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Death Note (2017)
Death Note (2017)
2017 | Drama
Not even Lakeith Stanfield could save this terrible adaptation.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Sorry to Bother You (2018) in Movies

Jul 29, 2018 (Updated Jul 29, 2018)  
Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Sorry to Bother You (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
7.0 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I was expecting so much from this film, but wow, it was eye-roll inducing. I love strange, off-kilter indies, and social satires, but this did not work for me at all. It was trying too hard.
Between seeing Tessa Thompson in this, and Annihilation earlier this year, I've come to the conclusion that Thompson can't really act (sorry, just my opinion).

Also, how much did they pay Armie Hammer? Or did they not? Did he do it for free to build more indie cred so he can get an Oscar eventually?The only reason I'm rating it a 3 is because I think that Lakeith Stanfield can act, and he was by far, the best out of the lot of them.

I'm so glad I didn't pay for the ticket myself.
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
2021 | Biography, Drama, History
Kaluuya in an Oscar worthy performance
Ever since Daniel Kaluuya burst onto the scene in 2017’s GET OUT, he has been an actor to watch - one who’s brilliance bursts off the screen in whatever project he is in.

This brilliance shines brightly in his latest effort JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH that teams him up with his GET OUT co-star LaKeith Stanfield in the true story of 1960’s Chicago Black Panther leader Fred Hampton (Kaluuya) and his friend/Security Chief, Bill O’Neal (Stanfield) who just happens to be an FBI informant.

Directed and Written by Shaka King, JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH tells an important, under-told story of the African-American struggle in the wild, changing times of America in the 1960’s.

Kaluuya’s performance as Hampton is up to the challenge of a story this big and bold - his Fred Hampton is charismatic and involving, drawing all into his world. He’s a bigger-than-life icon that demands attention whenever Kaluuya/Hampton is on the stage. I expect an Oscar nomination (at least) for this performance.

The problem with this film is that Kaluuya’s Hampton is such a strong and commanding presence that the rest of the story and characters pale in comparison to him.

Such is the case with Stanfield’s portrayal of O’Neal. I really like LaKeith Stanfield as a performer and was really looking forward to seeing him and Kaluuya go toe-to-toe, but his character is swallowed up in the largess of the Hampton character and, so, I never connected or sympathized with him. I don’t blame this on the actor, I blame this on the script and the direction of King, making the O’Neal character weak - especially when he is up against Hampton.

The character/actor that WAS able to hold their own with Kaluuya/Hampton is Dominique Fishback as Hampton’s lover (and mother of his child), Deborah Johnson. The scenes of Hampton and Johnson together were sharp and interesting - perhaps because Hampton was toned down, but also because Fishback’s portrayal of Johnson was strong enough to stand up to Kaluuya’s portrayal of Hampton.

In addition, Kaluuya’s performance is so strong in this film that it is noticeable when it is absent, so when his character is sent to prison (and disappears) for the middle 1/3 of this film, the movie drags considerably.

Finally, the film hits a plateau at about the 4/5 mark and doesn’t really build to a crescendo at the end - an ending that should be powerful, but just sorts of lies there.

All-in-all, JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH is worth seeing for the powerful performance by Daniel Kaluuya that more than makes up for the shortcomings of the rest of the film.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) - and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Rian Johnson is back with a bang with Knives Out, a classic Clue like murder mystery, packed with twists that will keep you on your toes, even when it seems that everything is figured out.

There's really nothing bad to say, Knives Out is a thoroughly entertaining movie. The cast for one is just stacked - Daniel Craig and Ana de Armas are the two leads here and are both great. The supporting cast features the likes of Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Christopher Plummer, Toni Collette, Lakeith Stanfield, Frank Oz - it's an ensemble cast oozing with quality.

The whole film is shot beautifully, and has a gorgeous setting. It's easy to look at for sure. The plot is masterfully written as well - as mentioned, providing plenty of twists, but presented in a clever way, from multiple perspectives, with different accounts of events being told as the truth slowly unravels. The screenplay is fantastic and often funny, helped immensely by all of the cast and the strong chemistry they share.

Knives Out is definitely not one to miss, easily Rian Johnson's finest film as far as I'm concerned.
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
2021 | Biography, Drama, History
Kaluuya and Stanfield excel (1 more)
Great US history lesson on the Black Panther movement
Sound mixing makes dialogue difficult to hear (0 more)
"Politics is war without bloodshed"
The ‘Judas’ in “Judas and the Black Messiah” is Bill O’Neil (LaKeith Stanfield). He works as an informer for FBI man Mitchell (Jesse Plemons), who has him over a barrel for impersonating an FBI officer. Fred Hampton (Daniel Kaluuya) runs the Chicago chapter of the Black Panther party and O’Neil is a trusted comrade on the inside.

Will O’Neil – always concerned that ‘snitches get stiches’ – stay on the side of ‘the pigs’, or be influenced by the ideals and good deeds of Chairman Fred?

- Before this movie, I really had no idea what the Black Panthers were or how they operated. (If pushed, I would have tagged them as “internal terrorists” or similar). So this movie was really valuable to me in further understanding their role as a political movement. And their use of community programmes – focused, for example, around child nutrition and health improvements in inner cities – was a revelation.
- Given the BLM movement, and further ‘blue-on-black’ shootings, the film is timely. (Even more so for me, since the George Floyd trial verdict came out last night). “The United States vs Billie Holiday” showed how brutally the civil rights movement was put down by the authorities in the 40’s. This shows the same thing happened in the 70’s too. It’s again a movie that leaves you angry and frustrated at how poorly the black community have been abused in America. I guess counter to that is the positive view that things HAVE evidently improved significantly since then, albeit that the US is still on this journey.
- Nominated for Best Supporting Actor Oscars are both Stanfield and Kaluuya. (This is a highly debatable point, since arguably both of these gents are lead actors in the movie!) Both of them deliver outstanding performances, and Kaluuya has already picked up the BAFTA. Kaluuya demonstrates a huge amount of energy and charisma, particularly during the delivery of his stirring speeches. But Stanfield delivers a superbly nuanced performance, and perhaps impressed me even more.
- Also deserved, in a movie predominantly featuring a black cast, is recognition of the ever-excellent Jesse Plemons. As the steely-eyed FBI family man, he’s chilling to watch.

- I had issues with the sound mixing here. I found some of the dialogue – already hard for me to follow sometimes due to the speed of delivery and the accents – drowned out by background music and foley sounds.
- Martin Sheen’s make-up as J. Edgar Hoover was rather over-the-top and detracted from the role. (Sheen is in little more than a few cameo scenes).

Summary Thoughts:
I’m pleased I’ve managed to see this impressive Oscar contender before Sunday’s Academy Awards event. Interestingly, I noticed that historical advisors on the movie were Deborah Johnson (played here beautifully by Dominique Fishback) and the baby she was carrying (now Fred Hampton Jnr.).

As well as the two Supporting Actor nominations, it’s also up for Best Film, Best Original Screenplay, Best Cinematography (Sean Bobbitt) and Best Song (for “Fight for You”, played over the end titles, and very good).

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies here Thanks.)
Get Out (2017)
Get Out (2017)
2017 | Horror, Thriller
Get Out is an incredibly strong directorial debut from Jordan Peele and is easily in the top tier of horror/thriller movies in the last few years.

He manages to craft a film that has an underlying sense of unease throughout, an aspect of the film that hardly lets up at any point.

The plot revolves around Rose (Allison Williams) taking her African-American boyfriend Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) away for the weekend to meet her very white family. Chris has reservations, understandably, due to the fact that casual racism is a thing that unfortunately exists. As the weekend draws on, Chris begins to realise that his worries perhaps aren't that unfounded. The only other black people around are house servants, and are acting strange, and it's doesn't take too long before a truly disturbing truth is discovered. To say any more would spoil the narrative, but it's a great plot, with a ridiculous twist.
Layered underneath the madness of the horror is a strong social commentary about race divides, and how a lot of white people perceive others. It's executed brilliantly, and is absorbing as much as it is uncomfortable.

The cast are terrific, especially Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Betty Gabriel, and LaKeith Stanfield.
Catherine Keener is another highlight - I'm so used to seeing her play good people, that the sinister nature of her character in Get Out is so unnerving, and adds even more the experience.

With both Get Out, and last year's Us, Jordan Peele has started his career in horror on a hot streak, and I can't wait to see what he brings to the table next.
The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)
The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Foy is good - the rest is bland and boring
I, like many of you,was surprised to learn that there was a new "Girl with the Dragon Tatoo" film coming out. I thought, "do we need another one"? I got my answer.

We don't.

THE GIRL IN THE SPIDER'S WEB continues the story of crusading, crime-fighting, techno-punk computer hacker Lisbeth Salander as she continues on her journey to right the wrongs committed to women from no-good men. She is joined in her quest, once again, by journalist Mikael Bloomkvist.

Claire Foy (The Crown) takes over the title role and she is the ONLY thing in this film worth watching. Her Lisbeth is interesting, intense and doggedly-determined. Foy is a charismatic actress and this charisma comes off on the screen. Unfortunately, the other characters/actors that Foy is asked to play with (and off of) are bland, boring and very, very forgettable. Staring with Sverrir Gudnason as Bloomkvist. This character is supposed to by Lisbeth's partner and former lover, but there was no spark of recognition or connection between the two of them and this fellow could have been ANYBODY. Sylvia Hoeks, Adreja Pejic and even Vicky Krieps (so interesting in THE PHANTOM THREAD) were all disposable and interchangeable. Only Stephen Merchant (in a serious role) and Lakeith Stanfield showed any spark of interest.

The plot of this film didn't help matters either. Where the first GIRL IN THE DRAGON TATOO is a very intimate, very personal story, SPIDER'S WEB is bigger and broader (almost entering into James Bond territory) making the stakes superficial and phony (even though the plot involved her sister and her father, which SHOULD make it VERY personal). Director Fede Alvarez (working from his own screenplay) also brings nothing to the table, visually, making this a very slow, very tedious slog, indeed.

But then, Foy/Salander shows up on the screen and interest increases - at least until she leaves the screen again.

Avoid this Spider's Web and go find the original Dragon Tatoo films.

Letter Grade B- (for Foy's performance)

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Sorry to Bother You (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
7.0 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When a man gets a job at a call center, he finds that using his “white voice” not only gets him ahead faster, but it takes him down a road crazier than he ever could have imagined. “Crazier” is the operative word here as this movie pushes crazy to the absolute limit. Sorry to Bother You is not without its flaws, but it gets the job done in terms of quality.

Acting: 10

Beginning; 10

Characters: 10
Cassius’ (LaKeith Stanfield) character works on a number of levels. He’s your average guy trying to make it in the world having to rob Peter to pay Paul. He’s easily lovable and funny. More importantly, he’s relatable. There was a number of times watching the movie where I found myself thinking, “Definitely been there before.”

While his character shines, it pales in comparison to Detroit played by the phenomenal Tessa Thompson. She has such a smoothness about her that you can’t escape. In this role, she is a starving artist trying to pave her way and stay true to herself as she wants Cassius to do. She’s cool as shit, but also not the type of girl you ever want to doublecross. I can’t express enough how much Detroit impacted the movie as a whole.

Cinematography/Visuals: 7
The movie succeeds with a lot of jarring imagery, although I will admit that the shock value felt too strong at times. The visuals won’t change your life, but there were a few moments that raised an eyebrow or two. This is the lovechild of when artsy-fartsy meets comedy.

Conflict: 8

Genre: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 9
There were a couple of times where I found myself asking, “Ok, where is this going?” But it gets there eventually. It’s consistently funny and is meant to be one of those movies that you probably need to watch a couple of times to really grasp. Outside of one lull, expect to be consistently entertained throughout as this strange mystery unfolds.

Plot: 9

Resolution: 3

Overall: 86
Sorry to Bother You should be a classic, but a meh ending keeps that award just out of reach. I still really liked it and I think you will too. However, it fell just short of me loving it. If you’re looking for some strong social commentary, look no further.
The Haunted Mansion (2003)
The Haunted Mansion (2003)
2003 | Comedy, Horror, Family
6.4 (19 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Welcome Foolish Mortals to the latest adaptation of the popular Disney attraction as Haunted Mansion has materialized for audiences to enjoy.

This time around the film follows a single mother named Gabbie (RosarioDawson), and her son Travis (Chase W. Dillon).

The family has moved into an abandoned mansion near New Orleans as they look to start over but find that their new abode is haunted.
Despite their best efforts to flee, the ghosts force them to return to the
mansion and they seek help in the form of a Priest named Father Kent (Owen Wilson), and Ben Matthias (LaKeith Stanfield) who has been reduced to doing Ghost Tours following a personal tragedy that saw his lofty skills and career vanish in the aftermath.

When the help finds themselves able to leave the mansion without an
otherworldly escort, they bring in a Medium named Harriet (Tiffany
Haddish) and in time the mysterious Madame Leota (Jamie Lee Curtis).
It is learned that a dangerous ghost is striking fear into the other 999
haunts that inhabit the locale and should he collect his 1000th soul, he
will unleash a new level of terror on the world.

Things become even more complicated with a local professor named Bruce (Danny DeVito) arrives and creates a new Wild Card to the situation.

The movie does a great job of capturing the look and tone of the
attraction as one of the great joys was seeing things ranging from the
pictures to stretching room and other factors big and small from the
attraction portrayed on the big screen.

The cast is great and works well with one another but the movie does take
some time getting ramped up and I did find it dragging in various places.
The audience laughed frequently but for me many of the jokes did not work which I attributed to the focus being on a a younger audience as I found them more amusing than funny.

The FX in the film are solid and Jared Leto’s character is so well done
you cannot recognize him as he has disappeared so deeply into the
character aided by some great visual work.

As a big fan of the attraction it was nice to see a much better take on
the source material than previous efforts.

In the end despite the flaws, there is enough happy nostalgia to keep fans
entertained and hopefully the audience will want to visit the mansion enough that a new franchise is on the way.

3 stars out of 5

Andrew Koltuniuk (750 KP) Aug 2, 2023

Wrong one my friend. This is the page for the 2003 Eddie Murphy film.

Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Hoo boy. If you are a fan of “whodunit” movies, you are in for a real treat. Rian Johnson directs Knives Out, a film that that brings a great modern twist to the whodunit genre with an amazing all star cast.

Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer) is an acclaimed mystery murder novelist who has committed suicide on the night of his birthday party. At least it seems so at first. A mysterious entity has hired the last of the southern gentlemen detectives, Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig), to aid Lieutenant Elliot (LaKeith Stanfield) and Trooper Wagner (Noah Segan) in their investigation into what appeared to be a suicide. But soon, the stories of the party-goers starts to crumble, and you see there is something more afoot. Someone killed Mr. Thrombey, but who could it be? The list of suspects is long, and all are close to the deceased in their own way: his daughter, Linda Drysdale (Jamie Lee Curtis); her husband, Richard Drysdale (Don Johnson); or their son, Ransom Drysdale (Chris Evans)? Could it possibly be his son, Walt Thrombey (Michael Shannon); his wife Donna (Riki Lindhome); or their son Jacob (Jaeden Martell). Maybe it was Joni Thrombey (Toni Collette), his widowed daughter-in-law; or her daughter Meg (Katherine Langford). Or it could be Marta Cabrera (Ana de Armas), Mr. Thrombey’s nurse. It’s a large list of suspects who attended the party that night, and it could be any of them.
I am a huge fan of this genre of movie, and I will say that Knives Out, while predictable at some points, did have me guessing, and second-guessing, all the way to the very end. I can’t really give you a lot more without spoiling some major plot points, but the film is outstanding. It was a little slow to start, but I believe there was a purpose behind this. Each actor playing a part that is not their typical role (for the most part) ended up being the real selling point. They all did fantastic, even though it did take a little getting used to seeing James Bond with a southern accent, and Captain America as a bona fide jackass.

The movie gave us a perfect blend of humor, mystery, and even a little action in order to give us what could be a modern masterpiece in the genre. Flay me all you want if you disagree, but it’s been a while since a really good whodunit has been put out that wasn’t a period piece. There were some flaws, but the movie made you connect to these characters, as zany as they seemed. Definitely a good film to check out on a date night.