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Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1)
Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1)
Rachel Caine | 2015 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ink and Bone was probably one of those books where I originally wasn’t 100% sold on reading it when it came out – it wasn’t something I thought I would enjoy not like I enjoyed the Weather Warden and Outcast Season books and although it’s taken me over a year to get round to reading it I have to say I’m certainly glad that I did.

For those of you who have never read Rachel Caine’s other books this is probably as good a place as any to start however if you have read her other stuff but haven’t read this yet? Get in there.

So Ink and Bone is set in a Dystopian universe where the Great Library of Alexandria was never destroyed and books are like gold dust (they should be anyway but this a whole new level of obsession) smugglers and Burners abound in this alternate reality and The Library hold all the cards. Real books are taken by the Library for archiving and they’re replicated into a new form called a blank – which is basically a copy of a book in particular.

The story starts with Jess Brightwell doing a run for a customer as per orders from his father – the head of one of the biggest smuggling rings in London – where an original copy of a book is to be delivered to the buyer no questions asked. As a young child Jess is – as expected – pretty impressionable but he also retains his own sense of purpose and sense of right and wrong unlike his twin brother. The “client” who requested the rare book is actually an ink-licker – a book eater – and Jess witnesses the ink-licker devouring this rare one of a kind book and he loses his flagging appreciation for the smuggling trade altogether.

His father makes a good point to Jess by accusing him of having ink in his blood as Jess has a bigger appreciation for the books he’s supposed to be smuggling than the family business. His twin -ok the other hand – is the exact opposite and loves being a smuggler and criminal. The ink-licker ends up dying due to a knife in the back and we find out later on that Brendon (Jess’s twin) potentially did it.

Jess’s father buys him a position into the Library testing to become a Scholar and so begins the story of Jess and the Library.

Jess is out through a series of gruelling tests and to be perfectly honest I think the worst of the lot is putting up with his stuck up roommate Dario but Jess prevails throughout these tests and the trials he and the other postulants go through – including a few near death (and certain death) experiences – Jess is a success even if his tutor is aware of his past and family connections.

I loved the writing style as it’s just so Rachel Caine and her work always keeps me intrigued. I also loved the potential (pretty sure and I ship it) relationship between Scholar Wolfe and Captain Santi, it’s got a very good and very clear backdrop and love is love – adore it.

Some of the other postulants were a little unlikeable at first but they did grow on me and the best postulant besides Jess is Thomas and man is he wicked smart.

I also didn’t like the Artifex Magnus – he just came across as totally slimy and 100% “I’ll do anything to make sure the Library stays in power” attitude and I mean anything.

It was all around a very good book with some good and humourous dialogue but also the very serious side to it in terms of the war between the English and the Welsh and the war between the Library and the Burners. Now Burners are a very interesting concept and I can’t wait to see where the next book Paper and Fire takes the series.

Susan (45 KP) created a post

Jul 3, 2017  
Hey y'all! Just wanted to share something I learned a few weeks ago. Probably old news to some of you but I am thrilled. Did you know that you can get ebooks from your local library for free and download them to your Kindle or your kindle app? This way you not only get it free but you lose nothing if you don't like it. Plus it will give you more books to review on Smashbomb!
Happy hunting!

Jessalyn Joy (118 KP) Jul 16, 2017

I just found that out today. Also there's a website called hoop-la that lets you get 3 items per month. books, movies, music for free with your library card.I use it for music only though but it is cool

Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Becca Fitzpatrick | 2009 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not sure why I had this on my want to read shelf, because I've read the series before. I really like this series. Patch is just so 😍😍😍. But Nora is kind of dull. Honestly though the series is worth reading. Her best friend gets on my nerves though.
I read all of the books super quickly. I really like them. I went and bought them. I originally read them at the library.

Dalicat (20 KP) rated Amazon Kindle in Apps

Aug 30, 2018  
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Kindle
9.1 (292 Ratings)
App Rating
I can share books with my partner (0 more)
A portable library
I resisted getting this for a long time as I love holding a book and find just turning the pages deeply satisfying. However with kindle I can take a whole pile of books on holiday without having to carry a ton of extra luggage. This is great if you NEED to be able to read and you can't manage to take a bookcase with you wherever you go.

Jamie (57 KP) rated Self-love in Books

Nov 28, 2018  
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My sister just gave me this book from my dad's library collection. I'm honored to have it. I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it or not, tonight it caused a lot of debating with my family. We shall see what I think of it.

To be honest, I was not that impressed with Reverend Schuller's book A few things I've read in other books before and I agree with, then there are other things that just are so wrong.
Schooled (Lexy Cooper Mystery #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This had been sitting in my Kindle library for a wee while ... and it's probably a good thing as i wanna know more NOW and I can go get PWNED and (fingers crossed) wont be long till the 3rd book is out

Having known the writers earlier projects on xbox etc I knew what to expect from her style of writing ... believable characters, with plenty of humour and intrigue

loving your work Christa ... GIMME MORE :D

Natari (73 KP) rated Caraval in Books

Jul 19, 2019  
Stephanie Garber | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
A poetic narration, a story that twists away from predictability. This book will make you hope, and dream, and cry, and love all the characters - friends, heroes, villains and true-villains.

I picked this book up from my local library because I had seen it had quite a fandom online. I was pulled in from page 1 and now join the ranks of the caraval obsessed. It truly is a lovely book, with characters that dance off the page.
Close Range
Close Range
Annie Proulx | 2000 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Author Annie Proulx became famous after her short story “Brokeback Mountain” was made into a movie in 2005 that won three Academy Awards and received five more Oscar nominations. (Plus, Proulx was just awarded the 2018 Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction.) This short story was originally published in the collection “Close Range: Wyoming Stories.” You can read my review of this book in my latest blog post here.