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Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) rated Merrily We Go to Hell (1932) in Movies

Sep 3, 2020 (Updated Sep 3, 2020)  
Merrily We Go to Hell (1932)
Merrily We Go to Hell (1932)
1932 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pre-code (4 more)
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Skeet Gallagher as Buck, the sidekick
Florence Britton as Charlcie, the female sidekick
Directed by female director Dorothy Arzner
No relationship development between the male and female protagonists. (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
It was an important movie of its time. It is a pre-code movie so it was able to get away with sins such as alcoholism and infidelity of husbands AND wives without making them pay in the end.

Sylvia Sidney plays Joan Prentice, the daughter of the president of Prentice coffee and Fredric March plays Jerry Corbett, a newspaperman who wishes to be a playwright. They meet at a society party where she is trying to ignore the advances of a very handsy older man and he is on the terrace drunk and drinking even more. She somehow finds him charming and he finds her "swell." They make a date to meet up again and romance follows. I mean, allegedly follows though it seems like a huge plot point to me what they see in each other and what kind of substance their relationship has. I've never been a very romantic person but even this seems terribly lacking to me.

Skeets Gallagher plays the sidekick Buck and he's worth his weight in gold. He a drinking buddy and scenes with him often start with the camera panning him tap dancing from behind. He's sweet, sympathetic, charming, and adorable and brings so much life to the role and film. Florence Britton plays the female sidekick to Fredric March's Jerry Corbett and is a bold lady, and kind. She and Buck are so much fun and not sloppy drunk like Corbett. I would much rather watch a movie with the two of them.

Sylvia Sidney, the female protagonist was bold and determined. After her husband cheats on her with his former wife, she goes out to have a little fun, too. She gets tired of her husband's constant drunkenness and leaves him. He seems to come to his senses at the end of the movie and goes to her. Spoiler alert: she is in the hospital having delivered their baby. He didn't know she was pregnant and only learned about the baby after reading the birth announcement in the newspaper. This is a premonition of things to come once the code comes into play as any sin must be paid for with a person's ruin or death. However, it ends on a happy note that their marriage will be better and that they are hopeful for the future.

* Watch for Cary Grant in one of his earliest roles as the male lead in the period drama play towards the end of the film.
Will (The Books of the Five #2)
Will (The Books of the Five #2)
S.F. Burgess | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You know when you read the first book in a series, fall in love with it, and presume that the next book won't be anywhere near as good... just because?! That's how I felt when I started Will. I had loved Eleanor and devoured every word. There was no way that Will could be that good, could it? OMG, yes it could be that good and even better. This book completely surpassed my expectations and took me on a poignant, raw and intense journey alongside the main character.

This lady is simply amazing as an author because she will make you dislike a character intensely and yet, within a few phrases, you will feel sorry for or like the same character. There is so much detail in her writing that you are left in no doubt as to the surroundings, expressions or feelings.

Now, it was a while ago that I read Eleanor so a few things were lost to me when I started but I quickly picked up again and proceeded to thoroughly enjoy this story. Because of the time delay though, it was unclear to me just what the problem was with Will. I was almost hoping that it wasn't simply his age because every time he said about being old, I winced as I am older than he is! This story actually hit me hard when all the secrets are revealed and I was sobbing big, ugly tears. I just can't tell you how good this story is, to have it affect me in that way.

One thing I will add though is that if you visit the author's website - - you will find information about Eleanor and Will plus loads of other interesting snippets so you quickly come up to speed.

S.F. Burgess has put the Epic back into Fantasy. This book is worth every moment of your time and I can't imagine it being any shorter. Every word is needed and used with great effect.

One warning I will give and it's the same reason I have put Dark down as one of the genres - this book deals with some dark subjects, torture being one of them, and there is violence. None of this is gratuitous though and is definitely needed to make the story a better one.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all Epic Fantasy fans out there who like a darker tale. If you want all glitter and rainbows then maybe you should try something else. For me personally, I will be waiting with bated breath for the release of Amelia, book 3. I really can't wait!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 30, 2016
Tor (The Hawks #4)
Tor (The Hawks #4)
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
this series gets better and better!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the hawks Series and you really SHOULD read Tristan, Val and Mathos before this one. There is an ongoing story arc through these books and much is not fully recapped.

Tor took a shine to Keeley when he rescued her from Ballinor's grip. They have chemistry but it takes time for them to give in to that. Tor, the big Apollyon that he is, messes up BIGTIME and more than once. Keeley takes everything he says direct to her heart, but it's only later she realises that she has taken things all out of context and now what is she supposed to do?!

It was clear, from the moment we met Keeley in book 2, I think she pops up in, that she and Tor were made for each other. Having the story from THEIR points of view, makes you see things so much clearer.

It took me a while to piece together what Keeley was trying to say, I was so engrossed in the story I think I forgot to read, if that makes sense! *note to self, pay attention!

Keeley is hurting for much of the book, in one way or another, and not always due to Tor and his way with words. You feel for her, deeply. you don't know it all at once and I do love waiting for things to become clear. Tor's pain is different but his is pretty much laid out for you, right from the start. The beginning few chapters of this book run alongside the other three books. Indeed, in book3, Mathos, we know Tor did something bad. Now we know what!

We meet the next leading lady here. I'm not 100% certain about her yet, and what she has to say will be interesting, given who she is, and how Tor and Keeley came upto her. There is much she has to say. And Reece! Who still thinks everything is his fault and is currently drinking his beast into silence. He also has a lot to say, and I can't wait to hear him.

But what's keeping me the most gripped with this series is this: I cannot see where it's all going! Things are changing so fast from book to book, and I really can't see an end in sight and I love that!

How many are there? I've no idea! A couple of the guys have been lurking in the background, doing what needs to be done and popping up along the way. I want them ALL to be happy, and it will be interesting how they get there.

I stress again, write quicker Ms Roberts. Write. Quicker!

5 full and shiny stars
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
Beauty and the Plot Holes
I know I shouldn't be looking to much in to animated movies turned in to live action, but this movie really had some obvious plot holes. I will get to a few of those in a bit. First I would like to say this was not a bad movie. I actually enjoyed it more then I thought I would have. The CGI was really good and the music/songs were done really well and really funny.

This movie played really closely to the animated movie. The beginning of the movie was one of the thing I felt was really off. I did not like the party being the back drop to him being a stuck up snob. I would have preferred him just turning the old lady away at the door and then getting cursed. I also thought all of the people turned into household objects were servants in the castle and not just party guests. Then at the end of the movie you have the household objects mingling with towns folks. I know they had to do it with how the beginning of the movie was set up, but it was really weird.

As I stated earlier I really like the CGI, I thought it fit in really well with the live actors. The Beast looked amazing, it had a very life like look to it. All of the household objects looked fantastic as well. They way they moved in the scenes, it did not feel computerized at all.

Now I know most of you have probably seen the animated movie and hopefully most of you have seen this movie. But one thing I like doing when I am watching a remake or know the story really well, I like to find the plot holes that are really funny and I will mention a few here. First is I like the fact they are in France and only say a few french words. I know its supposed to be a kids movie and most of them don't want to read subtitles, but at least give them all an accent. The only one with an accent was the candle holder. Second I would like to point out during the whole movie to and from the castle there were wolves that were ready to attack onsite. But when Belle headed back to the village to save her dad the Beast was not concerned at all about the wolves getting her. Last I would like to say that with how dangerous everything in the woods were Belle's dad left the horse behind at the castle even though he new about the wolves and how far away it was. Also there was the fact that if Belle was going to be there forever, why does she even need the horse.

Well this was a fun movie and think everyone should see it, maybe with a kid in the room so it is not weird. Until next time, enjoy the show.
A Court of Frost and Starlight: Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Frost and Starlight: Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
A Court of Frost and Starlight ✨
A Court of Frost and Starlight is a book that is the in-between of what happened after a Court of Mist and Fury and what’s going to happen in the next books.

It talks about the gap in between of how the inner circle, Feyre and her sisters and also Lucien are coping with the aftermath of the war. We even see how Tamlin is getting along and I might add it’s not very well.

This book discovers the emotions that the characters are facing and how they are recovering. Some of the characters are not quite over what’s happened, where is the others keep quiet about it or are just getting on with.

We have Nester who is pretty much exactly the same, whereas Elaine is slowly embracing what is around her – although she still doesn’t seem too keen on Lucien. Azriel is still the silent type, Cassian is still boyish but with feelings, Amren is still Amren. Mor is still hurt from the decisions that were made in the war. Tamlin like I said is not coping, Feyre and Rhys are trying.

Although Feyre and Rhys have got close to being over the aftermath of the war, they’re still trying to make sure that their friends and families are coping. Along with their people… As they have lost a lot as well.

This book is very different to the previous three, not just because it’s short but because of what’s in it. This is the first time that Feyre really is apart of the Night Court.

Although she was the High Lady in the previous books and played a big role, this is the first time that she can walk around and actually have duties that she needs to fulfill. She sees the effect of the war on her people and what has happened and how they are brave and they continue to live their lives. She realises the Winter Solstice is not just a festive time with presents, it’s something that is normal for their people, a tradition, a way to be with their loved ones and their families and have a day or so where they can forget all they have been through and be normal.

I really enjoyed this book because I was so desperate to get back into the world of a Court of Thorns and Roses and not having to worry about any enemies, about what characters are going to appear next. Just being able to be apart of that family again it was truly lovely to get back into it.

There was spoilers for the next books, there was a few questions that were answered from the previous ones. But there was still a lot that needs to be explained, which I hope will be explained in the next books that Sarah J Mass will hopefully released soon.

5 ☕ – AMAZING / ? – LOVED IT

Love, Christina ?