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Port of Shadows (1938)
Port of Shadows (1938)
1938 | Crime, Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It seems I’ve been watching Children of Paradise all my life. I remember taking my son to see it when he was seven. When I was trying to convince Brando to play Garrett in Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, he told me that, along with the master swordsman in Seven Samurai, the thief in Children of Paradise was the greatest performance on film. I came to Port of Shadows much later in my life, and the Criterion transfer really enhanced its beauty. Jean Gabin became a prototype for me of a kind of actor difficult to find today. And the dialogue inspired me to attempt to re-create its poetic realism."


Duff McKagan recommended Raw Power by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Raw Power by The Stooges
Raw Power by The Stooges
1973 | Punk, Rock
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is a record that has really been a soundtrack for life. One of my older brothers had this so I got to hear it really early on when I was about 9. It melded in with the other records I started to hear later on around 79 when I was 15. I had a basis for punk rock, and this was it – Raw Power."

If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
Gayle Forman | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am not normally a fan of books without a “proper” ending, however this book finishes in the perfect place.

It follows Mia after a terrible car accident when she then has to decide is she wants to stay. The book is written very well between what is happening now and previous events from Mia’s life.

This book will make you think about life and death and how you would cope with certain situations.

Very exciting, it would appear there is a sequel set a few years later.
This One's on Me (The Bandy Papers, #6)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the 6th entry in Donald Jack's 'Bandy Papers', and is set during the 1920s rather than the Great War period of the earlier entries.

As this start, Bandy is down on his luck, travelling back to England from Canada after the events of [b:Me Too|897972|Me Too (The Bandy Papers, #5)|Donald Jack||883159]: a trip that sees him stop in Iceland on the way and meet the next great love-of-his-life.

Travelling on to England, he then saves the life of a downed pilot who later proves to be the son of the second richest man in the world, who hires him to create an airforce for his Indian state.

While this does have its comedic elements, I have to say that I've found these books to run out of steam somewhat the further we move away from the earlier entries: for my money, those set during the era of World War oNe (and slightly after) are actually more laugh-out-loud funny than these later entries.

Jennifer Kirkland (1 KP) created a post

Jan 27, 2018  
Bardic Voices by Mercedes Lackey
I'm re-reading this series, as since my husband's death I find comfort in the literature I read as a teen or a young adult. And what I'm finding now, nearly thirty years later, is the same kind of anti-racism text as is found in Real Life Politics today. One of the Free Bards (Kestrel) is talking about Humans Only signs and varying things being declared as evil...

and I'm thinking... didn't I just hear this story on NPR?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
J.K. Rowling | 2014 | Children
9.3 (217 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was probably one of the last people in my generation to read this book! (just kidding lol) But I think I picked this series up a couple years back and devoured ever book like it was candy! I was super nervous that I wouldn't follow the ideas and characters and I was scared I would hate it and a whole generation would hate me for hating it! But I ended up falling in love with everything about this book! So glad I read it later in life because I think I appreciated the concepts more as an adult.

Rickstrong23 (216 KP) rated Logan (2017) in Movies

Jan 2, 2018 (Updated Feb 17, 2018)  
Logan (2017)
Logan (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Diffrent look at marvels wolverine (0 more)
Old wolverine
This movie was good .i allways being a xmen fan since i was 10 loved it.i had wondered what would happen later in life and this is a good take on it.sad but drama wise a good adult movie .the realtionship between logan and professer x if you know xmen comics Patrick Stewart is good here and its not your a typical super hero movie they need more drama and feelings darker.beacuse thats something u get in the comics but rarely transfers into movies
This delved into the interesting, yet tragic back story of Neferet from the House of Night. While we who have read the series know she is no saint, we can understand where that hatred inside her came from. I thought this novella was intriguing because it painted Neferet, formerly known as Emily, in a different light than what we have seen before. I also very much enjoyed the symbolism of the fountain and how that was a foreshadowing of what was to come later in her life. Great job on this novella!
The Double Life of Veronique (1991)
The Double Life of Veronique (1991)
1991 | Drama, Fantasy, Music
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In January 2007, after a particularly difficult shoot (both physically and emotionally), I found myself back in Chicago with some time on my hands. I didn’t want to edit, because I didn’t have the energy to confront the footage. The Gene Siskel Film Center was showing several of Kieślowski’s films, including all of his later work. Every day, I would make my way to the theater in the evening and sit there eating dark chocolate, letting the work pour over me. It was like a religious experience. I came away from that series feeling revitalized. The Double Life of Véronique and Blue were especially breathtaking. Sławomir Idziak’s photography left an indelible impression on me and changed the way I look at light. One year later, I went back to New York to finish that difficult film, and I finally had an outlet for all the good energy Kieślowski had given me."

A Snowbound Scandal
A Snowbound Scandal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chase Ferguson and Miriam “Mimi” Andrix knew each other 10 years ago. Very well as a matter of fact, but neither could survive in the other’s lifestyle. A Snowbound Scandal by Jessica Lemmon tells their story from 10 years later amid a possible mayoral scandal involving Chase and an old picture of activist Mimi.

Chase Ferguson is now Mayor in Dallas Texas. Miriam “Mimi” Andrix is from Bigfork Montana still an activist in her own right but more teacher than doer these days. They couldn’t still be more on the opposite sides of life if they tried. 10 years ago Chase and Mimi started a love affair that lasted all summer, until their social standings and callings got in the way and Chase let Mimi go.

All Chase has wanted to do since that moment was get her back but he knew he couldn’t bend her to fit into his life in Dallas, just as he couldn’t fit into her life in Montana. He did keep tabs on her and bought the mansion they used to fantasize about living in together one day. He regretted that decision all these years later and when a scandal threatens to expose that relationship and use it for harm, he goes to Bigfork in hopes of making it right.

Mimi has received notice of the scandal threat too, and may have even Googled Chase to see what his life had become. Heading to the grocery store for Thanksgiving supplies she never expected to run into him in Bigfork. He gives her his private number and she later invites him to Thanksgiving dinner, which he declines. She then makes it her mission to give him a piece of her mind and set him straight about just exactly who she is.

Chase and Mimi go round and round about the past and who is responsible or not. An unexpected snowstorm traps Mimi at the Mansion for days and they find they are not quite as over each other as they would want the other to believe.

In the end, they both decide to go their separate ways again to live the lives they are currently living, separate from the other. But will they finally give love a chance to overcome the biggest obstacles in their lives?

I received an advance copy from Netgalley without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.