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The Night of the Hunter (1955)
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
1955 | Drama, Mystery
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Robert Mitchum stars in his signature role as the demonic preacher Harry Powell. The great actor Charles Laughton’s only work as a director is a horrifying fable about the loss of innocence and the darkness barely contained beneath the veneer of American pastoral life. It’s a one-of-a-kind movie. There’s nothing like it. Powerful, beautiful, darkly funny. Visually stunning. Both expressionistic and harshly realistic. It’s an American fever dream that I don’t think was equaled until David Lynch launched Blue Velvet into an unsuspecting Reagan-era public three decades later. The disc features Charles Laughton Directs “The Night of the Hunter,” a deconstruction of the film featuring outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage that enhances the experience of an already perfect film in ways unimaginable. Compiled by the UCLA Film and Television Archive, it’s a special feature as good as the film itself."

The Black Box (Harry Bosch, #18; Harry Bosch Universe, #24)
The Black Box (Harry Bosch, #18; Harry Bosch Universe, #24)
Michael Connelly | 2012 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder During the LA Riots
When the LA riots happened back in 1992, Harry Bosch was a homicide detective who was called in to work crime scenes as quickly as possible since there were so many happening during that time. One of those was of a reporter from a paper in Europe. Nothing ever came of the case until twenty years later. Bosch is now working in the cold case squad, but a ballistics hit was just made that links the gun that killed the reporter to gang related murders that have happened in the years since. Can Bosch use this fresh new lead to finally solve the case?

Once again, part of the fun of the series is watching Bosch work his way to the conclusion. I never would have guessed it, but it makes perfect sense when we get there. Along the way, I enjoy spending time with Bosch and seeing how his life has evolved. I especially enjoyed watching his relationship with his daughter in this book. I did find the office politics Bosch faces border on clichéd, although I did see the higher ups point in one aspect here. I also found something that happened near the climax a little too convenient. But both of these are minor points in an otherwise strong book that will please series fans.
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex
Nathaniel Philbrick | 2015 | History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Many years ago I was boarding a plane to Las Vegas, planning on doing two things I really enjoyed: gambling and reviewing All-You–Can-Eat buffets (I was young. Thankfully, I got both habits out of my system.). Also boarding was a large passenger sneezing and wheezing. Here was someone who desperately needed a bowl of chicken soup and a flight refund. While he squeezed his way down the aisle looking for his seat, everyone on the plane was thinking the same thing I was—I hope he doesn’t sit next to me. As he settled in next to me, I imagined the worst. Needless to say, by the end of the flight, we not only became friends who still keep in touch twenty years later, but he recommended a book which changed my life. During the flight, he sold me on In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick. I asked my mom for this book for Christmas and as my Vegas friend promised, the book was extraordinary. So much so, it convinced me to write my own. Up until that point, I wrote comedy pieces and columns in publications but never anything long form. Speed up to today—20 years later—In the Heart of the Sea has been adapted into a movie and now that I’ve finished my current project (Footnotes from the World’s Greatest Bookstores), I plan to publish that illustrated novel inspired by my favorite book. Called The Sea Below Us, it’s a black comedy about the missing Sir John Franklin. I sent a manuscript to Nathaniel Philbrick—whom I have also met and kept in touch with over the years—and thanked him for the inspiration his book provided. He loved the manuscript."


Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Kite Runner in Books

Jun 19, 2018  
The Kite Runner
The Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (40 Ratings)
Book Rating
Moving and beautifully written
I can safely say that this is hands down the best book I’ve read so far this year. This book has been on my ‘to read’ list now for years, and I’ve never been moved to read it until now, mainly because I wasn’t sure it’d be my kind of story.... how wrong could I be.

This is possibly the most moving and beautifully written book I’ve read in a long time. The narration by the protagonist Amir is brilliantly done and it hooks you in from the very start. I was never bored for a second, whether reading about his childhood in Afghanistan or his later life in America and beyond. This is a heartwarming tale in parts, but for the most it is very sad and depressing and is a very good portrayal of war torn Afghanistan. I’ve never felt so moved to tears as I have when reading this book.The story itself too is not in the slightest bit predictable and to say I was surprised at the developments over the course of the book would be an understatement.

An amazing read and one that is sure to stick with me for some time.
Blood Slave (The Nightlife)
Blood Slave (The Nightlife)
Travis Luedke | 2012 | Erotica, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you are expecting all things fluffy and light, then my god, you're in for a shock! This is dark, gritty and extremely raw - in places quite literally! This is the story of a young prostitute, who has had a rough childhood that goes through to adulthood. She is making the best she can in a bad situation. Things take a turn for the worse after she meets a client, and she resists (without even realising) a hypnotic trance. This threatens her life, well, that and the gun in the client's hand. It is only later that Hope realises that she could have been killed even without the gun. Hope's story continues as she tries to find her feet and survive in this strange new world.

Dealing with childhood prostitution, adult prostitution, rape, kidnap, torture, and drugs; this is not for the faint-hearted. It is gripping and enthralling though, also being well-written and with no editing or grammatical errors that I found.

If you want to have a dark read, that is painful and hopeful, then I can definitely recommend this.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 19, 2016
Some Lucky Woman
Some Lucky Woman
Carmen DeSousa | 2016 | Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
discovering what you enjoy (0 more)
Where did I find this book: I picked this book out from Bookbub based on its synopsis. I’m in this odd time after college where I relate to these stories of being unsure of the next steps to take in life.

How it’s written: It’s told in first person by Jana. She tells the tale of losing her husband, becoming a book reviewer and a book writer, and finding what makes her truly happy in life. It’s light, fun, and to the point with 360 pages and a very easy nature to it that makes it hard to put the book down.

What I like about the book: I loved that not everything happened for her in a month. There are credible time lapses between events instead of a whirlwind of change all at once. I really liked that she doesn’t wallow in self-pity for long. Jana moves on from her ex and looks for things that bring her joy. She does things for herself and doesn’t care about what others think…except Adrian.

Final Thoughts: This book was amazing! Truly entertaining read from beginning to end. Jana’s story from getting a divorce to finding herself is empowering and intriguing.

Honestly I probably should have posted this book as my first book review. I already had the idea of posting book reviews but this book was a huge catalyst for me. It helped me realize that I just needed to start. It didn’t have to be perfect and I didn’t have to have it all figured out. I just needed to get things started and I could change things up later if I wanted to.
So if you’re in a part of your life where you feel like you need a change, you want to try something new, you need to do something for yourself, I would suggest reading this book.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2165 KP) rated Deadly Director’s Cut in Books

Oct 3, 2022 (Updated Oct 3, 2022)  
Deadly Director’s Cut
Deadly Director’s Cut
Vicki Delany | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Director Is Cut Out of the Picture
Hollywood has come to Haggerman’s Catskills Resort as famed director Elias Theropodous has decided to use it for some of the outdoor scenes for his new movie. Elizabeth Grady, the resort’s manager, is thrilled with the money, but not the disruptions to life at the resort, especially with Elias’s demands. However, when he dies after a night of eating and drinking at the resort, Elizabeth quickly realizes she has to find the killer in order to save the resort’s reputation. Can she do it?

Hollywood coming to town is a familiar trope, especially in cozies, but authors continue to use it because it works. That’s certainly the case here. The plot kept me engaged, sometimes reading a little later than I had planned, and I loved how the climax played out, although there is a minor continuity error with the climax. It doesn’t impact who the killer is. I also appreciated how the sub-plots some of the regulars had tie in with this main story yet also felt like natural continuations of their arcs from the first book. Naturally, the new characters are strong as well. I enjoyed the setting; I was ready to book a vacation at the resort myself. I also appreciated the way the 1950’s setting came to life, with little bits of everyday life infusing every page. If you are looking for a fun historical cozy, look no further than this book.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Loving (2016) in Movies

Nov 8, 2017 (Updated Nov 8, 2017)  
Loving (2016)
Loving (2016)
2016 | Drama
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rather stunning, poignant film
What makes this beautiful story so wonderful is the fact that it crosses boundaries in an unpretentious way. Based on a true story, there were ample chances to go over the top. However, there is no civil rights action, or major protestations, as portrayed in some other Hollywood films, keeping court scenes to a minimum.

The plot follows the real case Loving Vs. Virginia, in which a white man marries a black woman in the 1950's. At that time, interracial marriages were deemed illegal under segregation laws, and even the constitution. And in 1958, the couple were arrested after they secretly wed in Washington. They pleaded guilty and were forced to leave the state, banished for 25 years. But five years later, they return vowing to fight for their right to stay with each other, and now their three young children in the place which they call home.

The entire movie is quiet, and it is all conveyed through quite fantastic acting, subtle facial expressions, sounds, cinematography and minimal dialogue. The director makes the portrayal as accurate as possible - even posing scenes from real photographs posted in Life magazine at the time. And the tension from constantly keeping an eye out for authorities is palpable in Joel Edgerton's (Richard Loving) demeanour. It is a rare mainstream film that provokes frustration and rage without resorting to monologues or melodrama.
The Fallen Idol (1949)
The Fallen Idol (1949)
1949 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Carol Reed was a brilliant director and a sweet man, but he was not a one-man band like David Lean; he required a strong, patient producer who loved him, as my Uncle Alex did, and a gifted screenwriter, which Alex found for him in the novelist Graham Greene, as well as an art director of genius—my father. He was at his best surrounded by talented people who loved him, who were virtual family, and that shows in his best films, Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, and The Third Man. One unusual aspect of Carol’s gifts was that he was among the rare directors good at working with children—go watch The Third Man and you will be astonished at the brilliant inclusion of the ghastly little boy who accuses Holly Martins of murder. Most of the great directors hate working with animals or children, but Carol—himself the illegitimate son of the great Edwardian actor and theatrical producer Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree—had a natural sympathy and understanding of children. He was in fact childlike himself—hence his choice, later in life, to make a film of the musical Oliver!—and this shows in his direction of Bobby Henrey in this, another of those English films in which good manners manage to hide passion and even murder, except in the alarmingly clear view of a child. Ralph Richardson, dear Ralph, is at his best in the role of the butler."

I'll Take You There
I'll Take You There
Wally Lamb | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Felix Funicello is a film professor who lives in Connecticut. He is divorced and has one daughter, Eliza, who is currently working for New York Magazine. Felix also has two older sister, Simone and Frances who are an integral part of his life. Felix hold a movie club on Monday nights in the old Vaudeville theater in town. One night as he is setting up, he is visited by the ghost of Lois Weber, a renowned film director in her time. Lois shows Felix glimpses of his life along with the important women in it. Through these snapshots, Felix gains a greater understanding of the women in his life and women in general.

This book was reminiscent to A Christmas Carol, but he is visited by the same ghost, who brings three different visitors with her. Felix is first returned to his six year-old self. Where he and his sisters are helping their neighbor gather votes to become the next Rheingold Girl. Rheingold is a beer. This happens after his daughter tells him she has to write a piece about these girls.

The next transportation is a few years later when Felix is twelve. His mother and sister are talking in the kitchen about her boss being inappropriate with her at work. This part I heard just a few days after hearing day after day about a new man in a high position has been removed because of inappropriate behavior in the work place. Mind you, this is taking place in the early '60s and times were different, but some things never change. As Eliza, is telling her mother about what her boss has said, it's the mother's response that truly strikes me.
<i>"Men are men. Shapely girls like you just have to put up with stuff like that in the working world or else quit. Those are your choices."</i>
Thank God, those are no longer our choices, and that shouldn't have been the mentality then, maybe we wouldn't have all these issues today.

Also during this trip, Felix is given some news about his family that will change the dynamic forever.

The final time Lois comes to visit, the guest she brings, gives Felix a testimony that he has wondered about in the back of his mind for most of his life. That helps to fill a missing piece. The story is sad and is a part of the two previous visits from Lois.

All of these visits help Felix to be a better man, brother and father to the women in his life.

I think this is a very important book for all women to read, especially with the things going on in our world today. Told from the male point of view, I think it helps to see that some men can be empathetic to the plights of women. And this books covers a lot of those plights, from feminism, to abortion, adoption and acceptance. Years ago, I read She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb and I remember feeling the same way after reading it. Read them both.