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Shakespeare Saved My Life
Shakespeare Saved My Life
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dr. Laura Bates is an English professor at Indiana State University. She is given to opportunity to teach inmates in Indiana's Correctional System. She decides that she is going to teach them Shakespeare. She was discouraged by others thinking that Shakespeare would be too much for inmates to handle.

Dr. Bates was surprised at how well the inmates were able to, not only understand the material, but also apply it to their own lives. One inmate in particular, Larry Newton, took the material and really changed(saved) his life. Larry was really able to relate to Shakespeare's works, especially MacBeth. He used the material to look back on the choices and decisions he had made and was able to better understand the right choices to make.

When I saw this book as part of the Big Library Read, I was very excited. It seemed like an interesting book that would hold my attention. These days, I tend to do a lot of reading before bed. Even though the chapters were no more than a few pages long, I fell asleep frequently. I thought I would have been able to finish this book in a week because the subject matter was so interesting. But, I felt as though it continued to go over the same thing. I enjoyed the subject matter, but I thought I would be a little more engaged.
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019)
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019)
2019 | Biography, Crime, Thriller
Zac Efron seems to be perfectly cast as Ted Bundy and there is an uncanny resemblance to him, he portrays the serial killer very well and keeps the unnerving feel of Bundy throughout the film.

The rest of the cast also works well in this production based on the based Elizabeth Kendall’s book “The Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy“, the film also stars Kaya Scodelario (THE MAZE RUNNER trilogy) as Carole Anne Boone, Haley Joel Osment (THE SIXTH SENSE) as Liz’s Co-Worker Jerry, Angela Sarafyan (WESTWORLD) as Joanna, Jim Parsons (TV’s THE BIG BANG THEORY) as Florida Prosecutor Larry Simpson and John Malkovich (DEEPWATER HORIZON) as Judge Edward D. Cowart.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Craftsman in Books

Mar 12, 2019  
The Craftsman
The Craftsman
Sharon Bolton | 2018 | Mystery
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Complex, compelling, and complicated tale
The year is 1999 and Assistant Commissioner Florence Lovelady returns to Lancashire for the funeral of Larry Glassbrook, a murderer she arrested 30 years ago. Larry killed three children, burying them alive in caskets he made himself. He also kidnapped and tortured Florence while she was investigating his case. Thirty years ago, Florence made a name for herself with the Glassbrook case, which changed her life forever. Clay effigies were found with each of the children's bodies, suggesting an element of witchcraft. Now, when Florence returns for the funeral, she finds a fourth: of herself. Does this means Florence is in danger? And what does the message Larry sent her from prison mean? Is there still a killer out there?

"I wonder what words his headstone might carry: Loving husband, devoted father, merciless killer."

I'm a huge Sharon Bolton fan, so I was excited to read this one. I hadn't really read the description in a while, so I didn't realize so much of the narrative took place in the late 1960s. I'm usually more of a modern fiction fan, but I found the 1960s portion--narrated by Florence--to be surprisingly engaging and enjoyable. It offered a really detailed look at how women were treated, especially on the police force, and was a true testament to Florence's strength. She was a fascinating, nuanced character who drew me in from the beginning. The book really revolves around her, but she makes it worth it.

The novel is certainly creepy--definitely a good spooky read for the month of October. It can be dark and gruesome. There's a witchcraft portion that sometimes seems a little unbelievable, but I thought it worked well within the confines of the story. There's even some funny moments--made even better by what a great heroine Florence is.

There's an excellent mystery here, which will keep you guessing from the start. The story skips between 1969 and 1999, and the two portions work together seamlessly. I found the tale to be complex, complicated, and just really compelling. There's something about this book that simply keeps you reading. Florence is an awesome character, the story is fascinating and different, and it's just a really enjoyable (if somewhat dark) read. Definitely recommend.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Filled with colorful characters and excellent life lessons VeggieTales Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos is a great addition to our daily routine. Since I have 2 boys (aged 2 and 4), I got the devotional book for boys...Shocker, I know. All the characters on the pages are the guys from VeggieTales, Bob, Larry, Junior, Larry Boy, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt etc. Each page is labeled as Day 1, 2, 3...Instead of the dates. The devotion for the day is only one page, which is perfect for my active boys who don't like to sit still for very long. The devo starts with a title such as "It's Good to Have Good Friends" and "Jesus Loves You!" a coinciding scripture is next, the version varies depending on the verse. There are about 16 different versions of the bible used in this devotional. There is a 2-3 paragraph devo, followed by a "Thought of the Day" and "Pray Today" prayer. There are also several verses for memorization in the back of the book. The language is easy to understand and the lessons are great. From learning about spiritual gifts, God's love being real, and God's honesty, giving God your worries, being willing to forgive. There is something new every day for your kids to learn. The boys love this book and I even see my 4 year old "reading" it on his own. My 2 year old is a little young for it, but I believe this book is great for establishing the habit of daily devotions for both of the boys.
I received a free copy of VeggieTales Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos for Boys through FlyBy Promotions in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Nicholas Cage recommended Apocalypse Now (1979) in Movies (curated)

Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, War

"I saw Apocalypse Now really with everybody else, so Marlon Brando was there, and my uncle was showing the movie, and Dennis Hopper was there and [Marc Marrie], and … I don’t think Marrie was there, but everybody … Let’s see. Larry was there. They were watching the movie for the first time, and I must’ve been about, gosh, what was I? 12, 13? I don’t know, but it really put a big effect in me, and I was blown away by the scope of the film. I don’t think there really was a movie like that before with the helicopter sequences, and with Brando’s performance with Dennis Hopper was… I mean, he was really going off the rails in that, and that had a big impact on me as well, in terms of my own later choices with film performance. I wanted to get a little more Dennis Hopper or less Dennis Hopper with some of the stuff that I was doing, so that had a big impact."

The Last Picture Show (1971)
The Last Picture Show (1971)
1971 | Classics, Drama
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s hard to believe a movie like this was once considered not only culturally impactful but mainstream. If The Last Picture Show could even get made today, I’m sure it would make a hundred dollars at art houses in New York and Los Angeles before going to Netflix in a month. I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma, not far from the setting of The Last Picture Show. Though I lived there in the seventies and early eighties and not the early fifties . . . though my town was in color and not black-and-white . . . Bogdanovich and Larry McMurtry evoke the way life felt for me. I knew some Sam the Lions, was closely related to some of them. As the movie suggests, they are now extinct. Every element of this film succeeds, and yet it is bigger than the sum of its parts. A profound film about the vanishing of character in America."

The Wolf Man (1941)
The Wolf Man (1941)
1941 | Horror
8.1 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The first Universal werewolf film to really make an impression doesn't have the same iconic status as either Frankenstein or Dracula, but is still a much more proficient movie in purely technical terms. Larry Talbot is plunged into a world of misery and horror when he returns to his family home in Wales; many visitors to the principality will probably empathise, but his experience is particularly bad when he is bitten by a gypsy and becomes a werewolf.

Solid story, decently structured; the wolf man make-up is honestly not that great, and neither is Chaney's performance, but the rest of the cast is decent and the plot rattles along. Notable as the film which established the 'rules' of lycanthropy as far as mainstream cinema is concerned. As ever, probably more interesting from a historical point of view than as a genuine piece of entertainment, but still a film which has deservedly resonated in the culture.
The Stuff (1985)
The Stuff (1985)
1985 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Here we have an 80s horror that looks cheap, has a crappy sound mix, involves questionable acting from all involved, a lot of shots that feel like corners were cut, and a ridiculous premise, and it's pretty damn glorious.

The Stuff is wonderful low budget horror. The practical effects are brilliant, and the dialogue is so damn stupid. It's vintage Larry Cohen in short.

The only actual criticisms I have involves Paul Sorvino's character. Even in an over the top cheese fest such as this, his character is severely out of place, and the general fun of the film takes a bit of a dive when he's introduced, casual racism and all. Also, the ending sort of appears from no where.
Any other criticisms are good-bad criticisms. For example, a lot of the dialogue seems improvised, and it's awkward as fuck, but kind of adds to the overall quirkiness of this insane killer dessert B-Movie.

The Stuff is great. Also looks legit tasty.
Jakob's Wife (2021)
Jakob's Wife (2021)
2021 | Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Let's be honest, a low budget vampire flick lead by Barbara Crampton and Larry Fessenden was always going to be right up my street.
Jakob's Wife has a lot going for it. It has a well paced and intriguing premise, snappy dialogue, sympathetic characters, over the top and hard hitting gore (seriously springs out of nowhere and caught me off guard), decent creature designs, a good soundtrack, and the aforentioned lead actors (although, Crampton expectedly and completely steals the show)
My main criticisms mainly come from what feels like a confused identity. There's some good humour sprinkled throughout, and some genuinely funny moments, but it does feel at odds with otherwise serious tone on display. A minor gripe, but one that's noticeable (a statement that also applies to the awful cgi rats in that one scene)

Overall, Jakob's Wife is an entertaining splatter fest that should appeal to any horror fan - don't sleep on it!

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

May 19, 2022  
Check out my blog, and read some excerpts from the true crime biography WASHED IN THE BLOOD by Shelton L. Williams. If you like what you read, enter the giveaway to win an autographed paperback, an Audible copy, or an eBook copy of the book - three winners total!

The true story behind the Kiss and Kill murder in Texas in 1961. Author Larry King says: Washed in the Blood is a page-turning read about the time--early 1960s--and place--Odessa, Texas--during its rowdy oil boom days when violence often rode the range. It is at once an examination of local mores and foibles, piety and hypocrisy and an inside-look at the famed 'Kiss and Kill' murder of a 17-year-old would-be actress, Betty Jean Williams, whose ghost is said to haunt the Odessa High School campus to this very day.