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This One's on Me (The Bandy Papers, #6)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
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This is the 6th entry in Donald Jack's 'Bandy Papers', and is set during the 1920s rather than the Great War period of the earlier entries.

As this start, Bandy is down on his luck, travelling back to England from Canada after the events of [b:Me Too|897972|Me Too (The Bandy Papers, #5)|Donald Jack||883159]: a trip that sees him stop in Iceland on the way and meet the next great love-of-his-life.

Travelling on to England, he then saves the life of a downed pilot who later proves to be the son of the second richest man in the world, who hires him to create an airforce for his Indian state.

While this does have its comedic elements, I have to say that I've found these books to run out of steam somewhat the further we move away from the earlier entries: for my money, those set during the era of World War oNe (and slightly after) are actually more laugh-out-loud funny than these later entries.

Jennifer Kirkland (1 KP) created a post

Jan 27, 2018  
Bardic Voices by Mercedes Lackey
I'm re-reading this series, as since my husband's death I find comfort in the literature I read as a teen or a young adult. And what I'm finding now, nearly thirty years later, is the same kind of anti-racism text as is found in Real Life Politics today. One of the Free Bards (Kestrel) is talking about Humans Only signs and varying things being declared as evil...

and I'm thinking... didn't I just hear this story on NPR?
    Aho-Girl 11

    Aho-Girl 11


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