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Ghost Huntress Book 1 the Awakening
Ghost Huntress Book 1 the Awakening
Marley Gibson | 2009 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of my favorite book series
This book series is so under-rated! It's got a great story line and is an all around great young adult read. Just a little background, a girl gets moved from Illinois to Georgia because her dad got a better job. On top of not knowing many people, weird things start happening to her she then gets help from a lady in town to use her new gift. When she teams up with a few kids from school they become a great team in helping the lost souls in her historic new town.
This a fun filled Classic. The kids in this book go to Blueberry Island and find a Mystery. Though before they do they are in a mystery before leaving.

The two sets of twins are independent and though they also follow though with listening to their father and mother. To start this book they see the caravans that they think that are a part of the curious well the little twins do. There father comes home to find out what the problem is in the street near this house.

This book is great for children and quite enjoyable. I would recommend it.
1935 | Business / Industrial, Economic
The best way to ruin friendships
The classic monopoly game really brings out the worst in people, as the need to keep giving the same person money repeatedly becomes very frustrating. When playing with kids, I have found we have to agree that once someone has bought the first property of a group, nobody can buy the rest. Without such rules anarchy would reign.
The game takes quite a long time to play and technically only ends when someone runs out of money and properties completely, which can take days.
Not really enjoyable but an excellent concept (the junior version is much better).
Forbidden Island
Forbidden Island
2010 | Adventure, Card Game, Fantasy
Good introduction to cooperative play (1 more)
Too simple (0 more)
Forbidden Island does a great job of introducing players to cooperative play. If you have played Pandemic before, you probably don't need to purchase this game. If you have not, I would highly recommend purchasing to give you and your friends a great introduction to the basic mechanics. It would also be a great way to ease kids into more complicated game mechanics.

Also, it comes in a metal tin, which I wish more companies would do. While more of my cardboard boxes aren't holding up well, this one still looks great.
The Difference a Day Makes
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I spent the majority of this book hating the main character! She complained about everything! I mean come on lady...get-up for an adventure! Change isn't always a bad thing!

Then I had to remind's just a book!

I loved how this one ended! At the risk of a **SPOILER** I will say...she came around in the end and did the right thing for herself & her kids!

I did however LOVE the dog! Hamish is so like my Daisy!

A solid 4 is Carole Matthews so it's a minimum of 3 for me anyway!!!

Jewels (684 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

Jun 21, 2018  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
TV (2 more)
Original programming
Limited streaming to 4 devices (0 more)
We use Netflix a lot. It has a lot if movies and shows to choose from. The biggest downside for me is the limit of streaming to 4 devices at a time. I have a large family, so obviously there are times when we all want to watch something different, but it limits us to how many of use can use it. My kids also get irritated when their favorites are removed from streaming to make room for new selections. Wish there was a way to keep more of their favorites available to them.
Under the Skin (2014)
Under the Skin (2014)
2014 | Sci-Fi
Found this one on Netflix. Strange movie with Scarlett Johanson playing a woman who likes men to a place where their bodies are consumed by a strange black goo. She starts to realize there's something different about herself and goes on a trip to figure it out. Quite a bit of nudity(full frontal- metal and female) so I wouldn't say it's something for the kids. The acting was pretty decent and everything else was adequate. The story unfolds a little slowly but if you're into sci-fi it'll keep your attention. Worth a watch.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 23, 2018



Dork_knight74 (881 KP) created a post

Jul 1, 2018  
Watched a thriller called "Bad Frank" on Amazon. Starred a guy named Kevin Interdonato, with Tom Sizemore as the villain. The acting was ok. As was the cinematography. It's about a guy with a violent past who's "living right" but something happens that reunites him with that past and it causes problems in his present life and he comes unhinged. There's some partial nudity, and some violence so I wouldn't let the kids watch this one. The story unfolds with a couple decent twists and an intense ending. It's not the greatest movie I've seen but it's worth a watch if you're bored.
The Captive (2014)
The Captive (2014)
2014 | Mystery
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Found this one on Netflix. It stars Ryan Reynolds, Scott Speedman and Rosario Dawson. It's a movie about a couple whose daughter is kidnapped by a group of people who like to watch children online being abused. The game her for 8yrs and use her to lure other children online to meet them. This movie is an excellent crime drama. They don't show anything graphic but there's mild violence and cursing. I would say kids could watch this to see the dangers of meeting strangers on line. All around the acting, cinematography and storyline are great. This one is really worth a watch!

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) rated Shimmer Lake (2017) in Movies

Aug 2, 2018 (Updated Aug 2, 2018)  
Shimmer Lake (2017)
Shimmer Lake (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This is a Netflix original "dark comedy" crime drama. The acting was good and the cinematography was too. It's a small town crime story involving a group of people that grew up together and knew each other well. It's told in a backwards style so the events happening are shown in reverse order. The story unfolds quite well and keeps your interest the whole time. It has a few laughs and a pretty good twist to the end that isn't too predictable. I liked this movie overall. Nothing too graphic for kids either. Worth a watch!