Can't Think Straight: LGBTQ(plus) poetry
A collection of 35 poems in which a poet thinks about women a little too much... (Sapphic poetry)
Poetry Romance LGBTQIA+
LGBTQ Comedic Monologues That are Actually Funny
The first and only book of its kind, this cutting-edge and incredibly hysterical monologue book is...
Lgbtq Young Adult Fiction: A Critical Survey, 1970s-2010s
Young adult literature featuring teenage lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning...

A Positive View of LGBTQ: Embracing Identity and Cultivating Well-Being
Ellen D. B. Riggle and Sharon Scales Rostosky
A Positive View of LGBTQ starts a new conversation about the strengths and benefits of Lesbian, Gay,...

Critical Democratic Education and LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum: Opportunities and Constraints
This book illustrates the relationship between politics and the ways in which lesbian, gay,...
National Politics and Sexuality in Transregional Perspective: The Homophobic Argument
Christina von Braun, Achim Rohde and Stefanie Schuler-Springorum
Modern identity politics around the world are gendered and sexualized in multiple ways....

Out There: An Anthology of Scottish LGBT Writing
In the year that Scotland votes on independence from the rest of the UK, Freight Books brings a new...