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Maxine “Max” O’Hara is only a month away from opening her new brewpub in Pittsburg. Unfortunately, she is having very bad luck with things that keep going wrong. Her friend Kurt, who is supposed to be in charge of the kitchen, thinks it is sabotage. After he calls Max one night, she arrives to find him dead in the brewery. Was he right? Can Max find the killer before her new business tanks?

While the book started with a bang, it then slowed down a bit to set up the series before fully getting into the mystery. By the time we reached the end, things were moving quickly and I couldn’t put it down before the great ending. The characters are charming and leap off the page. I’m already looking forward to visiting them again.

NOTE: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Meg and her friend Elle are cleaning out a cottage when they stumble upon a skeleton sealed in a forgotten room. While the identity of the skeleton isn’t really a mystery, it does give rise to a lot of questions. Who sealed the man in the room? Where is the woman he supposed ran off with? Or is she the killer? Where is the painting the pair supposedly stole?

As you can see, there is plenty of compelling stuff here for a good mystery. Sadly, the book is slowed way down by Meg living her life, including things she finds for her decorating business. Ironically, I found two sub-plots that doesn’t tie into the mystery to be more compelling than the mystery for much of the book. We do get some great twists before the end, and the characters are great. Sadly, it isn’t enough to raise the book above average.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
When ten nuns arrive on South Bass Island, Bea agrees to help with their meals during their week long retreat. However, when one of the Sisters doesn’t show up for dinner, Bea finds her dead body. Is one of the other Sisters hiding a deadly grudge? Or is someone out to put a killer end to this retreat?

I was thrilled to return to South Bass Island and Bea and her friends. They are a delightful group, and I enjoyed spending time with them as always. While borrowing nicely from the setup of the Christie classic, this mystery takes off in some fun new directions. One aspect of the setup is never fully explained, although I can guess what happened as why. That’s a small quibble and my only complaint with this wonderful book.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
While exploring a corn maze, Claire Weatherly stumbles upon the body of Harley Zook. This Amish man was very kind; in fact, he was one of the few who has stood up for detective Jakob Fisher after Jakob left the Amish community to become a detective, which lead to Jakob being shunned. With the evidence pointing to Jakob’s father, Claire will have to once again act as an intermediary to find the killer.

As I’ve come to expect with this series, the characters are strong and so compelling that they really pull you into the story. The plot is good with some nice twists before the end. I am growing a little tired of Claire and how upset she is by how Jakob is treating. While I agree with her that it isn’t right, it is who they are, and getting mad and raising her voice to people isn’t going to change anything. Still, I am enjoying this series.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Georgia has reluctantly agreed to let Sid, her best friend the skeleton, star in the play at her daughter’s high school. Okay, star might be the wrong word since Sid’s skull is playing the part of Yorick in Hamlet. Either way, he’s excited to get out of the house. However, when he is accidently left at the school overnight, he hears a murder. With no body, the police won’t take Georgia seriously. Can Sid and Georgia track down the killer when they don’t know who the victim is?

This is a fun dip into the light end of the paranormal spectrum since Sid is the only paranormal element in the book. The plot is different from a normal cozy, and as a result appears to wander a bit at the beginning, but the author uses all those elements in the end before bringing us to a logical climax. Meanwhile, the characters are fun, charming, and fully fleshed out. Yes, even Sid.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Destination wedding planner Kelsey McKenna thinks she’s seen everything at a wedding. That’s why, when one of the bridesmaids collapses at the end of the ceremony she thinks the woman is just hung over. Imagine her surprise when she realizes that Dana is dead. When the police arrest the bride’s sister for the crime, the mother of the bride insists that Kelsey has a duty to free her younger daughter. Can Kelsey figure out who the killer is?

I feel in love with this book in the very first chapter, and I was not at all disappointed as I kept reading. The plot is fast paced with plenty of twists along the way to a surprising yet logical conclusion. The characters are sharp. A few are a tad over the top, but that adds to the fun and humor of the mystery. I will definitely be attending Kelsey’s future weddings.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Misguided Angel (Blue Bloods, #5)
5.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I hate giving out low scores to books. It makes me sad to have yo do this. It could have been that I hadn't read the previous books in a while, but this one just didn't get me interested. I read it because I was on my to read shelf and I wanted it off. Nothing good really happened in this book. I was often left wondering if and when something important would happen. The characters were flat, as was the story line. I was really hoping for this to blow me away, but it just fell flat. I didn't enjoy the fact that the story was split up into three narrators. This led to a short amount of time for any real action to happen with the characters. Instead of making the story lines appeal to the readers, they were quite repetitive in what was going on. Whether it was escaping from Venators or trying to find a killer, it was all the same. I was very disappointed by this novel.
Vista Beach is in the middle of a heatwave, and thieves are taking advantage of people leaving doors and windows open. It looks like Rory has stumbled on the aftermath of one such burglary when she finds her neighbor, Willow, dead on her kitchen floor. But the police aren’t buying robbery as a motive, and they focus on Rory’s friend Dawn as the killer. Can Rory learn the truth?

Naturally, it turns out that Willow had a number of secrets, and those kept the pages turning until we reached the end. I did figure things out a bit early, but my jaw still literally dropped at a couple of the twists along the way. The characters are good enough to make us care about the outcome, but they could still be a bit more developed. Still, this is a fun book that flew by all too quickly.

NOTE: I received an ARC.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Killer Cocktail
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nic and Nigel have recently discovered some home movies from the production of A Winter’s Night, a huge movie from 20 years ago famous not only for the wonderful story but the behind the scenes drama, including the death of the original star. They are the talk of the Oscars, but a break in convince the couple that there is someone on those tapes someone doesn’t want seen. Can they figure out what that is?

This is a second delightful romp with a modern day homage to The Thin Man, not that you need to be familiar with the original to enjoy this book. The book includes portions of the tapes that have been found, and since they introduce us to the suspects and motives, they are important. I thought I had things figured out early on, but I turned out to be wrong. The characters are a lot of fun, and the banter kept me grinning if not laughing outright.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
I have to admit, I was one of the few people who didn't really know anything about the Golden State Killer. I picked this book up after he was caught because I wanted to learn more and because it is the first book in a new online book club that I joined. I have always found serial killers interesting so I was excited to sit down and listen to this book. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much. I never knew Michelle McNamara's writing style or detective skills so I prepared myself to be disappointed. That disappointment never came.

This book was phenomenal. The research that Michelle & her editors put into this was simply impressive. I was constantly in awe while reading this book. This is probably one of the top true crime novel that I have read. Michelle has a way to pull you into the story and leave you wanting to continue on her hunt (which thankfully we don't have to do now that he is caught).

All in all, this is a great true crime which I will recommend to everyone!