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So this was my first ever comic on kindle and I have to admit it's completely different to normal. I used to really like reading my Mills & Boon/Silhouette/Harlequin books when I was younger so the chance to read them with pictures? I thought I'd give it a try and I think I enjoyed it more than I would have done just the stories. The skill of the artists to show the emotions of the characters is amazing.

The only thing I didn't like so much was how I was just really getting into the stories and they'd end and the preview for the next book would start. There were admittedly a few that I wouldn't have minded reading the full length versions of but the prices have put me off for a bit. Maybe at Christmas when I get my Amazon Gift Card :D
Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1)
Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1)
Holly Smale | 2013 | Children
6.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating

I've been eyeing this book up for a few months now. Every time I go in my local Asda Living I hum and ahh over whether to buy it but I wasn't sure if I'd like it. But then I saw it as a Kindle deal and just decided to buy it.

This was a quick easy read but I never really fell into the story. I didn't gel with it that much. I don't know if it was Harriets total geekiness-slash-clumsiness-slash-doesnt know when to shut-up-ness but up until the last 15% or so I found her so awkward as a character.

That's why I wasn't really expecting anything romance wise but that end bit has me a little intrigued as to where things could go with her and Nick so I may just have to buy the next book at some point.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated One in Books

Jan 7, 2021  
Jewel E.Ann | 2016 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating

I'd been struggling to get to even half way in this. No offense to the story or anything but i'm in a paranormal mood right now so Kim Harrison's The Hollows series is winning in my kindle vs paperback war and i just can't get into this.

It might have been them getting together so early...I like the whole will they/won't they thing in my romances, so i was really enjoying this until after the China/Japan visit when they declared their love for each other about the 30% mark. It was too soon in my opinion, whether they'd fallen in love three years earlier or not.

Also the prosthetic had nothing on the one in [b:Worth It|32608774|Worth It|S.M. Shade||53191396], which i read not long ago and fell in love with.
Hearts of Fire (Hearts, #2)
Hearts of Fire (Hearts, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was entranced by the cover of this a long time before I realised it was part of the Hearts series. I'd not long since finished the first book which I loved, and I couldn't wait to read more books in this series, and it was only after I'd bought this that I realised it was Jack's story.

I did enjoy this, just not as much as the first. Jay just fascinated me with his magic and the whole back story and everything just blew my mind. This one, Jack seemed hot and sexy and the fire-breathing...but it didn't grab me as much. I wasn't as sucked into the story.

The description for the third book in the series has me intrigued as to what King's story will be about and I've already got it on my kindle to read but I'm not going to read it yet.
Dark Light (Dark Light, #1)
Dark Light (Dark Light, #1)
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

So several things;

One: I've had this on my kindle for about 5 years and is one of the earliest books i downloaded as a freebie--back when i hoped i could get some good books for free.

Two: My tastes have changed in that time. Maybe it's my having read books 5-12 of Kim Harrisons The Hollows back to back, and currently reading book 13 but this just didnt interest me in the slightest.

Three: The kinda creepy Dorian character. The way he's described in this at the earlier points is some sort of sinister but very sexy looking guy. His name just makes me think vampire, and the initial description made me think weirdo so the fact that she's basically salivating over him..? Not working for me.

So all of the above combined? Yeah, the book is most definitely not for me.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Bossman in Books

Jan 12, 2021  
Vi Keeland | 2016 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved--abosutely LOVED--the first 65% or so of this. I loved his determination and his flirtatious behaviour, how he continuously wore her down until she gave in and did the deed. And I was so happy for them, they were such a great couple. I would have very happily given it 5 stars!

But then we get that phone call and everything went to shit! I know there has to be some issue for them to overcome but I was screaming at my Kindle internally, raging at him to stop being an arse and to just talk to her, to anyone, because it was obviously an issue for him.

In the end, he pulled his finger out and they managed to work things out but God! I wanted to smack him a little.

I'm looking forward to reading more of this authors work.
Initiation (The Warrior #1)
Initiation (The Warrior #1)
Rebecca Royce | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
96 of 200
Initiation ( The Warriors book 1)
By Rebecca Royce

Keep your friends close...and your enemies closer.
Rachel Clancy has had to learn the hard way that you can't always trust who you know.

Born with a specific set of genes that lets her fight monsters, Rachel has trained her entire life to kill vampires and werewolves. Unprepared for the level of deception and betrayal she faces as she journeys Upwards to battle her enemies, it's not long before Rachel finds herself on a quest that will alter the lives of everyone she knows.

Including Rachel's...

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would! I found it a bit rushed in places but overall a really good concept! YA are hot and miss lately but I do like Rebecca Royces writing style! This is just another good book from her!
Fragility Unearthed (The Cascade book 3)
Fragility Unearthed (The Cascade book 3)
Rebecca Royce | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
204 of 250
Fragility Unearthed ( The Cascade Book 3)
By Rebecca Royce

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Malcolm is missing. Levi is taken. And all the light from the world has gone with them.

Kendall Malcolm thought the world ended when her marriage ended and her life fell apart. She was wrong. Things could be a lot darker. She stands at the precipice - leader, mother, warrior - placing herself between the world and darkness.

But does she have to do it alone? It's looking that way.

3rd in the series an I think there is only 1 more book! Another very good instalment from Rebecca what I love most is Kendall being a middle aged mum. She has a few personal losses in this book not including the ending but she fights on and does what she needs to.