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Hard Truths (Kiss Her Goodbye #1)
Hard Truths (Kiss Her Goodbye #1)
Rebecca Royce | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved it!
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I’m Everly Marrs, and I’ll be damned before I lose myself to the men that kidnapped me.

I had plans, big plans. I had my pretty little life outlined: Graduate school and get a job in social work—maybe even one day marry a nice man who actually knew what he was doing in bed. But everything changed when I woke up in a strange place with five men who insisted I call them D, W, J, K, and T.

The Letters.

They told me that the world wasn’t what it seemed. I lived my life thinking that I was in control of my own destiny, but in actuality they controlled everything. The world was their playground and I was just another ant, marching in line to the beat of their drum.

The Letters kidnapped me to force my father’s hand, and they couldn’t promise me safe passage. I knew my place in all of this but still found myself losing who I was to their games.

I’m Everly Marrs, and I’ll save myself if I have to.

<strong>Loved it</strong>

This first Royce book. I loved it!!
I loved the characters , the action both inside and outside the bedroom! It's definitely left me wanting so much more. Also wanting to be kidnapped by 5 burley men hahaha. The book flowed brilliantly and i really enjoyed her writing style definitely looking forward to reading more of her books.

It wasn't your usual happy ending it ended as hard as it started!!


Assault & Beret (Hat Shop Mystery, #5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cousins Vivian and Scarlett are in Paris, Vivian to teach a hat making class, and Scarlett to track down Vivian’s husband, Will. That search actually goes fairly quickly, but Vivian and Will have hardly reunited when he is kidnapped. Now Scarlett has to track him down again. But what is happening?

I hadn’t realized how much I missed Jenn’s writing until I started this book and fell under her spell once again. It engages us from the very beginning, but things really pick up once Will is kidnapped and the real complications start happening. One aspect of the plot isn’t explained, but it is easy to surmise what happened. We meet some fun new characters, but the series regulars manage to find their way over as the book progresses, and they are a delight as always.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.