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Eleanor & Park
Eleanor & Park
Rainbow Rowell | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
A love story that is not a love story, but is a love story with lessons sometimes everything falls into place as you want it and yet can somehow.

The most confusing sentence I will ever form about book. I loved Fangirl, so it was no trouble picking this up the next time I went to Barnes & Noble. Everyone told me how much they loved this book while I was reading Fangirl and though it has sat in the stack of books for months waiting for me to pick it up yesterday felt like the day to start.

I could not put it down.

Eleanor is not perfect. She is not skinny as a twig, instead the beautiful thickness of the oak itself. She has hair the brightest red you could ever think of that curls at every chance on top of each other and freckles to match on the pale skin. If that was not enough she dresses in such a manner that demands to make her be noticed if you somehow looked over her curly mop. In short, Eleanor is not your typical girl in books. I've realized I've said this before. I really truly mean it as I do each time. Eleanor is not the heroine who discovers powers. Eleanor does not magically win anyone over because she suddenly alters changeable things about herself. No, she remains true to herself through the story. She is hardly ever able to accept the good since she has only known awful.

Awful tends to weed back into her life, no matter how much Park could pluck it away for a short time.

Park is one of those people who is there, yet is not there. He is not popular, but he is not unpopular. He skims by with little to no effort. If it was not for his father being a Vet, if it was not for his family always living in town since before it was a town, then Park may not have had it so easy. He would have gotten more crap about being 5'4" and slender. He would have gotten beat up for being half Korean. Not a lot happened to Park. Girls were few. Millstones were slim. Everything was this nice norm where he had little worries. His biggest worry was learning stick. Until he sees Eleanor because then it becomes an uphill battle worrying if he will keep is so-so status or not all with Eleanor suddenly being dropped his lap. He’s never felt much of anything. Never felt good enough. Never felt bliss. Never felt it all made sense. She changed that, even if she frustrated him to no end with how she talked and acted. It all changed. Though even he remained the same.
All Systems Down
Sam Boush | 2018 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great fast paced reading
So let’s start with the actual review first. This book was a quick read and an enjoyable one. It was action packed and although it’s a thin book to start with, it makes the reading even quicker.

Those who love plot hooks where the world runs amok and hell breaks loose will love this book. It immediately starts in the first few chapters and sets the ball rolling. The background story as to how the world (or to be exact the USA) goes downhill is explained by having North Korean hackers finding a way to plant viruses into the web which pretty much breaks down society. It’s a good “what if” scenario and further chapters show how fast society just crumbles when things we rely on daily vanish before our eyes.

There’s a variety of characters in the book that are easy to follow. Each have their own share their own spot in the plot and eventually converge and meet together (albeit a bit coincidentally but well, they’d have to meet somewhere right?)

My favourites would have to be Brandon, Vailea , and Carmen. Although the survivors of the crisis have their own strengths, these three stood out for me the most. They’re likeable, and as mentioned before showed their strengths to survive to protect their loved ones (or avenge them in some cases)

Orion and Xandra would be my two least favorite ones. Orion because he was just so whiny, Xandra because although I know she’s supposed to be analytical and a computer whiz, her personality was blah and just downright unlikable. She has her uses but she’s not really someone I would ideally have tea with if I had a choice.

So overall, a really good plot, filled with action and fun to read. The ending does result in a cliffhanger but it was a really good one. I’d love to know what’s going to happen next. It does play out almost like a movie and it’s well done.

Now for the next part of my review. Why did I like this so much? Well considering I just moved to Portland, it got me recognizing street names, bridges (still haven’t memorized all of them yet) and asking my husband (who’s lived in Portland all his life) all sorts of questions (ie: “Where is <enter name of street here>” in which he replies with a sigh and says: “Oh god you’re reading a book that’s set in Portland aren’t you?!?!?”) so because I’m familiar with the setting, it even made the reading experience twice as special.

I greatly enjoyed this one. I can’t wait for the second.

JT (287 KP) rated The Dictator (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Dictator (2012)
The Dictator (2012)
2012 | Comedy
Sacha Baron Cohen is back doing what he does best, offending everyone and anyone without so much as a care in the world. The Dictator is a much funnier venture than Bruno was (while not quite as shocking) and still provides some hilarious moments.Given the recent run of press that dictators like Saddam Hussein, Colonel Gaddafi and Kim Jong Il have had this provides an untapped platform of Cohen’s ability to step up to.

As fictional dictator Hafez Aladeen he rules over The Republic of Wadiya, and Cohen models the character on all of the above in some way. The film is even dedicated to the memory of Kim Jong Il, and let’s not forget his real life appearance at a US awards ceremony where he spilled the ashes of the Korean dictator all over the red carpet and on entertainment anchor Ryan Seacrest.

It’s not that Aladeen is particularly vicious, despite claiming that he has sent men to execution for the slightest thing, say not making weapons of mass destruction with a pointy top, he’s just a bit of an idiot.

After refusing to sell Wadiyan oil internationally and denying that he has or is in the process of making nuclear weapons Aladeen heads to New York to address the UN Council. While there he’s captured and left to fend for himself on the streets of New York, while one of his lookalikes takes his place in order to sign a document democratizing Wadiya and opening the country’s oil fields for business.

In typical Cohen fashion there are some scenes that might still touch the nerves of a few American civilians. One particular involves Aladeen and his former head of the W.M.D. program, Nadal take a joy flight in a helicopter above the New York Skyline.

While surveying the landscape they talk in Wadiyan about Aladeen’s Porsche 911, well you can pretty much see where it’s going to go from there. It’s one of a few great scenes that you’re either going to wince at or laugh out loud. The film also draws in the acting talents of Ben Kingsley (how or why he agreed is beyond me) as Aladeen’s right hand man who is responsible for the plot to bring him down.

Also along for the ride is Anna Faris, no slouch when it comes to the slapstick comedy field, she’s more than at home here as Aladeen’s love interest. Directed by Larry Charles who was also behind the camera for Borat and Bruno it keeps tradition with juvenile humor and un-politically correct jokes. If you don’t laugh you’ll be asking yourself how the hell has he got away with it….again!?
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