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Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nice easy read.
I really liked the idea behind this book... Being a child of the 80s it was a real buzz to think that all the things that made me tick as a child could become stuff of legend. The setting for the story is entirely believable, with climate change, renewable energy and global over population very hot topics right now - it's no real stretch of the imagination to see that this is where we could be in the future. I also really identified with the insecurities of the characters... The anonymity that the internet lends is liberating, but also terribly isolating.

As much as I enjoyed this book, I did find my mind wandering at times, that I was glossing over paragraphs that had got too bogged down in details that weren't entirely pertinent to the story. That being said, I think that this story is going to make for an amazing movie, I'm very much looking forward to it.