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Apprentice (The Black Mage #2)
Apprentice (The Black Mage #2)
Rachel E. Carter | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
7 of 250
Apprentice (The Black Mage book 2)
By Rachel E. Carter

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

She survived a trial year at the Academy, but that was just the easy part....

Now 16-year-old Ryiah is an apprentice of Combat, her school's most notorious faction of magic. When she finishes she will be a mage, but in order to do so she has to survive four years with a training master she hates and her old nemesis, Priscilla. To make matters worse the unwanted attraction Ry feels for her sometimes-friend-sometimes-rival Prince Darren is at an all-time high - even though he is betrothed to the very girl she can't stand.

Really, the only bright spot to Ryiah's new life is the time she spends with her friends, including an older apprentice named Ian, who she finds herself thinking about quite often.

Just when things start to get comfortable they take a turn for the worse. An apprentice is killed in a rebel attack and several mages end up dead. Unwittingly, the apprentices find themselves in the midst of a budding unrest between Jerar and its northern neighbor, Caltoth. For Ryiah the impending conflict means many things, but as her apprenticeship draws to a close she finds her biggest problem at home.

Unfortunately for her, Darren's not going anywhere.

So it was ok! It went exactly how I expected to be honest and followed a familiar pattern to other similar books! That’s not saying I didn’t enjoy it but it lacked a little depth! The characters were wispy washy and even when we lost Eve it wasn’t emotional enough! So hoping I can find a deeper connection in the next book.
Betwixt (Betwixt and Between #1)
Betwixt (Betwixt and Between #1)
Darynda Jones | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
14 of 250
Betwixt (Bitwixt&Between book 1)
By Darynda Jones

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Divorced, desperate, and destitute, former restaurateur Defiance Dayne finds out she has been bequeathed a house by a complete stranger. She is surprised, to say the least, and her curiosity gets the better of her. She leaves her beloved Phoenix and heads to one of the most infamous towns in America: Salem, Massachusetts.

She’s only there to find out why a woman she’s never met would leave her a house. A veritable castle that has seen better days. She couldn’t possibly accept it, but the lawyer assigned to the case practically begs her to take it off her hands, mostly because she’s scared of it. The house. The inanimate structure that, as far as Dephne can tell, has never hurt a fly.

Though it does come with some baggage. A pesky neighbor who wants her gone. A scruffy cat who’s a bit of a jerk. And a handyman bathed in ink who could moonlight as a supermodel for GQ.

She decides to give it three days, and not because of the model. She feels at home in Salem. Safe. But even that comes to a screeching halt when people begin knocking on her door day and night, begging for her help to locate their lost objects.

Come to find out, they think she’s a witch. And after a few mysterious mishaps, Dephne is beginning to wonder if they’re right.

It wasn’t a bad book it was very middle of the road compared to her other books. It’s got a decent story some good characters hoping we see the ex get his comeuppance a little more! I do love her little quotes at the start of each chapter it wouldn’t be a Darynda book without them!
Reclaimed (Shadow Beast Shifters, #2)
Reclaimed (Shadow Beast Shifters, #2)
Jaymin Eve | 2021 | Paranormal
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this up from the Kindle Unlimited library on its release day because i was curious.

So it literally picks up where the last left off with Mera in a crazy going-to-kill-someone mood believing her friend had been murdered with the consent of Shadow. In her anger she once again draws from the Shadow World, bringing hundreds of shadow creatures across before panicking and trying to send them back. Shadow helps her cage them and then they have their argument, coming to an understanding before Angel rushes in, telling them the Shadow World's lock has been broken and they can now head inside so Shadow can claim his powers and his world.

So, yeah. I read it. I felt more interested in the romance between Mera and Shadow in this one. Their feelings grew a lot - or maybe i should say; they grew more comfortable around each other, enough to admit things when shit got bad at times. I will admit that I got invested in them. Without the pack and other distractions like the library, we focused more on Mera and what was happening in her head. She did grow on me quite a lot.

There were quite a few surprises thrown in towards the end involving Dannie and a few other things that I didn't entirely see coming and then the last chapter? Not a fan of what the author did with that but I guess she had to end it in a way that left the third book with a strong starter since the plotline from the start of this series was getting into Shadows World and him getting his powers back and that's all sorted now. I will probably read it when it comes out.
Audience/ Reading Level: 18+

Interests: Kidnapping, Sexual Assault, Heartbreak, Depression, and Murder.

Point of View: Third Person

Insights: When I first picked this eBook up, I was surprised by the style of read this was. It honestly wasn’t anything like I expected it to be. I was expecting a more romance/erotica feel of things, but this read more as a thriller. There were quite a few grammatical errors and the overall story was alright, but I wouldn’t reread it again and actually deleted it off my kindle once I finished it. It was fast-paced for me, almost too fast-paced. Causing parts of this series to be written in a very juvenile way and in turn, that made it just plain hard to read.

Will I reread? No. But that’s just because it wasn’t an appealing storyline worth a reread. Do I recommend? I mean, if you like cheesy written thriller’s that are just average. Then sure, read it.

Favorite Quotes: “He was supposed to shoot for the stars, not me…”

“Have you ever felt so carefree about something that you just forget that time affects your every action and you feel okay with losing all of it.”

○ interested in its physical book
○/● a continuous read / page-turner
○ diverse in any way
● something’s lacking
○ took me a long time to finish
○ an LMAO read
○ I laughed more than a few times
● it’s j u s t awkward
○ gave me goosebumps
○ one of the best books I’ve read
○ painful & sad
○ tear-jerker
○ a roller-coaster of emotions
○ thrilling
● confusing
○ sooo relatable
● it is kind of annoying
○ it has a lot of flashbacks
○ it moved me
○ would recommend!
○ great even for a reread
○ definitely a YAY
○ I’m sorry it’s a NAY
● it’s between YAY and NAY
Sweet Temptation
Sweet Temptation
K.C. Lynn | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As I said with Fighting Temptation, basically, how in the ever loving hell have I NOT read this book before!? I absolutely went to jelly knees reading all about ‘Sexy Sawyer’ and his journey with ‘Cupcake’. I didn’t think I could love a character in the MOH series more than I did Jaxon…….but, oh how wrong I was!

Sawyer was witty, HOT AS HELL, and absolutely amazing with his love and devotion for Grace. Those two were absolutely perfect for each other. I loved how patiently persistent Sawyer was with ‘his Cupcake’. That’s exactly how my husband was with me and I could feel all of my own emotions resurfacing.

Grace’s sassiness was the absolute best mixture with Sawyer’s cocky attitude. Following Grace, learning all she went through, and all she lost, was absolutely heart breaking, but seeing her rise above it all, seeing her and Sawyer together, truly was badass in it’s own way and together they baked up as the perfect couple!

Lynn and her trademark angsty work stole my heart with book 1. With book 2, she has become my absolute second favorite author. The deep love these fierce and fearless men have for their witty, challenging women, are wonderfully chiseled into plot lines that have the feels. From start to finish, this book will have you twisted up inside with ALL THE FEELS. All of them. Every last one. But, in the end, you’ll be in love with Sawyer, Grace, and all the men, dying to read the next one. But, be warned…..Sawyer will set you on FIRE and make every part of your body blush in this 5 star read!

*I read this book from Kindle Unlimited and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Written in Red (The Others, #1) in Books

Aug 26, 2019 (Updated Sep 3, 2019)  
Written in Red (The Others, #1)
Written in Red (The Others, #1)
Anne Bishop | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well I thought this one started on a bit of intrigue. Where had Meg come from? What were these scars she had? How had she so new

I found this really hard to put down, if I'm honest, the story really pulled me in and despite there not being much of a romance, I'll admit I was hooked. I loved the innocence of Meg and her just being really nice to everyone, which equally confused them and made them want to protect her. It was nice seeing them turn from scary "other" beings to almost friendly. Especially with Meg. She became one of them. Part of their family.

Despite its lack of romance--I can't decide if something may happen between Meg and Simon in the future--I enjoyed this. It had a few elements of horror style things in--at the beginning and towards the end some trespassers are eaten alive and then some detailed snow related deaths towards the end--but although I didn't enjoy that bit so much, I forgot about it quickly enough.

I loved how every species of other in the Courtyard had their own little traits. The Crows with the "shiny". The wolves with their "arroooo" greetings. Tess with her living hair. The Hawks and their love of rats and mice. The elementals and their horses.

It was really well thought out and though it was almost 500 kindle pages long, I didn't lose interest once.

I'm interested enough in this group of characters to carry on the series. I even read the excerpt for the next book and it HAS given me hope for something more between Meg and Simon so I will be buying the next book at some point in the future.
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Resilience (The Demon and Shadows Duology #1)
Resilience (The Demon and Shadows Duology #1)
Kandi Vale | 2020 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
132 of 200
Resilience ( The Demon and Shadows Duology book1)
ARC copy
By Kandi Vale

Ok folks strap in it’s a bit of a long one!!

*** The books do include scenes of BDSM and scenes of a sexual nature. Adults only ***

I was extremely lucky and privileged to be given the chance to read the ARC of Kandi vales new book Resilience which is the first book in a Duologly featuring Joro and Mattheus from the slivered souls trilogy. I was first introduced to this author in February 2019 and I absolutely fell in love with the world she has created. This new book tells the story of Joro and Mattheus, we get to see how Joro came to be the person she is now. It is full of action and some of the hottest sex scenes I’ve read, now don’t let me mislead you with the sex scenes they are also some of the best I’ve seen written. If BDSM is not to your taste I’d still recommend reading this book as they are done so well in my opinion (and I can only write from my opinion so don’t shoot me). This book had me hooked from the prologue and it was one of those books that kept you hooked! It answered so many questions and brought every emotion you can think of.
I can not wait for book 2 to see how this ends! I’m a huge fan of supporting authors like Kandi these writers put their heart and soul into the worlds they build and you can definitely see it in her work!

So I highly recommend you check this book out when it officially releases Tuesday 28th July!!

In the meantime go find slivered book 1 of the slivered souls trilogy
A Tigers Treasure (Tiger Protectors #2)
A Tigers Treasure (Tiger Protectors #2)
Terry Bolryder | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
140 of 200
A Tiger’s Treasure ( Tiger protectors 2)
By Terry Bolryder

This sexy tiger detective is about to get a clue...

Carter Cunningham is all work and no play. As a rare tiger shifter working undercover as a detective, he has a lot of people to protect and no time to think about something like finding a mate. Even though he can't afford to get distracted, his tiger can't help but take notice when he's assigned a sexy new partner, one with curves that kill and dangerous secrets that make the protective tiger in him sit up and growl.

Amy Cassidy doesn't have time for workplace romance, but tell that to her body, which thinks that tall, dark and handsome Carter Cunningham is the hottest thing she's ever seen. She needs to be working on solving the most important case of her life, but every time she looks into Carter's serious, stunning green eyes, she gets completely distracted. And when she finds herself in danger, she'll realize that there's no one better than a tiger to have on your side.

As close quarters force Carter and Amy closer together during a dangerous case, what starts as a heated fling soon comes to mean much more. But with both of them keeping secrets, and Amy's past quickly threatening to catch up, is there any hope for a happily ever after?

There's always hope for an happily ever after!

Another of Terry Bolryder’s books her stories are quite short but her world building goes over all her different series’s. This is the second in the Tiger protectors and it links in more with the dragons and we learn a bit more about how the tigers came to be! Also we get to see another of the 3 brothers mates. A decent read for those that love shifter books.
Titanium (Rent-a-Dragon #3)
Titanium (Rent-a-Dragon #3)
Terry Bolryder | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
141 of 200
Titanium ( Rent a Dragon book 3)
By Terry Bolryder

A dragon contractor? Expensive.

Unless you're the woman Titus Kroll just fell madly in love with. As a decisive, capable, and newly awakened metal dragon, Titus is used to seeing what he wants and going after it. Right now that's Bree Durell, a sweet, curvy woman who needs help with her house badly and can't afford to pay. Still, his heart says she's his mate, and no matter the price, he's ready to serve her every need, whether that's repairing her home, healing her heart, or restoring her trust.

Bree Durell isn't looking for romance. She has enough on her plate with a crazed stalker, a clumsy but adorable dog, and a house that's falling apart around her and too expensive to repair. Though there is instant attraction when she sees Titus in all his tall, blue-eyed, muscular glory at Rent-A-Dragon, she's sure she can't afford his fee. So when Titus shows up on her doorstep with an offer she can't refuse, she vows she will only keep things professional, no matter how wickedly talented he might be with his hands.

As Titus and Bree work in close quarters, sharing a home and a few steamy encounters, there are big threats circling. From an ancient friend-turned-enemy, to rogue dragons obsessed with vengeance, Titus is going to have his hands full if he wants to protect his newly-built life.

The last book in this trilogy and we finally see our last brother mated! Titus is my favourite I think. Another short story giving us more shifter fun! Nice to see the precious metal dragons finding some truth and ready to be trained and hopefully find their mates too!