Let the Right One in
Audiences can't get enough of fang fiction. Twilight, True Blood, Being Human, The Vampire Diaries,...

Let Me In
Ebba Segerberg and John Ajvide Lindqvist
English version translated by Ebba Segerberg. Let Me In Takes Top Honors at Tribeca Film Festival...
Vampire Sweden Let the right one in

An urgent political play from the writer behind Let The Right One In and This is England '86. Hope...

Dave Does the Right Thing: I'm David Cameron. I'm Prime Minister. I Will Do the Right Thing. I Must Do the Right Thing. We All Must Do the Right Thing.
Owen Dudley-Edwards and Bob Dewar
Meet Dave. Dave is Prime Minister. Dave really wants to do the right thing. He keeps telling us he...

Studies in Terror: Landmarks of Horror Cinema
Acclaimed critic and broadcaster Jonathan Rigby brings his trademark wit and insight to bear on 130...

The Last to Let Go
A twisted tragedy leaves Brooke and her siblings on their own in this provocative new novel from the...

Becoming Vampire: Difference and the Vampire in Popular Culture
Becoming Vampire is an interdisciplinary study of how the figure of the vampire in the twenty-first...

Hope Carter used to believe in happily ever afters. She has always tried to do the right thing –...

Jingo (Discworld, #21; City Watch, #4)
Neighbours… hah. People’d live for ages side by side, nodding at one another amicably on their...