Hart
– Looking for a laugh at matinee movie prices
– Expecting to see a
simple version of the buddy cop genre

If your expectations are the
following, you will be disappointed:

– Expecting this movie to be as
funny as Friday because Ice Cube is in it
– Expecting Ice Cube to be
anything but devoid of personality
– Expecting Kevin Hart to be as funny as
his stand up
– Expecting the duo to do the buddy cop genre justice

That’s really about all there is to say about this film. Did I enjoy
myself? Yes I did, because I went in with the right type of expectations. But I
honestly cannot remember much about the movie or many of the jokes as I write
this review two days after watching it. So that should count for something.

Chloe (778 KP) rated Get Hard (2015) in Movies

Aug 2, 2020 (Updated Aug 2, 2020)  
Get Hard (2015)
Get Hard (2015)
2015 | Comedy
6.1 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Funny (3 more)
Good skits
Great characters
Interesting story
Quite racist/homophobic (0 more)
Great innuendos
Kevin Hart and Will Pharrell work really well together, although Kevin Hart looks so small in comparison.

The story is clever with some really funny over the top parts. I absolutely loved the gay cafe scene, really tickled me.

Just generally all round funny film. There is a lot of racism and homophobic jokes but they are funny, just wasnt sure if thay would be everyone's cup of tea.
The Upside (2019)
The Upside (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
The performances given by Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston were great (1 more)
The range of emotions that the viewer goes through while watching film is an epic rollercoaster
So it's not exactly the most original story (0 more)
Central Intelligence (2016)
Central Intelligence (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy
6.9 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Action comedy starring Kevin Hart and Deayne ('the Rock') Johnson, in which the latter has fun playing against type as a former overweight victim of school bullying who now works for (or does he?) the CIA