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The Path of Flames
The Path of Flames
Phil Tucker | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has popped up a number of times as I have strolled through the fantasy section of Amazon's kindle store in the past. However, I was never really taken with the cover (which sadly I do base my TBR list on, in part) as I'm not much of one for elves. However, with the invitation to sample Kindle Unlimited for 60 days I thought I'd try and maximise my trial period and blast through this (now completed) series.
The first in the 5 book series (unless you count Escape from Bythos, a short opener) begins with Asho (the white haired character on the cover, not an elf after all but a Bythian human, at war alongside his lord and the army of "the good" against the armies of "the bad". We gradually start to see the world revealed at a gentle pace and each of the races are at different stages of their ascension to heaven, each step depending on how they lived that life (kind of like a tiered Buddhist reincarnation with eventually getting to heaven after a number of good lives). The Bythians are the lowest of the low and Asho is very lucky to be allowed to squire the Ennoian (read annoyin') Lord Kyferin.
From the result of that battle, further PoV characters are introduced: Ishkra and Kethe (Lord Kyferin's widow and daughter respectively), Audsley the magister and former knight Ser Tiron, as well as the orc-esque kragh Tarkon. All but Tarkon's narratives blend together to give an overall storyline from different perspectives.
The somewhat familiar castle setting is quickly thrown out the window as Lord Kyferin's brother takes over the castle and banishes his widow through a lunar gate (a mystic portal that only opens once a month used to travel great distances) along with her loyal followers into a ruined inhospitable wasteland with demons wandering the moors.
The characters are well defined and develop well through their trials and tribulations. While the plot is somewhat reactionary (there isn't really one main quest set up early on, rather events unfold and the plot is driven from there) this doesn't feel like it evolved that way, everything slots together well.
I have really enjoyed this first episode in the world of the black gate and have carried on with the follow-up, The Black Shriving.
Shift Work (Night Shift #1)
Shift Work (Night Shift #1)
TA Moore | 2021 | Crime, LGBTQ+, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's only 117 pages, but packs a mighty powerful punch!
I was gifted my copy of this book, and I thank Ms Moore for that.


I went into this book thinking it was a complete story. And its freaking NOT!! It's a mahoosive cliff hanger, and my poor kindle is lucky to still be working!

Cos there I was, merrily reading away, not paying much attention to how much I have left, and BOOM! The end crept up on me and I was OMFG and JHFC and all kinds of loud swear words a sailor would be proud of!

Oh, this is a bloody good book, but you need to know, its a cliff hanger, one of Dover Cliff size and I didn't know that!

Anyway, now I've ranted about that, here's what I really thought ;-P

I bloody LOVED this book! These werewolves are somewhat different, and it took me a little time to piece together the clues about how they are around "that time of the month" (I loved those little jokes, they proper made me chuckle!) They are dark and deadly around the full moon. Cade has just a few days to find out who the girl is in the morgue, the one who shouldn't be there. Working with Marlow, who is Night Shift (capitals intended, its how it is said in the book) and null. It took me a while to figure out what THAT meant, and I'm not entirely sure I've fully got it, but you make your own mind up.

I've not tagged this as romance. There is steam and attraction, but there is no romance here, not yet. Oh they have a moment in the bathroom that was rudely interrupted, but once they get some time together, the chemistry will explode, I'm sure.

I have it on authority that the next book isn't too far away, and I really hope that Ms Moore doesn't cliff hang that one, cos I'm not sure that my kindle can survive a second trip to the wall so close to the last one!

It's only 117 pages, but packs a mighty powerful punch!

So, all in all, a bloody good book, but April needs to hurry the chuffing heck up!

5 stars (but I would, even for such a short, cliffhanger book, give it more if I could!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
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Blossom and the Beast (The Alder Tales #1)
Blossom and the Beast (The Alder Tales #1)
R.S. McCoy | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this book is a Fairy Tale Retelling of Beauty and the Beast. With that in mind, I thought I had a fairly good idea of what to expect. Boy, was I wrong!

In Blossom and the Beast, Blossom is the youngest daughter of a clan chief. Her father has a fox for a totem animal, her three brothers are bears(!), and it is suspected that Blossom will be the same. She has a very inquisitive mind and struggles against the rules and traditions that bind her under the canopy. On a trip out of camp (when she shouldn't have been) she is spotted by Kaide. He immediately wants her in his life and does whatever it takes to ensure it. He is determined to win her over though, so he treats her with every respect.

With political manoeuvrings galore, plus a sweet and sensual romance, this book is more than just a Fairy Tale Retelling! This is an amazing book in its own right, and should definitely be recognised as such. Amazing story, with well-rounded and believable characters, this story will entice and enthral.

I will say one thing about the ending without giving out any spoilers - BE CAREFUL!!! When I finished the ending, my Kindle nearly went for a burton! It was so close to hitting the wall as I stomped around my home in disbelief. Without giving too many details, I sort of knew how it was going to end, without knowing the specific details. When those details came to life, I screeched as I couldn't believe it. It was a train wreck that I could see happening, without any means of stopping it! I was actually complaining to Blossom (my Kindle) about her actions and what she should have done instead - much to the amusement of my husband may I just add!

With no editing or grammatical errors that I found, this story certainly deserves its 5-star rating. Absolutely fantastic and I really, REALLY, can't wait for the second book to see where it will go.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 31, 2016

K.L. Shandwick (3 KP) created a post

Nov 20, 2017  
Customer Review
5.0 out of 5 starsDefinitely a 5 star book!
ByStephani Bon September 11, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I love to read to escape life, and K.L. Shandwick pulled me from my everyday boring life with the book Ready for Flynn. Valerie meets Flynn when her brother brings him home from college for Thanksgiving, the problem is she is 15 and Flynn is 20 and they both have instant chemistry. At first it creeper me out with the age difference, but I decided to keep with it, and man I was so glad I did. It was a story line I have never read before and I mean never! What a breath of fresh air! Sometimes I read books and think I will never get that time back I spent reading books, but I couldn't put it down. I hope this helps you guys make a decision about spending whatever time you have to read this and know your time won't be wasted on the same old same old and just set back and enjoy!
The Talk Show
Joe Wenke | 2014
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading this book for a week and only making it to 25% of the way through, I have decided to give it a rest for now. Reasons I could not finish this book:

1. The Language--While I am not offended by foul language, dropping the 'F' bomb 10+ times in the first 2% of the book is a bit extreme. I did a search for the word on the Kindle and found out it appears over 100 times throughout.

2. The story is moving way too slowly for me. At 12% there is a shooting and at this point I still don't know what happened to the victims. But, we've met a few strippers and a transgender priest who also babysits, and a crazy copy named Germany(at least I think he's a cop, I was quite confused when he entered the story).

3. Finally, it's not holding my interest. Every time I start reading, I start to fall asleep.

When I first read the synopsis for this book, I was excited about it, but it fell short of my expectations.

**I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.**
The Crown Tower (The Riyria Chronicles, #1)
The Crown Tower (The Riyria Chronicles, #1)
Michael J. Sullivan | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the Riyria Revelations, then I thought I would wait a while before reading this book. I mean, it's reasonable to take a break after six volumes in a universe, right? But I did have a sample chapter, just sitting there in the Kindle app. Just. Sitting. It wouldn't really hurt to just take a peek, would it?

I think you know what happened next. In a few minutes, there was less money in my bank account, but I had the full novel in my greedy hands, so I could get on with learning how Royce and Hadrian met. I read far more slowly this time, taking more time to savor the story. I know all too well that there's only one more novel available at the moment, and I'm trying to make myself wait for that one. Trying is the operative word, here. I enjoy Sullivan's work far too much to be very disciplined about it.

I absolutely recommend ALL of the books, but I do think it might be best to read them in the order in which they were published.
The Affair
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo’s Book Diary recommends “The Affair” as a (better than) 5 star suspense novel.
Followers of my book blog (momobookdiary) will be aware of how highly I rate the author Sheryl Browne. Whilst I have enjoyed her romance / chicklit novels, I must admit I really do prefer her gripping psychological thrillers. I love the way that Sheryl’s mind works – so much suspense and you just never know what twist is coming next.

This book fantastically hooked me from the start and I had goosebumps return again and again throughout. The characters immediately come to life and I was left thinking about those who remain long after I finished the book. There are twists and surprises throughout the book which keep you guessing until the final twist.

Thanks to Sheryl Browne, Bookouture and Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to publication.

As soon as I received the approval email from NetGalley and Bookouture I got myself settled and started to read. It took me less than 6 hours to read cover to cover. I can’t “do” life when I have a Sheryl Browne book on my kindle to read!
Love, Nina: Despatches from Family Life
Love, Nina: Despatches from Family Life
Nina Stibbe | 2014 | Biography
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Taken from my review on Goodreads: I enjoy reading my memoirs every once in a while because you have no idea what voices real people will have written on paper. The first half of the memoir actually had endearing moments, especially when it came to how Nina bonded with the boys she was watching while their mother worked. I enjoyed the boys' antics because at least this proves that they are real people. The second half of the book was a lot more boring, especially when it comes to Nina mocking lots of classic literature. Maybe I just didn't like Nina as a character in the memoir. She just seemed way too judgmental of everything even though she did love the boys she was caring for in the 80's. As much as I really wanted to like this book, I started to get bored to the point that I almost dropped it. In fact, I barely remember what happened towards the end because I just skimmed through my Kindle like a zombie. If you guys can survive through it, wonderful. It's just not exactly for me.
Sweet Temptation
Sweet Temptation
Lucy Diamond | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A very sweet read
I’d been looking for something lighthearted and easy to read, and found this stored away on my kindle and figured it was just the read I was looking for. I could not have been more right.

This is a heartwarming and absolutely lovely read about 3 women wanting to lose weight. It’s very well written and so engaging. All 3 of the main characters are well developed and down to earth, and I’d dare any woman reading this not to connect with all of them in some way or another. I spotted a bit of me in all of them which made it such a delight to read. The plot may be slightly predictable, but this is one of those books where it doesn’t matter. In fact, when I reached the end I actually wanted to carry on, it was that entertaining. It’s funny, emotional and an all round engaging read. I also found it very inspirational and based around a subject very close to home (my New Years Resolution), and despite being fictional it really has motivated me to sort out my own life.