GayMoji - gay emojis keyboard for LGBT community
Entertainment, Lifestyle and Stickers
Enjoy 50% OFF for a limited time as a part of the App Store Promotion! GayMoji is the #1 Emoji app...
Legalizing Lgbt Families: How the Law Shapes Parenthood
Amanda K Baumle and D'Lane R Compton
In-depth interviews examine the role of the law in the lives of LGBT parents The decision to have a...
The First Amendment and Lgbt Equality: A Contentious History
Conservative opponents of LGBT equality in the United States often couch their opposition in claims...
LGBT Psychology and Mental Health: Emerging Research and Advances
This cutting-edge guide spotlights some of the most exciting emerging discoveries, trends, and...
Lgbtq Young Adult Fiction: A Critical Survey, 1970s-2010s
Young adult literature featuring teenage lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning...
50 Queers That Changed the World: A Celebration of Lgbt Icons
LGBT people are some of the coolest in history - Freddie Mercury, Divine, Virginia Woolf, Marlene...

Acts of Gaiety: lGBT Performance and the Politics of Pleasure
Acts of Gaiety explores the mirthful modes of political performance by LGBT artists, activists, and...

A Positive View of LGBTQ: Embracing Identity and Cultivating Well-Being
Ellen D. B. Riggle and Sharon Scales Rostosky
A Positive View of LGBTQ starts a new conversation about the strengths and benefits of Lesbian, Gay,...