Maltese Dictionary
Reference and Productivity
Maltese to English and English to Maltese Dictionary. Text to speech feature and auto-complete...

Daily English Idioms Proverbs
Lifestyle and Education
It's good to know the really common English idioms, proverbs and phrases because you hear them come...

The Excellent Audition Guide
An engaging, upbeat guide for any student thinking of applying to drama school. In The Excellent...

Absolute Beginners Ukulele
Step-by-step pictures take you from first day exercises to playing along with a backing track....

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)
Movie Watch
Harriman Nelson (Walter Pidgeon) is the creator of a revolutionary nuclear submarine. After testing...

City Lights (1931)
Movie Watch
A hapless but resilient tramp (Charlie Chaplin) falls in love with a blind flower girl (Virginia...

The Visual Language of Drawing: Lessons on the Art of Seeing
Featuring the insights of 15 current and former Art Students League instructors, this stunning...

Social Sciences via Network Analysis and Computation
In recent years information and communication technologies have gained significant importance in the...

Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective
Brian Gibson, C. Langley, John Coyle and Robert Novack
The tenth edition of SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A LOGISTICS PERSPECTIVE refined its focus on the...

The Innovation Tools Handbook: Creative Tools, Methods, and Techniques That Every Innovator Must Know: Volume 3
H. James Harrington and Frank Voehl
This book focuses on the creative tools and techniques, decisions, activities, and practices that...