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At the Table of Wolves (Dark Talents #1)
At the Table of Wolves (Dark Talents #1)
Kay Kenyon | 2017 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've had this book on my nook e-reader since it was released, but I just never had the itch to read it.
I'm glad I finally did. This is the first of a trilogy that's an alt-history in the 1930s. After the Great War, there's an event called 'the bloom' and individuals begin to have 'talents' or powers manifest. It's definitely a riff off of the X-Men, but it really worked for me in this novel. The lead character, Kim, is a 30-something who has the talent of 'spill', which is essentially compelling people to spill various secrets, though she can't exactly control it. I liked Kim because she was completely relatable and made mistakes.
I wish that the book had been longer, but now I'm anxiously awaiting for the 2nd book from the library. Luckily, the final book in the trilogy is coming out in March, so I won't have long to wait for book 3.
The Breakdown
The Breakdown
B.A. Paris | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, did this one live up to all the hype? Yes, in a way it did. Let's just say that it managed to hold its own and it was a very enjoyable read. Will it be one of my top ten of the year? No it won't be but I still really enjoyed it
Critic- Kim
Original Score: 4 out of 5

Read Review:
Turn it Up (The Detroit Love Duet, #2)
Kim Karr | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
this is the second book in the series and defiantly another fab read. this is a fantastic sequel to the first book. this book has a fab blend of suspense and steam to keep you turning the pages this book is defiantly a fab conclusion to the set. defiantly a must read book as well as the first with the same fantastic characters.

highly recommended
Kim Possible (2019)
Kim Possible (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy, Family
My name is Emma, and I still love Kim Possible. It's great fun and I will fight anyone who says it isn't. That is if we're talking about the animated series... that is gold, the live action film is not even tin foil.

I love Disney TV movies but I really wish they'd stick to originals or property that was already live action... stop remaking things that really don't need it.

Let's address the casting first.

Sean Giambrone as Ron was a solid bit of casting, the right amount of awkward and bumbling, the only thing is that for anyone who watches The Goldbergs he might just be a little too recognisable, but then I doubt many people will watch both of these things. Michael P. Northey as Mr Barkin, he was good, I was generally impressed... but in a world where we have Patrick Warburton why would we not cast Patrick Warburton? Patton Oswalt does evil genius voice fantastically and as Professor Demeantor he was a great pick. Getting a narrow pass, and it's the very finest of passess, Todd Stashwick. I enjoy him when he pops up in shows but he's no Drakken. He was also done wrong by the make-up department.

Everyone else? That's a no. Possibly the worst casting was on the Possible family themselves. I adore Alyson Hannigan but her Mrs. Dr. P. was no bueno. Same goes for Mr. Dr. P. After seeing them on screen I kind of assumed the story was going to revolve around them having been kidnapped and replaced by Bebes with extra nice programming. Jim and Tim were devoid of any of the character their cartoon counterparts had. And then there's Kim, I'm not sure there would have been anyone I'd have been happy with in this role but they've managed to create something very odd in this casting. Live action Kim acts physically like the cartoon does and yet somehow the personality didn't make the crossover with it.

The idea to take Kim down from the inside is one we've seen before with Eric the synthodrone who was used to further the Little Diablo world domination plan. It's a good narative and the twist we're given here isn't a bad one but the execution feels off.

The film turns the Kim Possible formula into a women kicking ass story but they do it really badly. Mrs. Dr. P. and Nana P. are brought on board and then just used as padding and left to be inept in a corner, it's a poor use of characters and a poor use of source material.

Of course the most important part is did they do Rufus right On the whole he wasn't bad and he certainly got his normal opportunity to come to the rescue so I'm going to say good job on that.

What you should do

Don't call her, don't beep her, if you want to watch Kim Possible then watch the series, this film needs to be forgotten in the depths of Disney+.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

The ability to fly through the air like I'm a cartoon character.
Kim Possible (2019)
Kim Possible (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy, Family
The live action Kim Possible (2019) ends up more two-dimensional than the animated original
There’s none of the wit of the cartoon in the writing or characterisation and it falls awkwardly between trying to introduce the property to a new audience while honouring the source material. In doing so, it rewrites the origins of several characters, eliminates others and presents a story that undermines its title character in favour of a new one...
Silent Scream (D.I. Kim Stone, #1)
Silent Scream (D.I. Kim Stone, #1)
Angela Marsons | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great read
I personally really enjoyed this book, I was instantly hooked into the story line, solver a murder that happened years before...
I really liked the main character Kim stone, giving us great details of why this case meant so much because of her awful past, and how strong of a woman she is now, this story is very fast paced and keeps you interested constantly and guessing who done it and will they be found out.

Deepak Chopra recommended Kim in Books (curated)

(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"An example of masterful storytelling that fascinated me growing up. I identified with Kim, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier, because we were both children of the army; my father was an army doctor who had served under Lord Mountbatten. On rereading, the setting of the Afghan Wars in the late Victorian era has chilling implications for today. The book is also a reminder that Kipling’s colonialist perspective didn’t blind him to the teeming human drama of India."

The Accusation: Forbidden Stories from Inside North Korea
The Accusation: Forbidden Stories from Inside North Korea
. Bandi | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unflinching tales from North Korea
The Accusation shines a light on the dark half of the Korean peninsula with stories that are as readable as they are important. Written by a North Korean dissident still living in the country, the book is extremely unique - the manuscript having been smuggled out of the country by a fleeing relative.

Bandi, (not his real name) focuses on the period between 1989 and 1995 when Kim il-Sung and Kim Jong-il were in power. Seven short stories, each pointing an accusing finger at the ruling regime, shine a light on North Korea's truly fathomless darkness. While most of the stories are fictional, they are based on real events, but names have been changed to protect identities. It is almost Orwellian in nature, it's unbelievable that there is a place in the world where 1984 is a reality.

The seven stories aptly convey the hardships and constant trauma that people face in a country cut off from the rest of the world. Written with deep emotion and elegance. A sensational read.
With just two weeks to go until the town’s clock town starts ticking again, Ruth Clagan and her friends are busy getting everything ready to go. In order to help offset the expenses, they are hosting a fund raiser. However, Kim Gray, the town manager, is a no show until she is discovered crushed under the bell destined for the tower. Obviously, someone hated her. But who?

I was very surprised to see Kim was the victim, but pleasantly so since she’s been a pain in the previous books in the series. We learn even more what a nasty character she is along the way to the satisfying climax, even if one small part of the mystery isn’t quite resolved. The characters are charming as ever, and we get to know a few different supporting players this time, which I enjoyed.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Boom Town
Boom Town
Glenn Rolfe | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
For whatever reason, I found myself struggling to get into Boom Town, a short novella by Glenn Rolfe. While it bears no shortage of horror elements, I simply didn’t find it as engrossing as Becoming. That could be due to lack of character development.

The only characters we truly get to know this time around are Kim, Brady, and their immediate family. There’s no real attempt to establish their home town outside of the flea market, and aside from the main villain, Alan, the focus on the alien-like creature invading the small town is minimal.

I wanted really badly to like this novella, but the plot progression felt a little too slow; it seemed like things were hung up on a budding romance between Brady and Kim which, at the stories conclusion was for a reason and did have its intended impact, but was something that I, as a reader, could have done with out. Over all, this is not one of my favorites of Rolfe’s work and I would not consider recommending it to other readers unless they specifically ask for something with aliens and earthquakes.