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Christmas Flame (Flame #4.1)
Christmas Flame (Flame #4.1)
Caris Roane | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We return to the Five Kingdoms for a quick, seasonal story involving Kyle Drake (vampire) and Verena (wolf shifter). Drake has been trying to spend some time with Verena for a while now, and his plans finally come to fruition. However, life has a way of getting in between them, so Drake is very surprised when things move on with Verena in a way that he hoped for, but never expected.

These two together are dynamite. They make a decision and stand by it, understanding that the world is full of shades of grey, rather than simply being black and white. I loved the mention of the other couples that I have got to know, as they made a brief appearance.

Well-written and smoothly paced, this is a fast read that will bring you a seasonal smile. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 22, 2015
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Kyle chandler Vera farmiga Millie bobbie brown Ken watanabe The action scenes The score The creature designs Godzilla (0 more)
Not as suspense filled and grounded in reality as the first film (0 more)
"We opened Pandora's box. And there's no closing it now."
With Godzilla (2014) Legendary Pictures was the first American studio to get it right. No idiotic US edits of the latest Japanese films. No remakes that went out of it's way to be anything but Godzilla. It was GODZILLA! Now from what I understand from an interview with Shinji Higuchi is that Legendary only has the rights to Godzilla until 2020. So what do you do in that case? Well since you only have time to make one more Godzilla film before Godzilla vs. Kong, you do the obvious; You remake Destroy All Monsters!

There is some Michael Bay level stupidity going on in some moments of this film, but I don't care. I loved it. Some of the great Toho Godzilla films have goofy science combined with forgettable human characters. This one isn't even close to being the greatest offender of this in the franchise. Besides, when it comes to Vera Farmiga and Kyle Chandler I'm going to care about their characters at least a little no matter how they're written.

The film makers really went out of their way with tons of references from Godzilla's history. They even find a way to do a subtle nod to the Shobijin which I didn't think they'd ever touch with a 10 foot pole. I don't want to spoil anything, but it's just things that are used in the film that aren't part of American pop culture like the character itself of Godzilla. There's a lot of shit that only people who have seen the original films will pick up on.

The score is great, but even greater is that they actually used Gozilla's theme which is god damn iconic and shockingly even Mothra's theme. How can you not love that? I dunno. Maybe I'm just a geek, but seeing Ghidorah, Mothra, Rodan and Godzilla in a big budget Hollywood movie just blows my mind. I loved it. It's basically the American remake of Destroy All Monsters. Don't bother telling me how dumb the movie is either. I fully realize how dumb it is.
With trying to juggle working at two restaurants, Sally doesn’t have time for anything else in her life, yet when her friend Eric tells her that his community chorus is doing Mozart’s Requiem, she tries out. Kyle, the lead for the tenors, is snarky to everyone at the auditions, but it is a surprise to everyone when his body is found during the first rehearsal. The police think it was an accident, but Sally isn’t so sure. When Kyle’s girlfriend asks Sally to look into it, she starts to find plenty of motives for murder. But was it really murder?

While Sally’s motive for looking into the murder is a little weak, the rest of the book is strong. We get plenty of motives and strong suspects. I thought I had everything figured out early, but by the end I was questioning myself. The returning characters are a lot of fun, especially Sally and Eric, who we got to know even better here.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Photographic Heart (Itayu Lake #8)
Photographic Heart (Itayu Lake #8)
A.M. Halford | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Photographic Heart (Itayu Lake #8) by A.M. Halford
Photographic Heart is the eighth book in the Itáyu Lake series, and we have Brannon's story. He is the nephew of the two angelic aunts who have featured in previous books. He has had his vision and knows he will meet his mate soon, and a rough idea of where, hence why he is back at Itáyu Lake. Kyle has been sent to the Lake by a friend, who knows his friend will love the scenery there.

This was a well told story, making it an excellent addition to the series. This Lake is so well known by now, the author is able to concentrate on the connections between the mates, and everyone else who lives there. With lighthearted moments as well as heartbreaking ones, this book has something for everyone.

I would recommend reading this series from the start, just so you know who is with who! A great read, and recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Status Update (2018)
Status Update (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Fantasy
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ross Lynch stars as Kyle Moore, a teenager who after being uprooted by his parents' separation and unable to fit into his new hometown, stumbles upon a magical app that causes his social media updates to come true.

My mum asked me what I'd seen this month and so we went through the list with a brief description of the ones she hadn't heard of. When I got to this one... "It's so much fun, you'd hate it, dad would love it." Mum will watch a lot of things, but daft humour isn't really one of them. Dad and I are all over them though.

I would totally abuse an app that made my status updates come true... of course I'd want to check that it didn't apply things retroactively, and that I could dial my sarcasm back a lot to protect myself from worse self afflicted issues than happen in the film.

It's a fun diversion, a feel good film that has clearly been trying to tick all the boxes on what makes people go to the cinema... bit of wacky mystery, some singing and dancing, a bitchy gay... it's got all the things we love.
X-Force, Vol. 2: Old Ghosts
X-Force, Vol. 2: Old Ghosts
Christopher Yost | 2009 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow, I can't believe I stopped reading this incarnation of X-FORCE around Issue 3! Mind you, I was going through personal issues, and a darker, edgier comic was more angst than I could handle at the time. However, now that I have it all in digital and I am in a better state - mentally, physically, spiritually - I couldn't have picked a better opportunity to dive back in from the beginning.

Volume Two is as good as, if not better than, the first Volume. The continuity throughout is seamless, not missing a beat, carefully tapping into old "big bads", with end-result being a high-tension, white-knuckle thrill-ride that manages to inject some humorous dialogue (Oh, Domino, you always says some snarkiest remarks sometimes, but ah, that timing! *grin*) every so often but never enough to break the mood.

Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost were the perfect choice for the writers of the series revision. They get in the characters' heads when the write, presenting us with the ones we knew rather than badly-plotted inconsistent shadows of their former selves.

Especially good, I remarked on this review of Volume One, is their treatment of X-23/Laura Kinney. She wants to be part of something, a "family" of sorts. It shows as her involvement in the team progresses. She watches out for them, tapping into techniques learned during her time in the Weapon X Project, working to ensure that everyone should remain alive, thus remaining a "family" of sorts.

Logan is still watching over from a distance, but close enough that if things get really bad, I imagine he's pull her. The way Yost and Kyle write it, I took it that Logan was still not comfortable with Cry-clops' decision for to be on the team, but as befits a father, he wants to give her the room to find herself

The only thing I didn't like about Laura/X-23 was the art. Facially? Nailed it, you seemed to be late 16, early-ish 17. However, her body was leaning towards objectification. From the noticeable breast enhancement to the bared mid-riff (Domino was not drawn as such) to the super-tight, two sizes too small uniform, I was, to say the least, disappointed that was how Marvel (and artist Mike Choi) chose to present her! X-23 illustration quibbles aside, the art overall was solid!

Again, I can't say enough good about the overall story, art, etc. If you are looking for a good X-read, look no further, for you have one right here! Enjoy.
Child&#039;s Play 2 (1990)
Child's Play 2 (1990)
1990 | Horror
7.4 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The final fight in the toy factory is one of the best in slasher history. (4 more)
Chucky is even better the second time around
The kills continue to be inventive
The film successfully keeps the dark tone from the first
The film finds a perfect balance of darkness and humor
Close your eyes and count to seven. When you wake you'll be in heaven.
Child's Play 2 is the perfect horror sequel. The film takes everything that made the first one great and ups the ante without going too far. More violence, more gore, more comedy, and more Chucky. Yes, part 2 saw Chucky starting to find his footing as a king of zing with the one liners before he kills you, but it wasn't until Bride of Chucky that I felt they took it too far. It's great to have Alex Vincent back as Andy and Christine Elise steps into the series as Kyle, Andy's foster sibling with a rocker chick edge. The kills are great and the suspense is still there. The film is not quite as dark as the original, but the tone is still on point. The climax in the toy factory is one of the best, at least in slasher history. Definitely a must watch in the Child's Play series.

JT (287 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
What if superheroes didn’t arrive on earth with the soul purpose of saving humanity? What if their main intention was to cause pain and suffering? This is the unique premise used in Brightburn to great effect and turns the superhero genre on its head.

Kansas couple Tori (Elizabeth Banks) and Kyle Breyer (David Denman) have been desperately trying to have a child, without success. When a mysterious object lands on their property they discover that all of their prayers have been answered – sound familiar? What begins as the perfect family life starts to unravel in sheer terror as their little bundle of joy turns out to be something far sinister, despite their denial that he might just might be a little misunderstood.

“It’s a boy”
I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well it unfolded. There was a solid amount of tension packed with good levels of gore. The jump scare is a staple part of the horror genre but it can become tiresome if not delivered in the right way. Thankfully in this instance it works and works well.

Post credits deliver more to the story which has the potential to spawn a sequel, although I prefer the idea that this is a one off.
Sushi Girl (2013)
Sushi Girl (2013)
2013 | Drama, Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Old Movie Revisited: Sushi Girl. Did you ever want to see Luke Skywalker torture Atreyu from Neverending Story? Me either, but if you did, you can see it here. Not only do we have Luke and Atreyu, we get Candyman, Frank from Donnie Darko, and some extremely brief cameos from Kyle Reese, Machete, Frank Lapidus from Lost, the original Streetfighter himself, and White Power Bill. Of course you have to spend a preternatural amount of time in front of the TV to know some of these people, but hey, youre loss... So this is a Quentin Tarantinoesque type gangster flick that revolves around a botched diamond heist and the torture of Atreyu, after he gets out of a six year stint in the joint. And of course a Sushi Girl who is covered with? Anyone? Anyone? Thats right sushi... Yes, Stephanie Golden, she is naked and has a pretty decent rack :) Mark Hamill, er, Luke, does a pretty awesome job doing a 30's type gangster drawl, and seems to enjoy torturing Atreyu (where the hell has that guy been?) So that being said, and you like Tarantinoesques films, and don't mind a little bloody torture fun, check it out, its a pretty decent ride, like your momma! Filmbufftim on FB

Chris Parnell recommended Dune (1984) in Movies (curated)

Dune (1984)
Dune (1984)
1984 | Sci-Fi

"Dune, directed by David Lynch. I just love that movie. It’s so weird. It’s such a great combination of the book that Frank Herbert wrote, and then David Lynch’s sort of take on that and spin on that. It’s so otherworldly, but you know, so human obviously. I love Kyle MacLachlan, Patrick Stewart; it’s an amazing cast. I love science fiction, and it’s just so weird in so many ways. It’s so different than any other science fiction film that I know. I saw it (in the theater), I can’t even remember how old I was. I was a teenager maybe. But I remember when you went in to see it, they gave you a one-page glossary of terms used in the movie, because I guess they felt like that was going to be necessary for you to get what was going on. Of course, you get in there, it’s kind of hard to read this in the dark. But I enjoyed it. And I kind of rediscovered it. Later on at some point I watched it and I was like, “Oh my God, this really is so good.” I mean, there’s a few cheesy aspects to it, but it’s just awesome to me."
