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Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Mule (2018) in Movies

Feb 11, 2019  
The Mule (2018)
The Mule (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Impressively good
I'm going to admit something now, but I don't think I've ever seen a Clint Eastwood starring film before. Ive seen some of his directing efforts (and really liked them), but this is the first time I've seen him acting - and after seeing this, I know I've been missing out.

This is very much a slow burner. It's not so slow that nothing happens but moves at its own steady pace that just about keeps your attention and hooks you in. This is helped mostly by a stellar performance from Clint Eastwood and a great script, which inserts some fairly humorous lines into what would otherwise be a very serious subject. The plot itself is a simple and enjoyable story that kept me enthralled for the entire 2 hours. The only downside is that most of the fantastic cast apart from Eastwood himself - Bradley Cooper, Michael Peña and Laurence Fishburne especially - are sadly underused. It's great to see them, it's just a shame that we don't see them enough.

Aside from this though, it's a very good enjoyable film that's absolutely worth a watch.
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Sarah (7798 KP) Feb 11, 2019

I do indeed!


Donna Jackson (0 KP) Feb 11, 2019

I love Clint Eastwood

Contagion (2011)
Contagion (2011)
2011 | Drama
The Outbreak
With all of this news about the coronavirus, i thought i reviewing this movie. This came out when the swine flu was around, so back in 2011. When the trailer came out, it looked really scary, because it was about a deadly virus speading. Now thats happening right now with the coronavirus. Its scary, but if you wash your hands with soap and water/hand Sanitizer, keep away from sick people, cover your mouth when you snezze and dont touch your eyes, you will be okay.

Anways to the plot:

When Beth Emhoff (Gwyneth Paltrow) returns to Minnesota from a Hong Kong business trip, she attributes the malaise she feels to jet lag. However, two days later, Beth is dead, and doctors tell her shocked husband (Matt Damon) that they have no idea what killed her. Soon, many others start to exhibit the same symptoms, and a global pandemic explodes. Doctors try to contain the lethal microbe, but society begins to collapse as a blogger (Jude Law) fans the flames of paranoia.

It has a all-star cast: includes Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, and Jennifer Ehle. Plus Steven Soderbergh directed it.

If you like medical action thriller film, than you will like this film.
Last Flag Flying (2017)
Last Flag Flying (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama
The true cost of war goes beyond the numbers of the dead and wounded that we see in textbooks, lectures, and in news reports. Each number represents a person who either perished or was injured. We overlook the extended impact that this loss of life or experience has on their families and friends. Even more, we often overlook the lasting impact that warfare has on the men and women exposed to it.

In Last Flag Flying Steve Carell (The Office, 40-Year-Old Virgin), Brian Cranston (Breaking Bad), and Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix) play veterans who reunite thirty years after serving together in Vietnam to bury one of their sons who has been killed in Iraq. Doc (Steve Carell) tracks down his friends in order to find some closure as to events they faced in their past and to find some sanity and clarity in the death of his son.

The film brings home the horror of war and demonstrates how men and women, out of a sense of duty, find themselves in the same situation as previous generations as they left home to serve their nation. The film is uncomfortable, with good reason, as it makes audiences reflect on the meaning of sacrifice, duty, and honor. The three characters offer the film the opportunity to demonstrate the contrast between youth and experience. It demonstrates how people can have the same experiences but are changed by it to varying degrees. Nothing is uniform about how they adapt to their experiences or in how they cope with the horrors they witnessed.

Last Flag Flying offers a much-needed, sobering perspective about war and how the experiences of war never quite leave those who survived. Carell, Cranston, and Fishburne offer up performances that demonstrate the power of friendship and brotherhood that forms for those who serve together. For those who served and those who haven’t, the film offers audiences the ability to gain a greater understanding of what life is like for those men and women once they take off the uniform.
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
A sequel on par with the first two, making for a fine trilogy
The original John Wick was a bit of a sleeper hit. It seemed to come out of nowhere, and grabbed people's attention immediately with it's revenge story, brutal action scenes, and undercuts of humour.
John Wick Chapter 2 was more of the same, and certainly in a good way.
John Wick Chapter 3, you guessed it, is more of the same, and the thing is, it's still not remotely boring.

The films opening action sequences hit you in the face from the get go (it opens immediately after the events of Chapter 2) and it's pretty relentless from there.
The action scenes themselves are frantic, but the lack of constant quick cuts means you can see what is happening. They are suitably violent, and keeps the John Wick tradition of ammo counting, which sets it apart from most gun orientated action films.
The martial arts stunt work is solid and slick and just all round thrilling to watch.

Keanu Reeves, as before, is great as the mostly-silent protagonist, and Ian McShane, Laurence Fishburne, Lance Reddick, and Halle Berry, all compliment the story pretty well.

The only problem I had with the cast was the completely over the top Adjudicator character. The constant crazy eyes were just a little too comical for me.

John Wick Chapter 3 is a great addition to this trilogy and thankfully leaves it open for another story down the line. I'm certainly ready to see what happens next.
The Mule (2018)
The Mule (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
It won me over!
Earl Stone has a lot of regrets in his life. He was a career man and maybe spent too much time drinking with his buddies. His family hates him as he also was remiss at many family functions throughout his life including his daughter's wedding.

When he is truly down on his luck financially, he hears about a job offer to good to be true. Why not just do some "driving" to earn some extra money? Who cares what the cargo is right? He decides to take the job and then decides having money in his life is too good to pass up. His financial situation improves substantially and he then decides to try and make up for lost time with his family.

Things with his new career become complicated and he even is becoming known to the DEA. He unknowingly evades them several times as his stock among the cartel improves.

I thought the film started slow and for some reason the editing in the first hour really bothered me. It seemed like a bunch of random scenes put together in a random way. Not sure if I can explain why.

The acting and screenplay were sometimes good, sometimes not good. I thought Eastwood the actor was amazing, but Bradley Cooper and Laurence Fishburne just phoned this one in.

The 2nd half of the film was much more interesting and won me over in the end. The fact that Eastwood is almost 90 himself and is still acting and directing is incredible and I salute him wholeheartedly for that.

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Kevin Phillipson (9967 KP) Jan 7, 2019

Definitely will check this one out


Andy K (10821 KP) Jan 7, 2019

Thanks guys!