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Rocket Racoon recommended Dirty Harry (1971) in Movies (curated)

Dirty Harry (1971)
Dirty Harry (1971)
1971 | Classics, Drama, Mystery

"Dirty Harry Callahan would make a GREAT Guardian of the Galaxy. We don’t hardly count as 100% heroes, but we ain’t 100% outlaws neither. We’re… a bit of both. This should be required viewing for anyone in law enforcement. I’M LOOKING AT YOU, NOVA CORPS. I only have one tiny critique — Callahan was wasting time with that puny “.44 Magnum.” He needs my “.88 Maxnum,” my quad-blaster, or even better, my Hadron Enforcer! NOW ask yourself, “Do I feel lucky?!” OH, YEAH!"

Psych: The Movie
Psych: The Movie
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Characters (1 more)
Psych You Out Again
Yes, another cop show... but with a twist. I’ll be honest, I was worried because this show was made during the same time other law enforcement shows were big. What could possibly make this show unique?
Well, it’s a quirky tv show that has good clean humor. Although, if you don’t like the 80’s, you won’t like the jokes. It was a clever fun show that I greatly enjoyed.
Although it had the cliche young man who needs to grow up as the main character, his need to get out of trouble with the law creates an opportunity for him to use the skills his dad trained him with. Being highly observant has never before been so fun.
Small Town Murder
Small Town Murder
Comedy, Society & Culture
7.9 (10 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Hysterically funny (3 more)
Great research
Empathic toward victims/victims' families
Crime and Comedy
Two American comedians who examine the horrendous things that sometimes happen when people in small towns snap and commit murder. A hilariously funny show, which is respectful to the victims and their families, while laughing at murderers, incompetent law enforcement, and small town behaviour.
True crime and comedy can go together, and laughter and black humour are a good coping mechanism when dealing with horrific circumstances, and these two walk the tightrope between irreverence and insensitivity very well.
Bosch  - Season 1
Bosch - Season 1
2014 | Drama
Characters (2 more)
Law enforcement representation
Crime drama done right!
If you love the Michael Connelly Bosch crime novels; you will love be this Amazon TV series. Michael Connelly even has a hand in producing this series, so it makes it pure from book to screen. It isn't like other crime dramas that solve themselves in an hour it takes the whole season. Which, is very refreshing! Even if you aren't familiar with the book series, you will definitely enjoy this show. It keeps your attention and doesn't just give away clues and keeps you guessing.
The Vanishing Season
The Vanishing Season
Joanna Schaffhausen | 2017 | Crime, Thriller
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel was thrilling and enthralling! I could not put it down. The characters are believable and relatable. The minutia of small town law enforcement is enhanced by the enormity of the crimes being committed, more so because no one is convinced they are really occurring. I like the way the author portrays a victim and the aftermath of the horror she survived in its banality since it is probably as real as it would get. I enjoyed the different characters and the plot was interesting and well developed. The twist ending was excellent!