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Hazel (2934 KP) rated Conviction in Books

Jun 11, 2023  
Jack Jordan | 2023 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a really good legal thriller that had me flicking my Kindle screen at break-neck speed to find out what further twists were to be revealed.

Neve is a top lawyer so when she is handed the case of defending Wade Darling after his original barrister jumped in front of a train, she sees the opportunities open before her to make her name as a top barrister. Unfortunately, she has a secret that she is desperate to keep hidden but someone knows and threatens to reveal it if she doesn't lose the trial. What should she do? Throw the trial and destroy herself or defend her client to the best of her ability and threaten not only herself but those she loves?

Conviction is a rollercoaster of a ride that builds and builds with tension, full of twists and turns that had me hanging on every page not knowing what was going to happen next. Full of great characters and written at a fast pace, I would recommend to lovers of great thrillers and courtroom dramas.

Definitely one of my reads of 2023 and thanks must go to Simon & Schuster UK and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Conviction.

Dracoria Malfoy (690 KP) rated Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Books

Dec 18, 2017 (Updated Dec 18, 2017)  
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl | 2016 | Children
8.3 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I mean, it's been a while since I've read this, but here's what I have to say:

Roald Dahl? Spectacular!! He's one of my favorite authors, and it's amazing how he writes. And this book is one of his classics, so of course, it's amazing.

Now, I found some problems, the most important one being;

Okay, rant over. But still! How!!??

But on with the good parts: It's still amazing, and highly creative. You can tell Willy Wonka wanted to impress the kids, show them how awesome his factory was, and you can't blame him for getting rid of all the brats that came to his house. And OH MY GOODNESS CHARLIE MY SMOL BEAN YOU'RE SO AMAZING AND PURE AND INNOCENT SO NICE!!
But my favorite part is when his grandpa went 'fuk it I'm going with this kid no matter what you say'

Also the chocolate. You can't forget the chocolate.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated The Insider in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
The Insider
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a aurprisingly great read! I love reading books by authors that I've not read previously. I got into the book with the hope of finding a new favorite author or at least someone whose books I want to continue to watch for. On the downside, that has also lead to reading books that just don't even some close to fulfilling that place.
This one is not one of those books though, I'm thrilled to say! I am a HUGE fan of Steve Berry & David Baldacci & Reese Hirsch has come as close to anyone else in mathcing their writing style, plot twists, & wonderful character development. For an author I'd never heard of until picking up this book, I'd say that is pretty high praise.
This books tells the story of Will Connelly. A newly minted partner in a large corporate law firm in California. He decides to go out to celebrate his newfound partnership & unbeknownst to him, finds himself in the cosshairs of some ladder climber Russian mafia wannabes. This leads to investigations targeting Will by the SFPD, SEC, & DOJ among other law enforcement agencies. The characters are well developed & believeable. The plot twists & turns without becoming to weighed down by all the legal jargon or government agencies.
I look forward to more by this author!
Battle Line
Battle Line
2000 | Ancient, Card Game, Deduction
simple game with simple pieces, some flags marking the territories, and then a deck of cards. (0 more)
Great Head to Head travel card Battle
We take this with us on vacations, we don't even bother to bring the flags, since we usually can find rocks or shells or something to mark the locations when we get there. So really it's just a deck of cards. The game is quite simple and elegant, you play a card and draw a card. playing a card sends it to a particular battlefield, and a max of three cards can be played on any one field. if your side of the flag is stronger you win that battle, either 3 wins in a row or more over all flags wins. The cards can be used to make different sets, with a pokeresque hierarchy of sets. we play this one bast 2 of 3, as we tend to finish a game in 10 minutes or so. This is a great little game and is known by several names including Schotten Totten, and I've seen lots of fan made re-skins including peanuts characters and other pop culture icons that would definitely not be legal to produce except for personal use.... what theme would you use if you had the time and energy to make your own version....

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Apr 18, 2018

This person made a star wars version.... obviously only for themselves to use.

The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
Simon Michael | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An exciting legal thriller
Sapere books just seem to keep publishing books that I really enjoy reading. This is another one. Again, a book that I wouldn’t normally read - although I don’t think I can keep saying that about thrillers, I seem to be reading a lot of them lately! This is a very good one though.

Charles Holborne wasn’t born as a Holborne, he was originally Charlie Horowitz. After a successful war for him, he left the RAF and went to Cambridge, which for a Jew from the East End at that time was both unusual and remarkable. He becomes a barrister, which is again unusual, and changes his surname due to the prejudice of those in chambers. He’s very good at his job, and specialises in criminal cases. Not everyone appreciates his success, and he soon runs in to some serious problems.

This book just seemed to speed by for me. It was interesting, fast-paced and the second half was rather exciting. We even get to meet the Krays (there’s some historical crimes and criminals to help the reader get some sort of context)!

Charlie Holborne is a really likeable character, and I’d be very interested to read more books in this series.
Thanks to Sapere Books for my copy of this book to read and honestly review.
The Moth and Moon
The Moth and Moon
Glenn Quigley | 2018 | LGBTQ+
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1780, Blashy Cove is a very progressive town, with running water and legal same sex marriages. An unexpected hurricane drives most of it residents into the cavernous the Moth & Moon, local tavern and inn. While they wait out the storm, fisherman Robin Shipp is forced to face demons from his past. Can the town and Robin pull together in the aftermath of the storm and pick up from the devastation to their homes and lives?

A wonderful combination of action, adventure, emotion, and romance. Once you start reading you will not want to stop! Full of real, relatable characters. They have flaws both physical and emotional; no one is picture perfect in Blashy Cove! However, most are lovable.

I like the descriptions given to the buildings and the surrounding area. It helps immerse the reader into the story. My favorite part of this book, however, is the idea of Blashy Cove, a place where homophobia does not exist. Same sex marriages are common and the norm. No one has to fight for their place. It is refreshing.

My only negative comment is that the physical description of The Moth & Moon gets repetitive throughout the first few chapters.

I highly enjoyed this read and definitely would recommend it to anyone. I give it 5 out of 5 stars
A Nearly Normal Family
A Nearly Normal Family
M.T. Edvardsson | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
A pretty good read
I don't read a lot of legal/courtroom stories and even less so-called Scandi-Noir type books but, for some reason, the blurb caught me and drew me in and, overall, I was pretty satisfied with "A Nearly Normal Family".

The book centres around a seemingly perfect family (they are anything but!) and is separated into three sections each told from the perspective of a family member following the arrest of the daughter for the murder of a man; each of these sections provided insight into each of the characters and a different take on the situation they find themselves in. What it also did was make this a slow burner with the tension mounting gradually towards the great ending which I found very satisfying.

I did have a couple of problems with this book though; one being that I couldn't connect with any of the main characters and struggled to empathise with any of them, the other being that I think there were times when things seem to have got lost in translation which made the story not flow quite as well as I was expecting.

Overall though a pretty good read and definitely worth the time I invested in reading it.

Thanks go to the good people of Pan Macmillan via NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased review.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Guardians in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
The Guardians
The Guardians
Josh Grisham | 2020 | Law, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of the best John Grisham books I’ve read in quite some time! It’s a strong, captivating story featuring the “good guys” versus “bad guys” dynamic that Grisham does so well.

Cullen Post works for Guardian Ministries, traveling the country fighting wrongful convictions. Guardian takes on clients forgotten by the system. Post, a lawyer and Episcopal minister, finds himself drawn to their latest client, Quincy Miller, who is serving life in prison. Quincy supposedly killed Keith Russo, a lawyer in Seabrook, Florida. He’s been in prison for over twenty years. And now Post is realizing that Quincy’s case is going to ensnare him and Guardian in a dangerous world—powerful people killed Keith Russo, and they do not want Quincy Miller exonerated.

"I have saddled myself with the burdens of innocent people rotting away in prison while rapists and murderers roam free."

This book has the legal and dramatic hallmarks of a strong Grisham novel. I was drawn to Post immediately and quickly caught up in Quincy’s case and Post and Guardian’s world. There are lots of twists and turns and surprises as Post works to free Quincy. I love the details Grisham throws in, plus the peeks into the courtroom, tidbits about examining evidence, and more. It’s a powerful read that gives you plenty to think about. Definitely worth a read! 4 stars.
The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959)
The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959)
1959 | Classics, Horror
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Anton Diffring (1 more)
Christopher Lee
Could You Cheat Death?
The Man Who Could Cheat Death- is a decent sci-fi horror flick.

The plot: Turn-of-the-century authorities search for a killer who surgically removes his victims' thyroid glands and implants them in himself to maintain his youth.

The lead role of Bonnet was originally offered to Peter Cushing, who turned it down six days before shooting started. Cushing's reason was that he was completely exhausted 'following the shooting of The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959), which had just wrapped up'. The loss of Cushing caused Hammer to threaten legal action against him. However, Cushing had not signed a final contract with Hammer, and nothing could be done, although an angry Paramount, which was partly financing and distributing the film, 'relegated to picture to the lower half of double bills in the States'.

The Man Who Could Cheat Death was granted an X-certificate by the BBFC on 8 April 1959. The X-cert meant that the film could only be exhibited to people age 16 or older. The film was cut in order to get the certificate, which allowed it to be shown in the UK, but the details of what or how much was cut are unknown.

Like i said its a decent sci-fi horror flick about a madman scitentist.
Getting Doug with High
Getting Doug with High
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Cool celebrity guests (2 more)
Very educational
They're smoking weed man!!! Its awesome
Best show EVER!!!!!!
I was cruising through the amazballs app Tubi Tv when I came across this little gem... Mind you, I do smoke a shit ton of weed myself... And it is legal now in my whole country, so fuck it... Lol.
Doug Benson is someone I've seen on talk shows and heard on podcasts a few times, but I never knew much about him.
This little piece of click bait lured me in with the chance of seeing one of my favorite writer/directors Kevin Smith getting blazed up with Doug and Brian Poshien... Or however you spell it... And it didn't let me down.
He and his guests get just obliterated off some of the sweetest strains of bud made available by whatever weed store they happen to propagate. And they always tell you what the pot is like. Effects... Length of buzz... That sort of pertenate information stoners like myself want to know.
Plus its a chance to see Jeff Ross, Natasha Leggerio and Anthony Jeselnyk HIGH AS GIRAFFE BALLS.
Overall its 45 minutes that is filled with talking, coughing and laughter... Very reminiscent of nights spent in my mom's kitchen with my friends, sitting around the table smoking our heads off and laughing til the sun came up.
Ah the memor... Wait.... What????