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The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride
William Goldman | 1973 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (53 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Princess Bride
By William Goldman
Review: Christina Haynes

In a place called Florin there lives a woman called Buttercup. Although I say 'lives' Buttercup actually died. She died on the day her true love Westley was killed on his ship after the Dread Pirate Roberts attacked.

So when I say lived, she is alive of course. But she cannot love another nor does she want too. In fact she doesn't really want to do anything. She doesnt even want to marry Prince Humberdink, who proposes to her, to which she only accepts because the Prince threatens her with death.

After Buttercup learns how to be a Princess, like the correct way to walk and talk, and eat and what to wear. She becomes a Princess, Princess Buttercup. Her engagement is announced to the public and the date it set. All sounds okay? Well not, because she gets kidnapped by a Sicilian, a Turk and a Spaniard.

Her kidnapping, though it's not the beginning of the book, it is the start of the story. If that makes sense? You see if she wasn't kidnapped and the Dread Pirate Roberts [SPOILER Westley] didn't rescue her, then there wouldn't be a story.

There is sword fighting, love, revenge, humor, a battle of the wits, Princesses, Princes, Kings and Queens and a Miracle Man called Max. This book is full of fun, comical writing. There are morons and fools in the book. It's a truly great and funny book to read.

I first watched the Princess Bride on the TV when I was younger (you see it's a film too) and I loved it, it quickly became one of my favourites. This book although extremely long. (It does make the film seem really short) it's really good.

In the book, each character has a background, some sad, some happy and some just okay. I loved the one about the Spaniard the best. This book has everything you would want.
Love, Christina


ClareR (5667 KP) rated Mother May I in Books

Aug 2, 2021  
Mother May I
Mother May I
Joshilyn Jackson | 2021 | Contemporary, Thriller
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mother May I was an unputdownable book for me - a high octane thriller, where a mother must follow, to the letter, the instructions of the woman who has kidnapped her infant son.

Bree Cabbat has a storybook life. She wants for nothing, has beautiful children, and a caring, handsome husband. She has come from a life of poverty, and she knows just how lucky she is. Bree doesn’t want anyone to take this life away from her.

When a witch-like character kidnaps her son and tells her that she has to do a job for her - and that she has to follow the instructions to the letter, Bree agrees. She has no other choice. The thought of a child being kidnapped, no matter their age, is horrifying.

As the story progressed, I found myself a little unnerved to find myself empathising with the baby’s kidnapper: she has a pretty compelling reason for her actions. And Bree feels the same way. She has a similar background to the woman, and knows how hard it is to claw your way out of poverty - and how easy it is to fall even lower. The fact that the kidnapper has her baby is ever present in Bree’s mind. She doesn’t forgive her because of her life experiences. Bree just wants to do what the witch has told her to do, and to get her son back.

Bree learns that her husband has kept a pretty big secret, and it has been the cause of not just their own plight. Will their marriage survive this?

To be fair, I wasn’t much concerned with the state of Bree’s marriage for much of this book. I was more interested in the relationship between Bree and her son’s kidnapper.

This book is gripping. I’m warning you now: don’t pick this book up if you know you’re going to have to put it down soon after. You won’t want to!

Another great thriller from Joshilyn Jackson - highly recommended!
White Rabbit, Red Wolf
White Rabbit, Red Wolf
Tom Pollock | 2018 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great YA book about a teenage boy (Pete) who has an extreme anxiety disorder. Oh, and he's a maths prodigy too. His mother is a very well-respected scientist. His twin sister, Bel, seems to be just your run of the mill teenager, who gets in to a bit of trouble as she's a bit handy with her fists (usually sticking up for Pete). The three of them go to the Natural History Museum in London to collect an award for their mother - and this is where it all goes horribly wrong. Their mother is stabbed, Bel disappears, and Pete is kidnapped.
Some very likeable main characters (particularly Pete and Bel), some typically 'mean' spies, a fair bit of maths (which I admit to skimming over: maths isn't really my thing, I'm afraid!), and lots of action.
A great book, which I'm sure adults and teenagers alike will enjoy!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for their serialisation!
The Pumilio Child
The Pumilio Child
Judy McInerney | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ya Ling is kidnapped from her well-off Chinese family and sold in to slavery in 15th century Italy. Mantegna, a Renaissance artist, buys her with money that he can't really afford to spend, and takes her home to a very disapproving wife and household.
Ya Ling is admirable calm and stoic through all of her trials and tribulations, and eventually work as a respected healer, as her family taught her back in China.
The author really makes you feel for the characters in her novel - pity and later pride for Ya Ling, and hatred for some of the less virtuous male characters. It's a book that reflects the times very well: men, and men in the church especially, hold all the cards. Women are held in very low esteem. And women who are in any way different from the accepted norms are in danger of the ecclesiastical courts.
I read this on 'The Pigeonhole', a social reading platform, and really enjoyed the whole experience.

RavenclawPrincess913 (253 KP) created a post

Feb 25, 2019  
I 100% reccomend this book you will not regret reading it. It was so hard to put down.

In The Traitors Game by Jennifer A. Nielsen the main character Kestra goes through many obstacles to claim the Olden Blade. I was hooked from the start of the book which has now become one of my favorites. When Kestra was kidnapped and blackmailed on her way back to wood court I knew Tenger could not be trusted but something in my gut told me to trust Simon. Also, at the inn when Thorne came I knew something was up. I did not expect Darrow to end up being her true father and her being half Endrean. Also, didn't expect Simon to be the rightful aire to the throne.

I love Kestra's and Simon's relationship and hope it grows stronger throughout the series. I also hope Jennifer A. Nielsen continues to write amazing books.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Everybody Knows (Todos Lo Saben) (2018) in Movies

Mar 12, 2019 (Updated Mar 12, 2019)  
Everybody Knows (Todos Lo Saben) (2018)
Everybody Knows (Todos Lo Saben) (2018)
2018 | Drama, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Spanish-language Euro-drama from Iranian director Asghar Farhadi is about as odd a fish as you might expect. Family wedding is going well until Penelope Cruz's daughter is kidnapped; much stressed is placed on everyone involved and their relationships, causing secrets to bubble to the surface in an unwelcome (to say the least) manner.

The thriller elements are definitely a bit of a red herring, as for much of the film the plight of the missing girl seems to get rather forgotten about while everyone sits or stands around articulating their personal baggage and unfinished emotional business. It does get a bit slow and talky (I believe I dozed off for a few moments), but the performances are meaty, involving ones with Cruz and Bardem showing every bit of their star quality and acting ability. Too well-scripted to really qualify as a melodrama, but certainly slices itself a thick slab of theatrical ham; performances make it a worthwhile watch.
The Sealwoman's Gift
The Sealwoman's Gift
Sally Magnusson | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is set in 17th century Iceland, and based on the true story of the kidnapping and enslavement of 250 Icelanders in Algiers.
We follow a Pastors family, Olafur and his wife Asta, as they and their family are kidnapped by corsairs and pirates, and sold off separately to their owners. Olafur is sent back to Denmark to seek a ransom, but he fails. So we follow the life of Asta, how she lives and adapts in the house of Cilleby, and how she copes with the loss of her children and husband.
The Icelandic Sagas are Asta’s Means of escape and comfort, and in telling them she gets Cilleby onside and makes her own life more comfortable. She refuses to give up her Lutheran belief, and believes that she will be reunited with her family - at least in death - because of this.
This was such a touching novel, and the narrator (I listened on Audible) really did the story justice.
The Last Detective (Elvis Cole, #9)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
While PI Elvis Cole is watching his girlfriend Lucy’s son, Ben is kidnapped. The caller says it is payback for something in Cole’s past, but he can’t figure out what that might be. As more people get involved in the case, the kidnapping puts a strain on Elvis’s relationship with Lucy. Can he find Ben?

This is a thrilling read from start to finish. Since we have gotten to know Lucy and Ben over the last couple of books, we care about the outcome here. I was so pulled in at the climax that I didn’t want to stop. The characters are strong as well, including Elvis and his partner Joe Pike. They are becoming more human. The flashbacks to Elvis’s past help with that, and they manage to be as engrossing as the main story instead of slowing it down.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Hospital Sketches
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was a good thing to have read but it strongly underscored a painfully ignorant romanticized view of war that Americans are so fond of. She did not see children shot on the road in cold blood, she did not see officers give their men permission to rape any woman who disrespected them. She did not see the pow camps, did not see grandmothers and babies dead of exposure in the snow. She did not see the factory worker women (largely woc) kidnapped, raped over many days, and then abandoned hundreds of miles from home with nothing. There were no “white saviors” here or anywhere. War is not Romantic. Even the “Just Cause” lies on a bed of sending boys with little (if any) stake in the disagreement to maim and kill and torture other boys like themselves because old men can’t be bothered to work out their disputes at a table and instead delight in laying waste to their Nation’s youth.

Stormy (1 KP) rated Caraval in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Stephanie Garber | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantasy at its finest
Every girl dreams of being thrown into a mystery full of magic, love and wonder... but at what price?

Scarlett dreams of the world of Caraval for years, begs for them to visit so she can see the show. Finally she is accepted to attend a private show with her sister before she is to be married to a man she has never even met.

She is thrust into a world of adventure with her sister and an unlikely companion, but the unlikely one is always the one you should watch out for.

After her sister is kidnapped Scarlett what complete the game is get her back unharmed. This book if full of mind games, magic, and plenty of adventure. It is sure to keep you interested until the last page. I for one can't wait to read the next book!!

Just remember, all the best books have a suprise twist at the end!