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Paul Morrissey recommended Richard III (1995) in Movies (curated)

Richard III (1995)
Richard III (1995)
1995 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I have never tired of watching this film over the decades, ever since it premiered on TV in 1955, the same day of its theatrical release. Richard III is the greatest character the world’s greatest writer ever created, and this is his best play, and the greatest heroic performance ever given by the greatest English-speaking actor, Laurence Olivier, perfectly directed by the actor with a superb supporting cast and a fantastic score by Sir William Walton. It’s quite an achievement in every possible way. From his first appearance in the part on the London stage in 1944, it was acknowledged as the greatest Shakespearean performance anyone had ever seen, and it seems destined to remain that, thanks to this great film"

Clash Of The Titans (1981)
Clash Of The Titans (1981)
1981 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Rollicking but not exactly thought-through fantasy yarn, Ray Harryhausen's valedictory movie. Strapping lad Perseus attempts to win the hand of the princess Andromeda, but must contend with sea monsters, giant scorpions, the Medusa and so on. Meanwhile Laurence Olivier sits on the throne of Zeus and counts his appearance fee.

Knockabout stuff, if not strong on mythological accuracy or internal coherence, very much in the vein of the same producer's Jason and the Argonauts. Solid (if slightly eggy) performances from a good cast. Everything is in service to Harryhausen's animation sequences, anyway, which are technically immaculate even if the movie lacks a single stand-out set-piece like the skeleton battle or allosaurus-roping sequence of previous projects. Looks like a great movie when you're about eleven; pretty good fun when you grow up, too.
Under the Volcano (1984)
Under the Volcano (1984)
1984 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In 1941, the year of Citizen Kane, a far greater first film coauthored by its director appeared: The Maltese Falcon. From this great beginning, John Huston went on to forge a consistent and unmistakable identity toward life and film that he maintained throughout his long, varied, and productive career. After Laurence Olivier, Albert Finney has been the greatest English actor to work in films, and Under the Volcano is his greatest role. Like all the great characters in Huston’s best films who are ironic, never sentimental, humorous, and usually very unpleasant, Albert Finney, never offscreen, is playing someone totally inebriated from beginning to end. It reminds me of another favorite, Richard III, where another great actor, in this case playing a serial murderer, pulls out all the stops, brings it all off, and brings the viewer over to his side."


Awix (3310 KP) rated The Boys from Brazil (1978) in Movies

Apr 21, 2019 (Updated Apr 21, 2019)  
The Boys from Brazil (1978)
The Boys from Brazil (1978)
1978 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Another adaptation of one of Levin's pulpy-but-effective thrillers, this one riffing on The Omen a bit (Gregory Peck, paedophobia, etc). Laurence Olivier discovers that Nazi mad scientist Gregory Peck is plotting the death of nearly a hundred 65-year-old men around the world, but why? Could the targets' identical sons have something to do with it?

The material is pure schlock, lifted by the presence of distinguished actors and fairly lavish production values. You could argue that the film also attempts to explore issues of nature and nature in a relatively more sophisticated fashion than most films about (spoiler alert) cloning, but the whole thing retains an air of feverish preposterousness throughout, to say nothing of the fact it is arguably in very dubious taste. That said, it's highly watchable from start to finish; definitely qualifies as a guilty pleasure, though.