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Dead Sexy Dragon (Dragon Heat, #1)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I recently went back to NetGalley after a long duration and saw this was still sitting on my shelf. About two and a half years later. Oops. I sent it to my Kindle again and was surprised to see it show up. I figured it was high time I read and reviewed the story. Luckily it's about novella length, maybe shorter, so I thought it'd be fast and easy.

<b>Dead Sexy Dragon</b> is the first book in a paranormal series featuring shape-shifting (you guessed it!) dragons. Cora's the heroine fleeing from some trouble to her late brother's best friend and old Marine buddy, Stig Wyvern (I see what you did thar). Unfortunately for the both of them, it's his time of the month. Just kidding, but he goes through a nine-day period every three years where he's in heat. Sadly it's not called <a href=""; target="_blank">pon farr</a>.
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Anywho, they've been hot for each other for years but neither of them knows it. Naturally. Pretty soon, like the next day, they have loads of sex after she finds out he's a dragon. The sexual interactions take up around 40% of the book and treads the line between romance and erotica. Some stuff happens that I don't want to give away, but Cora ends up in peril, and then Stig. It's a romance so obviously you know how it ends.

The story is pretty rushed, and the first couple of pages were a bit rough, but there are some interesting ideas here, so I just might pick up the next book and see where it's going. In the end, it didn't rock my socks, but it was an entertaining way to spend an hour or so.

Received from Netgalley for review.
Finding Our Forever (Silver Springs, #1)
Finding Our Forever (Silver Springs, #1)
Brenda Novak | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cora has just moved to the town of Silver Springs California, hoping to start a new life with a new job teaching art. She's teaching a a school for troubled boys called, New Horizons and Cora is really drawn to its founder Aiyana. Besides the teaching job, Cora has other reasons to be in Silver Springs. Will she be able to find the answers she is looking for, or will the decisions she makes along the way hinder her ability to discover the truth about herself?

While I have many Brenda Novak books on my Kindle, this is the first of her titles that I have actually read. I was drawn to this book initially because of its setting of Silver Springs, the town I live in is called Silver Spring. I was even more drawn to the book by the characters because I have members of my immediate family with similar names to the characters in the book.

Cora Kelly was adopted 28 years ago. Since that time she has been on a quest to find her mother and find out why. She loves her adoptive parents wholeheartedly, but still has a desire to know where she comes from. Her birth mother was at a reasonable age to keep a child, 21, so what were the circumstances that made her decide that adoption was the best idea, especially since in her investigation she finds out that her birth mother has adopted several children over the years.

This was a very compelling story. It drew me in immediately and I couldn't put it down. I read it in just a few hours over a couple of days. I can't imagine what it would be like to not know your birth parents. And then searching your whole life to find them, with a closed adoption. In Cora's quest to find all this information, she falls in love and faces conflict with her adoptive parents. It's a great story for everyone who likes a little romance in their lives.
The Sick House
The Sick House
Jeff Strand | 2018 | Horror
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gory fun with fun dialogue
The Sick House was a delight to read. I had just finished the first novel of Richard Fox’s Terra Nova series, so I was searching for a horror novel to flip to when I came across a friend’s review of this on Goodreads. Her review, along with the fact that it was on Kindle Unlimited, meant that it was an instant grab for me with little thought required. Especially because I’ve previously read Strand’s The Haunted Forest tour and loved it.

My favorite part of The Sick House was without a doubt the family’s dialogue and relationships. The bonds between them felt so real and the quips were exactly the type of thing you’re liable to hear at my house. It made me instantly get attached to all of the characters, and that carried me easily through the book. On the flip side, though, I didn’t like that Gina was also very mouthy. I felt like it would have made the family feel a bit more special if Strand had restrained the banter to just them.

I did like Gina, though. She reminded me very much of the character Gina Silvers from the Amazon series Just Add Magic. (Yes, that’s a kid show, but if you’ve ever watched Just Add Magic, you could totally see her pulling the stunts that happen in The Sick House.) I won’t say more because I don’t want to spoil any of it for readers.

A family that I can root for, a house that’s got a serious ‘something’s fishy’ vibe, and the grossness that ensues almost as soon as they move in makes for a lovely read. Well, lovely in an aspect that horror fans will understand at least. Jeff Strand has a talent for descriptions that set the scene perfectly without going into unneeded oodles of detail. It also has perfect pacing, tons of violence, and reads so quickly and easily that it’s an afternoon treat.

Highly recommend horror fans check out The Sick House. Great, fun read.
Climax (Double Alchemy #2)
Climax (Double Alchemy #2)
Susan Mac Nicol | 2014 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Climax (Double Alchemy #2) by Susan Mac Nicol
Climax is the second part of the Double Alchemy duology, and as such I would recommend reading them in order. We rejoin Quinn and Cade as they continue their search for Jeremy. Through the search, we find new characters to find out about, including Misty and Valensia. The first half of this book is mainly about that as Quinn continues to do his best for his Warlocks as Grand Master. Cade is by his side throughout, although I'm not sure I would be. I understand Quinn has his secrets, but it would drive me insane! The second part of the book is more about the various schemes and events that Quinn is organising, trying to do what is best, even when opposed by members of his own council.

Whilst I was totally engrossed with this story, there were parts where I wanted more - Misty, for example. There's a whole story there just waiting to be told, but we didn't get any of it but the bare bones. Also, Cade. I want more!!! Seriously, my kindle nearly went for a burton when I realised I had reached the end of the book, and there was simply no more. Yep, this is one of those books - where you have no idea about where the ending is until you trip over it!

With the same high quality of writing as in the first book, this fits seamlessly and snugly with the first book. I read these back to back and am thankful for that. With an amazing cast of characters, this is one story I am going to miss, and will be keeping to re-read in the future. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Literally.Laura (1763 KP) rated Amazon Kindle in Apps

Jul 4, 2018 (Updated Jul 4, 2018)  
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Kindle
9.1 (292 Ratings)
App Rating
Extensive content (0 more)
Daily Use
I use this app almost daily. It is much more convenient for me to use an app on my phone than to carry around (and keep charged) a second device. I honestly can't think of anything I dislike about this app.
There are different background color options, different fonts (including a special font for dyslexia) and font size can be adjusted. You can adjust lighting within the app as well.
Each book includes a short preview and a promotional blurb. There are options to bookmark sections, highlight passages, and make notations. This can be very helpful for reviewing as well as for research. You can also search for specific change words or phrases within the book. This has been very helpful for me. The sync notes and progress among all apps/devices registered to the same account, so if you read a bit on your computer (say, at work) and then come home and use the app on your phone or pick up a Kindle device you do not have to search for where you left off. There is also a dictionary option. If you ever come across a word you don't recognize or understand, you can tap on the word and the dictionary entry will appear.
When you finish a title, there is a "before you go" section where you can update your progress on Goodreads, rate the title, learn a little about the author, and see similar books you may like.
There is a feature called "word runner" that is supposed to decrease eye strain and increase reading speed. Instead of moving your eyes along the page, word runner shows you one word at a time in the middle of the screen. The speed can be adjusted for this setting. I personally don't find that this helps me at all. In fact, I feel like reading flows better when I do NOT use this setting. However, it may be helpful for some people especially people who have difficulty concentrating.
The Turtle Boy (Timmy Quinn #1)
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>5 STARS TO YOU</b>

Now THIS is an author that you need to keep your eye on!

I would just like to say first that I know the whole 'back from the dead to seek revenge for my death' story has been done and done...and done again, however, that doesn't stop this book from being a fantastic read. It is a novella, so expect a very short read in the sense you may be disappointed that you're just starting to get into it and then BAM! The End! On the other hand, this book is the first in a series so you'll be able to satisfy your cravings for the next installment.

At the time of purchase this book was free to download for Kindle...I am not sure if it still free as it's such a quality read.

The themes of this story may seem as if they are being somewhat retold again but I believe the author breathes new life into this story-line and makes you hang on for dear life and really want to complete the book, it never crossed my mind to stop reading at any point because I have read similar plot lines before.
It is a very creepy story, so I recommend it to fans of the horror genre and perhaps to those who enjoy murder mysteries and thrillers too due to the nice quick pace and the acts of revenge brought down upon unsuspecting characters.

I found the story had a really nice flow to it, sometimes nothing annoys me more than when i'm enjoying a book and suddenly a 'hiccup' of some sort appears within the pages which makes me want to throw it at a wall...interest lost...may return to it...maybe not...will take a while to read and get back into again. I am so glad that didn't happen to me with this book, the pace was too fast and the atmosphere too creepy.

Well done!
Unraveling (Unblemished, #2)
Sara Ella | 2017
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sara Ella has truly bewitched me with Unraveling. So many twists, so many emotions, so many aspects that will leave you speechless and unable to move...More than once my husband would look over at me and say "Shhhh"...Because HE was trying to read his book and I was over here repeating myself..."NO!!!! Noooooo!!! NO!" or "WHAAAAAAAAAT?????" (you get the picture?)

With an eloquence that is rarely seen (especially in YA) Sara Ella has created "a whole new world" for us to discover! Infused with the life force of music and song, this aspect of Eliyana truly speaks to my heart. For readers who have not delved into the heart of fantasy fiction, this is a really good place to start (although I recommend starting with Unblemished first). Because Sara merges the real world and the fantasy world so seamlessly it is so much easier to follow along. Yes there are new phrases and places and words that you have never heard of, but the familiar is referenced enough throughout the story that I was able to stay grounded and my mind sane. One of my favorite parts of this book is all of the music references. From having song lyrics as the chapter titles, to the melody El hears in her head. Music is her strength, her life. And I love how we discover her TRUE nature, the fierce and bold person that rises to the surface.

The bottom line is that I LOVE this book. Be prepared for a MASSIVE book hangover. (Please resist throwing your Kindle and/or book at anyone or anything after you finish...I understand I do....but we only have to wait

Please note that this is the SECOND book of the series. You will be totally lost if you pick up Unraveling without reading Unblemished first. My review will be available this summer for Unblemished.

I received a complimentary copy of Unraveling from the publisher through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Private Message (Private, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely devoured this book! I couldn't put the flippin thing down! This story is off the charts hot, the characters are so easy to love, and the twists in the story literally made me yell "shut the f@%k up!"

I was so excited to get an ARC of this book that I pretty much started reading it as soon as it showed its pretty little face on my Kindle screen! From word one I was hooked! I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning reading this proving that I again have an inadequate respect for my required 8 hours of sleep; but oh baby, was this book ever worth it!

Tess is a great character, and she reminds me of myself in a couple of different ways which made me love her even more, yeah? She is the punky rocker girl who is shy and timid and has walls up all around her heart. She is fun to be around but likes to stick to herself.

Ben is just hot, hot, hot!!! He swoops in and knocks Tess right off her feet! She doesn't know what to think about him, and he just zings her with surprise after surprise! I loved the dynamic of their relationship. Ben also shows a lot of character in the way you watch him grow up throughout the book.

This book left me wanting more! I am not sure if this is going to be part of a series or if the author intended it to be a stand alone book. The ending of the book for me could go either way. I am satisfied if she intended it to be a stand alone, but if she were to expand the story that would be amazing! Private Message is now going to be added to my stack of favorite books! I will be re-reading this again and again!
The Rogue King (Inferno Rising #1)
The Rogue King (Inferno Rising #1)
Abigail Owen | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book two, yesterday!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in here, cos ooooooeeeee I did LOVE this book!!

Brand is a rogue dragon, without a clan. Kasia, a Phoenix without a family. A Phoenix is the only one who can mate with the High King of ALL the dragons, and the makes her valuable. Brand is tasked with delivering Kasia to the Blood King, to his only friend from childhood. But Kasia ignites something in Brand, and he knows he cannot give up his mate.

This was, quite possibly, my favourite read this month! I mean, I had a lie in, read a few pages before you have to dig yourself out your pit, and before you know it, 3 hours has past and you've about flung your kindle (but not quite!) at the wall, cos now you NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book two, yesterday!

Everyone, and I mean everyone IMPORTANT has a say: Kasia, Brand, and all those trying to get Kasia (but not saying who!)

Not everything is immediately clear, and you put things together all kinds of wrong before things are cleared up. And I LOVE being kept on my toes!

It's different, and I LOVE different, with the Phoenix being the key to High King status. With female born dragons being unable to bare children. With Kasia and her sisters having hidden for so long, and Kasia not doing so well hiding herself anymore.

There is an ongoing story arc, that makes you NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book two, yesterday, to see what happens to Kasia's sisters. You can't see what's going to happen, not in the long term, but a massive clue screams at you for one sister, and there is another, much less subtle clue, for another. Whether that pans out how I see it, remains to be seen, but I WILL be reading these books!

Thank you, Ms Owen, for proper making my day!

5 bright and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Best Thing
The Best Thing
Mariana Zapata | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I feel like I have to start by singing Mariana Zapata's praises. She is the Queen of slow-burn romances. I do believe that I have read everything she's ever written so far and this is her latest. I'm not the biggest fan of long books but I've found that with this author, I don't care how long they are because I'm so drawn in I just keep reading until I finish.

This one is no different. We meet Elena - Lenny - who runs a gym with her grandfather that helps fighters get ready for their next fights - MMA, boxing, etc - when her ex turns up who she hasn't seen for the last 17 months wanting to see her. I'm not going to go into much detail as that would ruin in but Lenny has an amazing personality and I love her thoughts in regards to him coming back - it includes various imaginative swear words and scenarios.

I love Lenny. As mentioned above she has a great personality and a great outlook on life. Pretty much every sentence she spoke (or thought) had me grinning like an idiot. In my eyes, she's such a great character. I also really liked Jonah. He was this mix of shy and sweet and just plain amazing. There are also some other characters that I loved liked Grandpa Gus. Some of the interaction between him and Lenny was hilarious. Then there was Peter and Mo, too.

I also like how she includes previous characters in her current ones. Lenny is Luna's - the main character of her last book, Luna and the Lie - best friend and appears quite a lot in this one offering her support.

It's really hard to write a fitting review of this book without spoilers, I'll just say that I thought it was pretty awesome.