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Winter's Bone (2010)
Winter's Bone (2010)
2010 | Drama
Jennifer Lawrence's acting in this film should have won her the Oscar, she was brilliant in this film. The film showcased rural life in the Ozarks, and Ree's (Lawrence) journey to find her drug dealing father. I definitely recommend it, and it's worth a watch.

Merissa (11784 KP) created a post

Feb 19, 2024  
"It's steamy and smexy, plenty of that but I did find the romance element lacking" - @Debbiereadsbook

Release Blitz & #Giveaway: Blackmailer's Delight by David Lawrence - #Historical, #MM, #RomanticComedy, 4 out of 5 (very good)

Available in #KindleUnlimited
Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Thriller
Jennifer Lawrence (0 more)
Poor pacing and about 30mins too long (0 more)
A good espionage Thriller
I didn't see many reviews before seeing this, just a trailer. It's a very stylish spy thriller with some great cast members.
The trailer made it seem quite a seductive thriller, whilst it does have some sex scenes and nudity it's gratuitous rather than sexy. It's quite violent and brutal at times with some torture scenes.
Overall the story is interesting but not gripping and the pacing is up and down in the 2nd half of the film. Thankfully the ending was decent and Lawrence does well in a challenging role.
Double Idemnity (1944)
Double Idemnity (1944)
1944 | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Number two… I would usually say Lawrence of Arabia but I’m sure everyone says Lawrence of Arabia — and it is one of the greatest movies ever made — but I was trying to think of others, and I would have to say a Billy Wilder one. I would say Double Indemnity, only because it’s never been matched. That plot has been copied, you know, a million times, but that was the first. And his dialogue is great. Billy Wilder’s one of my favorite directors. I would like to pick five of his movies but I’ll say Double Indemnity because no-one’s ever matched it. Well, no-one’s ever matched Sunset Boulevard, either."

Winter's Bone (2010)
Winter's Bone (2010)
2010 | Drama
This was the first movie I saw Jennifer Lawrence in, and it still blows me away. After a couple years, it has really stuck with me. The acting is really impressive, from the main characters. It's also just a beautifully shot movie, with so much atmosphere (0 more)
Amazing acting
The Wolfman (2010)
The Wolfman (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery
During the golden age of cinematic horror, Lon Chaney terrified audiences with his portrayal of the Wolfman which launched the character as a cultural mainstay.

Over the years there have been countless updates to the tale which ranged from Michael Landon in “I Was a Teenage Werewolf, to the more contemporary “An American Werewolf in London” and “Dog Soldiers”.
With remakes being all the rage in Hollywood, Universal has returned to the original source material to offer an updated version of the original classic.

Set in England near the start of the twentieth century, the film stars Benicio Del Toro as an actor named Lawrence who is summoned home when his brother goes missing. Upon returning to the lavish familial estate, he is greeted by his estranged father, (Sir Anthony Hopkins), who informs him that his brother mutilated body was discovered earlier.
Dismayed by the condition of his brother’s remains, Lawrence decides to stay and get to the bottom of the mystery. When a clue provided by his brother’s fiancé leads him to a Gypsy encampment, Lawrence learns of a curse, but before he can obtain the information he desires, the camp is attacked by a mysterious creature that leaves a horrific path of carnage in its wake and leaves Lawrence badly wounded from a bite.

Lawrence makes an amazing recovery from his wounds and in doing so raises the suspicions of the locals who now see Lawrence as cursed and a threat to their society.

Lawrence has also raised the suspicions of Scotland Yard Inspector, (Hugo Weaving) who is convinced that Lawrence may be a key player in the local horror, as he was confined to an asylum in his childhood following the death of his mother.

At first Lawrence is outraged at the accusations, but when he transforms into a deadly creature and embarks on a deadly killing spree during a full moon, he soon learns a dangerous secret that places not only his life in danger, but endangers all those around him.

In a desperate race against time, Lawrence attempts to get to the root of his troubles and set things right before the next full moon, when his animal side will take over once again.

The film is a stylish update of the original and the cast is strong. Sadly they are given little to do with the by the numbers plot, and spend much of the time looking like they are simply going through the motions which makes it difficult for the audience to develop a deep sympathy or attachment to the characters.

Oscar winner Rick Baker has done some amazing makeup work and the effects of the film are solid. It was reported that the film was delayed so Universal could punch the film up by adding some new fx and sequences.

The final result is a mixed bag as while the film is a nice update on the original, audiences have seen more so many variations of the story over the years it is hard to be surprised by anything in the picture. Despite the best efforts of the creative talent, there is little tension or drama in the film and by the time the finale plays out, many may think they have seen it all before.

Universal has released the 1941 original Lon Cheney version of the film on DVD and for those who like film history; they may gain a new insight into the film by watching the original version prior.

In the end, “The Wolfman” works as a matinee or a DVD rental, but I would not suggest it as a full priced theatrical experience for anyone other than those looking for a piece of nostalgia.
Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Thriller
Never entertaining, frequently repugnant
Director Francis Lawrence and Hollywood sweetheart Jennifer Lawrence (they are no relation, I’ve checked) aren’t a new combination when it comes to film-making.

In fact, Francis Lawrence may have kick-started the world’s love affair with the young actress after he directed her in the best Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire.

They both went on to finish the saga with Mockingjay’s two instalments and the rest as they say, is box office magic.

Here though, they both take on a very different project, aimed at a very different group of movie fans. Red Sparrow is the first hard-hitting thriller of 2018. But is it any different from the plethora of films already out there in the genre?

Prima ballerina Dominika Egorova (Jennifer Lawrence) faces a bleak and uncertain future after she suffers an injury that ends her career. She soon turns to Sparrow School, a secret intelligence service that trains exceptional young people to use their minds and bodies as weapons. Egorova emerges as the most dangerous Sparrow after completing the sadistic training process. As she comes to terms with her new abilities, Dominika meets Joel Edgerton’s CIA agent Nate Nash (yes really) who tries to convince her that he is the only person she can trust.

The film starts off very promisingly as the audience are treated to a beautifully choreographed opening that follows Lawrence at the height of her dancing fame and Edgerton as he goes about an assignment. Both characters don’t intertwine at this point, and as the music builds to a crescendo we realise both their nights are about to go very wrong. It’s nicely filmed, if a little Black Swan–esque. Unfortunately, this impressive crescendo signals something else, the start of a downhill slope for Red Sparrow.

For a film marketed as a classy, adults-only thriller, Red Sparrow has very little in the way of class, despite the inclusion of Jennifer Lawrence. Her acting, as usual is sublime, minus her at times dreadful Russian accent and the rest of the cast do their best with Edgerton coming across well, but the rest of the film is just such a mess. Jeremy Irons feels incredibly miscast as a Russian General and the script by Justin Haythe is borderline incomprehensible.

The overuse of graphic violence and sex really does it no favours. There’s only so many times you can watch Lawrence be raped without wondering what the hell the film-makers thought they were doing and one (thankfully consensual) sex scene will have your eyes rolling in the back of your head: not out of pleasure, but out of absurdity.

It really begs the question: why did Lawrence pick such a bizarre choice of role in the first place?
Then there’s the action, or lack thereof. Where films like Atomic Blonde stylised the violence and the action to create a particular aesthetic, Red Sparrow just doesn’t. The limited amount of action that is presented to the audience is lazily filmed and worlds apart from director Francis Lawrence’s excellent work on the Hunger Games series.

Sure, the sets are lavish and the globetrotting that Lawrence gets to do is pleasant enough, but we’ve seen it all before and done much, much better. The production has a very staid quality that isn’t befitting of its director and its leading lady.

The final act twists that piece together everything that has come before is 30 minutes too late. At 140 minutes long, Red Sparrow is an absolute behemoth of a film but there is no reason whatsoever for it to be this long. Had it been thrilling and entertaining it could have gotten away with it – unfortunately it drags continuously from beginning to end.

Overall, Red Sparrow is a real dud that even the talents of Jennifer Lawrence can’t save. Not only is it never entertaining and frequently repugnant, it really begs the question: why did Lawrence pick such a bizarre choice of role in the first place? If it’s to escape her Katniss Everdeen persona she’s succeeded, but this could make movie studios think twice about casting her in projects in the future.
Mother! (2017)
Mother! (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
This is a film that many might love but unfortunately I didn’t. ‘mother!’ is a clear case of ambition gone horribly wrong. Other than Lawrence and Pfeiffer, film has nothing much to write home about.
Critic- John H. Foote
Original Score: 1 out of 5

Read Review:
Winter's Bone (2010)
Winter's Bone (2010)
2010 | Drama
A very good film with a stand out performance from Jennifer Lawrence. A bleak sad tale about a young girl caring for her family, who needs to track down her dad who has skipped bail. A well made film and the cinematography, location adds greatly to the feel of the film.
The Hunger Games (2012)
The Hunger Games (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Jennifer Lawrence (0 more)
So much like Battle Royale (0 more)
Not an original concept, but enjoyable watch
To be fair, I had never heard of the Hunger Games series before the film came out. So when I watched it my first reaction was - this is a rip off Battle Royale! Obviously that changed after the other films came out. However, I enjoyed the concept - because I loved BR. And I especially liked Jennifer Lawrence who always plays such fabulously gritty characters such as in The Winter's Bone. It's not a film you can watch repeatedly though because it is rather dark, and there are zero comedy elements in this dystopian fantasy (obviously). That being said, great acting all round.