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Doppelgangster (Esther Diamond, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow, this was a real disappointment. The title was great, and I'll probably never use the term doppelganger ever again, but the story didn't live up to it. As opposed to the first book, [b:Disappearing Nightly|1405551|Disappearing Nightly|Laura Resnick||1231526], the humor was nearly nonexistent, the energy and zip lost, the new characters didn't add much and weren't very interesting - heck, even Esther and Max were boring, and the plot just wasn't that good. A hundred pages could have easily been shaved off and they wouldn't have been missed, especially with the mostly boring, redundant blathering that went on between the three main characters (Esther, Max and Lucky). So there were a few good points, mainly Lucky and Nelli, but overall the book meandered too much and took its sweet time getting anywhere; by the two-thirds mark I just wanted it to be over already. Everything was explained over and over again with each new suspect, I felt like it was being spelled out in excruciatingly slow details, in case the reader was too much of an idiot to figure anything out for themself. I hope, hope, hope that this is just a sophomore slump and the next book will be better. Also, keeping Lopez out of the magic loop will get old fast, so hopefully the author introduces it to him by the fourth entry.
I suppose it must be obvious to anyone who reads my reviews that I enjoy Laura Anne Gilman's writing. I've only read every one of her Retrievers series as well as every one of her short stories sold via <a href="">Fictionwise</a>; (including some that I'd already read in various anthologies, but I didn't want to miss anything). I've been waiting anxiously for <i>Hard Magic</i>, the first in the new Paranormal Scene Investigations series, and it did not disappoint me in the least.

If you've read the Retrievers books, you'll recognize the main character, Bonnie Torres, immediately as Wren Valere's neighbor. If you haven't read that series, don't worry - they aren't required to enjoy this book.

I do, however, recommend hunting down the short story "Illumination," which is referred to several times during the novel. It's in the anthology [b:Unusual Suspects: Stories of Mystery & Fantasy|3395318|Unusual Suspects Stories of Mystery & Fantasy|Dana Stabenow||3435306]. It isn't strictly required, but I think it would help.

If you've ever enjoyed CSI or any similar show, I think you'll really enjoy <i>Hard Magic</i> even more than others will. Bonnie and her coworkers are trying to reinvent all of the forensic science that those shows take for granted from scratch, from a magical perspective. It's fascinating to me, and I would have been happier with more geeking.

I'm really looking forward to book two!
Do you like books? Well, you probably do if you are reading this…..
Misty M. Beller has become one of my favorite authors over the last year as I have kept up with her new books and gone back and read her previous books. In each one she creates this beautiful connection between the reader and her characters that is phenomenal. Faith’s Mountain Home is a bit of a different focus than most of Misty M. Beller’s other books in that the characters do not travel all over the west, they mainly stay in a mining town. But after learning a bit about the main characters of this book in the last one Loves Mountain Quest I was really excited to learn more about Nate and Lauren and Misty M. Beller did not disappoint. Both Lauren and Nate showed great growth as individuals and their faith really showed through. I enjoyed the themes that Misty M. Beller wove into this story as they were realistic and had real life applications. Plus, the storyline hooked my interest with the opening line “Just a little farther. Laura Hannon dared another step on the rock ledge that wrapped around the mountain.” It was a great start and the momentum kept going throughout the book.

Overall, I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great character development, the themes presented, the the great display of faith throughout this book.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
American Gods
American Gods
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
I could live in this book
Contains spoilers, click to show
Short and to the point:

From start to finish I just did not want to put down American Gods, I just always really enjoy Gaiman's writing style he manages to create a world within a world that just feels so effortless and downright real. Their are so many amazing characters and most of them I just wanted more of, also with the amount of character we have we really get something that we never do and that is people of color represented and it is WONDERFUL .This is one of those few books that as soon as I was finished I wanted to turn it over and start reading again.


Shadow Moon - I could wax poetics about Shadow, he was quiet and kind of dry and usually that would have me think a character is kind of boring but just not with Shadow he drew me and made me fall in love. It was a so a happy surprise to have a main protagonist who is a person of color which is something that is need so much nowadays.
Laura – I really loved how Laura was handled, most characters who died the way she did would have been either thrown aside or made to be hated but that is not the case here, I love how she helps Shadow and her love for him really comes through but also that we do see her as her own person.
Mr. Wednesday - What can I say about Wednesday besides from the moment you meet him I don't trust him but like Shadow I can't help what wanting to follow him where he's taking me.
The Gods - even though there are a lot and I mean a lot of characters throughout the book I found myself never feeling overwhelmed by them Gaiman really found a way to give them all a voice but in no way overshadow the plot or any of the other characters.


We meet Shadow a few days before his release from prison he is taken into the wardens office to me given the devastating new that his wife Laura had been killed, when he is released from prison he meets a strange man know as Mr. Wednesday who offers Shadow a job to accompany him across America so he can recruit others to fight in an upcoming war, The Old Gods vs. The New Gods.

The story takes you to so many places and you meet so many just unique characters I love the differences between the gods how the old are left to do what they have to service feeding off of any belief they can get and how the new gods aren't at all what I thought I was going to be getting because let's face it there are not as many religious gods any more instead we worship TV and technology the way the Greeks worshiped the gods of Olympus.

Personal thoughts:

I could not get enough of American Gods even though the book was pretty hefty and it took me sometime to finish I still wanted more, Gaiman just creates such a wonderful and unique worlds that I could stay lost in them forever.
Everybody Knows (Todos Lo Saben) (2018)
Everybody Knows (Todos Lo Saben) (2018)
2018 | Drama, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I can guarantee that Everybody Knows was woefully under scheduled in cinemas across the country. I luckily got to see this while I was travelling for work, there's the occasional handy perk!

A certain amount of people find foreign language films a little daunting (I may have said this when I watched the Kobiety Mafii series, if I did, apologies). Everybody Knows certainly has its issues, mainly there are a lot of characters and when you couple this with the subtitles you miss a certain amount of introductions because they're so quick.

Initially the film doesn't really flow well and I was concerned that this might be consistent through the rest, however once we get into it thankfully that changes.

Spanish farmland always seems to offer the opportunity for fantastic scenic shots and they definitely took advantage of this in the early sequences. The drone shots at the wedding were particularly stunning to see from that vantage point.

Laura is an interesting character, she's got complicated relationships all over the place, her husband, Paco and then tensions rise within the family as we progress. Penélope Cruz is incredible in this role, she adapts to every situation as it arises and brings Laura to life with an emotional performance throughout. There's a stark change in her from before to after the wedding, everything adapts to support this, acting, wardrobe, make-up. In a movie full of good things this is probably the best.

Paco, played by Javier Bardem, is a great match for Laura. He's strong, loyal and he has a very clear sense of right and wrong. The connection between the two characters is incredible, which I'm sure is due in part to the fact that they're married in real life. Paco's journey is fraught, there's confusion and frustration through a lot of it. I can' say I was overly happy with how his story ended, but then I guess not everything ends the way you want it to.

I liked the idea behind the main story, it wasn't over complicated which allowed us to connect with the characters more. I was surprised when I came out that the film had been quite so long, at no point did it feel its length, it was incredibly well paced.

Suspicions were formed fairly early on (by me) about the twist. The film presents you with a few options, I'm glad that I didn't guess correctly.

Collectively this film is wonderful, Cruz had me crying like a baby, there were surprising moments of suspense and it had a laid back Spanish attitude to it, nothing was rushed but it still manages to keep you jogging along at a quick pace.

Apart from that initial issue with the flow there is little to quibble about. It's a very enjoyable (I'm not sure that enjoyable is the right word) film. I'm not sure that I could watch it again and get the same fire out of it that I did the first time now that I know what happens.

What you should do

You should absolutely try this one, good story and good acting come together for a tear-filled journey. Cruz will make you feel so many things.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

A vineyard, summer sun, wine made by my own fair hands... *sigh*

Hadley (567 KP) rated American Gods in Books

Jun 5, 2020  
American Gods
American Gods
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
Mad Sweeney (1 more)
Gaiman's writing and descriptions
No character development (2 more)
Dehumanizes women
The ending
The gods of the old world still exist in Neil Gaiman's 2001 novel "American Gods."

A science fiction/ fantasy story set in today's America, American Gods tries to answer the question of what happens when people stop believing in the past gods, and start worshiping new ones?

Shadow is our main character, who we meet while he's attempting to get released from prison after three years of incarceration - - - afterall, he has a job, wife and life waiting for him on the outside. And even though he's built up a strong exterior while in prison, everything comes crashing down after he receives news that his wife and best friend have died in a car accident.

Cue Wednesday, an old, odd man who gives Shadow a job after his release from prison - - - with strings attached: Shadow can't ask any questions, he must protect his employer at all costs, and if people need to be hurt, he must hurt them. Although Wednesday doesn't tell him exactly what is going on, Shadow agrees to his duties and begins a road trip with the eccentric old man, meeting an array of colorful characters along the way. But soon, Shadow begins to realize that his employer may be a mythical god in disguise, yet, oddly Shadow never really questions it or anything in the entire book for that matter.

The novel takes an odd turn early on when Shadow's dead wife, Laura, comes back to life in a zombified way. While Shadow is staying in a cheap hotel room, and Wednesday sharing a room with a young hotel employee in another, Shadow sees his wife in the clothing she was buried in, but he doesn't flinch - - - he carries a very calm conversation with dead Laura, he even goes down to the lobby to buy her a pack of cigarettes, and the next morning, he still doesn't seem bothered by it when he sees her muddy footprints on the floor. Wednesday tries to convince Shadow it was a dream, but makes snarky remarks that tells Shadow that even he knows it wasn't a dream. The two simply move on on their road trip, no questions asked.

But during this road trip, Shadow's suspicions are confirmed. He gets to see not only Wednesday, but two others in their true god-form, and afterwards, Wednesday confirms that he is indeed the Norse god, Odin.

Gaiman's take on mythological gods living in today's society is interesting, but disappointing. From recognizable gods to the forgotten ones, readers with a liking to history would probably enjoy this story most.

American Gods centers on the question of what happens to gods when they are no longer worshipped, and Gaiman merely focuses on male gods, while making all female characters (gods and humans) either prostitutes and/or sexual objects which is really off-putting for me as a female reader. And Gaiman's character development in the novel for gods and humans is nowhere to be seen thus lending very little plot development that is actually believable or enjoyable. I was unable to bring myself to care about our main character, Shadow, nor the plight with his zombie wife.And speaking of Laura, the disappointing character traits makes her not just unlikable, but also an unnecessary character overall.

I just can't recommend this book: the novel is good for the first 100 pages, but you could easily skip the next 450 pages that is just filler, and not miss much of the story. Gaiman also dehumanizes women, introduces characters in a way that would make them seem an important part of the story to only drop them out of it as quickly as they came in, and the ending is just a huge disappointment. All in all, Gaiman had a great idea, but the execution he used was poorly done - - - some parts even seem like Gaiman wrote them in a completely different state of mind, contradicting story lines and character traits altogether.

I did, however, have three favorite characters that weren't utilized enough for me to rate the story higher than I have: Mad Sweeney, Ibis and Jacquel. Mad Sweeney is a giant leprechaun that can pull gold coins out of the air; Ibis and Jacquel are Anubis and Jackel from Egyptian mythology, who run a funeral home in Cairo, Illinois today.

American Gods takes place only over a few months, which is surprising with how long the novel is. But the story is a buildup with no climax. Most characters come and go before readers can even decide if they like them or not,and that paired up with severe lack of character development leaves most of the main characters pretty forgettable. With this special edition containing 1200 more words, the story is still not worth it in the end. Gaiman is still a great writer, but this is not the book to recommend to anyone who wants to begin reading his work.

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated X-Necrosha in Books

Nov 30, 2020  
Craig Kyle | 2010 | Comics & Graphic Novels
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, it looks like I have come to the end of my X-Force reading tour. One more book to go, SECOND COMING, but it's an X-Men book, not specifically an X-Force one. And, while I am sad to see it come to an end, it also feels like a good time to get off this train.

This volume left feeling very unsatisfied at it's conclusion. I skipped over everything else, as I wanted to read the X-Force parts, as it was essential to the story. The other stuff, like NEW MUTANTS and X-MEN: LEGACY, were kinda meh, a lot of fluff, but not nutrients within.

As for the main story itself, it was okay. There were some genuinely creepy parts, but overall, by the end, it felt like there should have more to it. Instead, we had *a lot* of X-characters (living and deceased/reanimated), and after a while, it become hard to keep track of them all.

Laura Kinney/X-23 was one of the pluses to this volume, as Clayton Crain appeared to do a good job of not over-sexualizing her form. And dialogue? So good. She had some of the most fun dialogue ever (well, at least since her ANW issues).

Selene, on the other hand, looked ridiculous. I remembered her appearances from issues past, and while she wore a black leather bikini (bra and panties?), it was still not as "in yer face" as she was in NECROSHA. My wife is not a comic reader by any means, but I asked her opinion, as I wanted to know what she thought. You know what she said? She asked me who the slutty dominatrix character was. Yup.

I dunno. Now that I read it, I think I could have done without reading. And you can, too. There are better options. Promise.
The Last Thing She Said is filled with more then one mystery. Chris is the main one that needs to find answers for a dying friend. But what if that friend ends up being a famous author that wants to give her children the legacy that she left behind?

Well the way this plot goes. Chris and his mother do not know anything or seem to know that they are were friends to someone that was to be kidnapped and dead. When your mother last friend is leaves a letter to your son and ask you find out who murder her first husband George? The plot start to get thick and hot again.

This brings in the Geezer Squad to open up the cold case of a century. The author seem to bring in Mac and his wife which help a bit. If you meet the mayor you should not be surprised that their going to be a case that brings laughter between the two dogs.

Their seems that theirs is murder that needs solving that happens to be bring in two murders and a kidnapping. Who killed Lacy Woodhouse? Who would want George Livingston dead? Why extort money from Horace Billingely?

Laura Carr doe not disappoint. She gives us more then one mystery to dig into. How they all be connected and be related to the kidnapping and murder of George Livingston? To find out all this you will have to read The Last Thing she said. There is not one why to find one answers to why Mercedes Livingston? What ever happened to her? Their seems to be mystery until Chris gets and autographed book.

This author does her book brilliantly that I can not wait for the next one. This author adds her other mystery characters in seemly and they seem to help if they can. This time Mac get pulled in a bit. Will his wife be able to help with Chris cold case?
A Guide To Second Date Sex (2020)
A Guide To Second Date Sex (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Talk about burying the lead. Marie Claire offered its readers the chance to see A Guide To Second Date Sex free online for Valentine's Day, after seeing the cute little into from the lead actors I knew I had to give it a try.

Laura and Ryan have a chance meeting in a club after their friends abandon them, their awkward meeting turns into flirty banter and the two agree to a second date.

Both fresh off break-ups and clueless about how to go about dating they turn to their friends for help, but do too many cooks spoil the broth?

What a film. It's so awkward, but you just can't look away. I envy you if there isn't a moment in this that you can identify with. [Mum, if you're reading this I am of course playing it up for effect, I've never done any of this.] [Everyone else, 😬]

The keyword that kept popping up throughout my notes was "awkward", I truly hate awkward viewing. It's one of the reasons I don't like reality TV for the most part [when I do watch it I record it so I can fast forward through those bits]. I have actively walked out of the room because I couldn't cope watching things. How I managed to sit through this film I do not know. I was laughing out loud, I was burying my head in my hands, and yet I sat through it.

I can well and truly say at this point that I love George MacKay, put him in everything please. He plays Ryan, Ryan is somewhat unsuccessfully trying to get over his ex and his little experience with dating is being helped along by his flatmate Dan... but he's all for the conquest rather than the romance. Laura, played by Alexandra Roach has the backup of the internet, her mother and a friend, but she seems a little more sceptical about all the suggestions she's offered.

The setup gives you a very quick insight into our two main characters including some of the advice that's offered above. I've moaned in the past about short intros not setting up enough of the film that follows but with the way this film is laid out and the fact that the main action happens in the space of one evening means that everything unfolds very quickly and you don't need anything more.

When the present day story happens I really love the internal monologue that cuts in, the underlying insecurities and anxiety gets to bubble up. It absolutely needed it too, there's no way the film would have worked without this extra layer of humour. Without the audio the actors still do a great job, they mastered the art of the awkward silence, add the voiceover in and you get that chance to identify and match it to your own experience and internal commentary. I could write several stories in this vein based on my own experience. [Mum, again, I've never done any of this.] [Everyone else, 😬]

The film is based on the director's play that was performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, I would love to have seen how that was done, I'm visualising something crossed between a play and Fleabag.

A Guide To Second Date Sex expresses those hideous memories that you really wish had been erased with the evening full of alcohol that accompanied them. It reflects so many girls' nights in and morning after phones calls I've been part of that it had that nostalgic feel which I think is how I stayed engaged despite my awkward reaction. It's an amusing and charming tale of dating that develops into a hilarious romp through young love and its perils.

This was an immensely entertaining watch but I really wish it ended one clip earlier than it did, and that's the only reason I'm not giving this 5 stars.

[Note to friends when you see it... Yes, that scene... I know, right?!]

Originally posted on:
Unfriended (2014)
Unfriended (2014)
2014 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
In the modern age of electronic media, cyber stalking and cyber bullying have driven several young people to take drastic actions including suicide. Bullying has always been an issue in schools but with the ability for tormentors to cyber stalk individuals as well as encourage others to take part in the harassment, it can be hard to find any escape from the relentless attacks. In new film “Unfriended”, the audience learns through video clip that a young student named Laura committed suicide in an attempt to escape a never-ending wave of torment after an unflattering video of her was posted online. One year later the group of friends gather online as is their custom to discuss their lives as well as note the anniversary of Laura’s passing. As the group gathers on Skype may notice a mysterious and unknown person has joined their conference. Despite their attempts they’re unable to get rid of this unknown and so far silent intruder, but one of the girls named Claire starts to receive Facebook messages from Laura’s personal account. Unable to block, ignore, or remove this unwanted individual despite their best efforts, as the group soon find the tables have turned when they’re told that if they should leave the chat dire consequences will follow. At first dismissed as a very tasteless practical joke, when tragedy does strike it begins to give a new level of credence to the significant threat that their unknown chat partner provides.

When the unknown guest reveals that she is indeed Laura and begins to force the remaining students to play a series of games which in turn bring their darkest and deepest secrets to light as well as turning them against one another, the despair and eventually body count begins to rise. While there are moments you can ask questions such as where are the adults in the film which are never really addressed aside from a few police officers, the film does keep you interested even though it is presented entirely through a computer screen with each individual appearing as their own individual windows with other social media applications and computer screens coming and going as the plot dictates.

The film is neither as scary nor violent as one may indicate although it is definitely an R-rated film due to language and subject matter. Much of the graphic nature is shown through quick cutting and low-quality WebCam video that cuts out frequently or lags. The main strength of the film is that it takes an interesting concept to the approach of a killer looking for revenge. The fact that the characters remain in the same room in which they began and never once have any direct contact with each other is an interesting microcosm of how many young people today socialize more through electronics than they do in a face-to-face setting. However is anybody who grew up in the 70s and 80s will tell you, teens tying up phone lines for hours was a common occurrence in many homes throughout the world.

With the cast comprised mostly of unknowns, the film does the best with its premise but never fully develops the scares and suspense that one would expect from such an intriguing premise.

In the end the film can be a difficult watch but at least provides some entertainment for fans provided you can sit through the unusual visual presentation of the film and show patience with some of the leaps of faith that the audience is asked to undergo.