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Dead Man's Grave (DS Max Craigie #1)
Dead Man's Grave (DS Max Craigie #1)
Neil Lancaster | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the best books I have read this year and one of the best in this genre I have read for a very long time!

I have never read anything by Neil Lancaster before but the blurb sounded right up my street so gave it a punt and I'm so glad I did because what a brilliant start to a series.

Max is a very interesting character with a strong back story which most definitely adds to the story as a whole. There are some dark moments interspersed with lighter times and I particularly like the relationship Max has with his boss, Ross, and colleague, Janie, which felt authentic.

What can I say ... brilliant characters, gripping story line, excellent pace, full of tension and action featuring historical feuds, revenge, dirty coppers, gangsters and all set in beautiful Scotland ... just a fantastic book all round really and I can't wait for the next instalment.

Thank you HQ Digital and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Warriorborn (The Cinder Spires 1.5)
Warriorborn (The Cinder Spires 1.5)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been like, what, eight years since the last (and first) of Jim Butcher's Cinder Spires novels (The Aeronaut's Windlass)?

I actually re-read that recently, as entry #2 had been released (The Olympian Affair) and it had been so long since the first that, whilst I could remember the general gist (steampunk, basically), not so much the actual ins and outs.

Which is probably a long-winded way of saying that I feel that this novella was released for others in the same boat: to ease them back in, as it were, to the world and its inhabitants.

In this, the Warriorborn Benedict Sorelin-Lancaster is charged by the Spirearch of Albion to investigate the mysterious reason why the colony of Dependence has cut off all contact with the outside world, and finds himself in charge of a cadre of other Warriorborns, all of whom he has arrested in the past and who have reason to mistrust him. It also shows more why the denizens of this world are so afraid of the surface than I remember from the previous entry ...
Without a Trace (Lancaster Falls Trilogy #2)
Without a Trace (Lancaster Falls Trilogy #2)
RJ Scott | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing book two!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Bok two in the Lancaster Falls trilogy. I would say you really SHOULD read book one, What Lies Beneath, before this one. There is a underlaying story line that runs through all three and you need the information that comes out in that book.

Drew returns home when his brother's remains are discovered. Logan is a cop in town, and the pair butt heads. But deeper than the need to know what happened to his brother, Drew finds he needs Logan at his side. Both men have their secrets, though. As the town reveals its darker side, Drew and Logan have to decide whether the other is worth the heartache.

So, book 2 and Lancaster Falls is giving up its secrets. Darker, deadly and so much MORE than book one, I LOVED this!

Drew ran, after Casey disappeared and did not return. He said some things, his mum said some things and they fell out, and Drew ran away to the army. Now, with Casey's body being found, Drew returns to face not only his own demons, but Casey's too. Logan is a distraction, one he will willing use to attempt to shut out his problems.

Logan will, in turn, use Drew but to a lesser extent. Their first coming together is angry, its a battle, and its glazed over in a way that I really and honestly LOVED! I mean, the whole scene is a couple of pages, but it packs a powerful punch. It sets the way for these two, in a way I really enjoyed watching develop, and in a way I really didn't quite see coming.

Something set me off about certain people, and turns out, I was right, but now I'm left with some questions about how things will become clear as to what happened, not only to Casey, but the others.

Again, nothing is laid out for you, and I find myself putting bits together all wrong and now, I want book three! I NEED book three and I have to wait til June. I need to know what happened to everyone, and what that epilogue means, cos let me tell ya, I have no freaking clue how this will play out and I bloody LOVE that I don't!

5 more amazing stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Place of Peace (Kauffman Amish Bakery, #3)
A Place of Peace (Kauffman Amish Bakery, #3)
Amy Clipston | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book starts out with Miriam in Indiana and living with her cousin. She get a phone call from her sister about the mother. She then rushes home to Lancaster. When she arrives there she and her cousin stay with their aunt on the back of her father property.

Miriam is struggling to make amends with her father and also with Timothy. She finds out that her sister made lies for she was jealous of her older sister Miriam. Her father and the rest of the community blame her for the death of a child that died of SIDS.

She arrives home for the funeral of her mother's death. Her father makes it clear she not welcome. She hears that her past boyfriend has moved on and is marrying another girl. Does Miriam find the peace is seeking and get her love of her future? find out by reading. I recommend this book. Though I suggest that your read the earlier books first for this book refer to them a bit. "A Gift of Grace", "A Promise of Hope" are the two book before this book.
A Place of Peace (Kauffman Amish Bakery, #3)
A Place of Peace (Kauffman Amish Bakery, #3)
Amy Clipston | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book starts out with Miriam in Indiana and living with her cousin. She get a phone call from her sister about the mother. She then rushes home to Lancaster. When she arrives there she and her cousin stay with their aunt on the back of her father property.

Miriam is struggling to make amends with her father and also with Timothy. She finds out that her sister made lies for she was jealous of her older sister Miriam. Her father and the rest of the community blame her for the death of a child that died of SIDS.

She arrives home for the funeral of her mother's death. Her father makes it clear she not welcome. She hears that her past boyfriend has moved on and is marrying another girl. Does Miriam find the peace is seeking and get her love of her future? find out by reading. I recommend this book. Though I suggest that your read the earlier books first for this book refer to them a bit. "A Gift of Grace", "A Promise of Hope" are the two book before this book.