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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated Murder at Mallowan Hall in Books

Jan 22, 2025 (Updated Jan 22, 2025)  
Murder at Mallowan Hall
Murder at Mallowan Hall
Colleen Cambridge | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder in Agatha Christie’s Library
Agatha Christie and her second husband, Max Mallowan, are throwing a house party when an unexpected guest arrives in the middle of a summer storm. The man says he is a reporter who has an interview lined up with the famous author. While Agatha doesn’t remember it, she instructs Phyllida Bright, her housekeeper, to set him up in one of the guest rooms, at least for tonight. But the next morning, Phyllida finds the man dead in the library. She doesn’t think the police are up to solving the crime, so she jumps in to find a few clues for them. But who was the victim? And who would want to kill him?

Fans of Agatha Christie will get a kick out of the wink and nods in the set up. But everyone will be hooked on this mystery, which had the clues and red herrings well layered to keep me guessing until the ending. While we got to know Phyllida and a few other characters well, I did feel like we got too much of her thoughts, which slowed things down and kept us from getting to know the suspects better. Only a handful of scenes were told from someone other than Phyllida’s point of view, but when it happened, it always made sense. And one of those scenes was absolutely perfect that way. While current events don’t play a big part in this 1930’s set book, it does give us a clear picture of what life was like for servants during that time. I’m hoping to get to the next book soon.
[No Safety in Numbers] by [Dayna Lorentz] is a well written YA novel along the common theme in this genre lately. The concept of survival has always been in literature but recently there has been a huge upswing in YA lit for dystopian and disasters. I personally enjoy it since that is what Ilike to read.

This book is the first of a trilogy that follows four different teenager as they try to survive and protect those they care about during a biological attack on a mall. I like how [Lorentz] gave voice to the main characters by alternating chapters. I can also see how three of the four characters are interconnected.

I look forward to reading the second and third books. I will be adding this book to my classroom library and recommending it
Snow White: A Graphic Novel
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
While browsing the graphic novel/comic section of my library, I noticed this title, glanced at the synopsis and opened to a random place in order to see if I liked the art enough to check it out. Well, yes I did. The artwork is gorgeous, both simple and elegant and perfectly captures the 1920's setting. The dialogue is sparse, but the illustrations speak more than enough for the story. My only complaints are that there are a couple spots that I felt could be expanded, especially in regards to the relationship between Snow and "the Seven". I don't know if there was supposed to be more time passing but it felt like they just met and then *bam* they're one family. Otherwise, is was a lovely read.

Kate (355 KP) rated You Were Gone in Books

Mar 8, 2019  
You Were Gone
You Were Gone
Tim Weaver | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Saw this when it first came out in the bookshops and thought it looked interesting, and then saw it in the library last week and remembered that it was on my to read list. Sorry but I gave up half way through, yes it is gripping and makes you what to read more than a page at a time, but as the book went on, I started thinking of all the books with the same plot line where someone just disappears suddenly. Is it the neighbour, doctor, lodger, best friend? You know it is going to be one of those and I skipped to the last few pages and found the answer but I am not going to tell you, find out yourself, you may have a different opinion.

Auburn (57 KP) rated By the Book in Books

Apr 10, 2019  
By the Book
By the Book
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the perfect retelling in a fresh package. Persuasion is always a classic for any bibliophile. I really enjoyed the way the author made you seem like you were in a new classic that is modern. The setting of college as well as the influence that would have on a person are refreshing. The love triangle didn't seem overdone and you feel happy with how it ends. All of the characters had believable stories and felt relate-able. You rooted along and stressed right along with the characters.
I picked this because of the cover initially. It draws you in and makes you want to know what is inside the pages. I feel this could become a staple in my library as it is just an all around happy read.

Jcadden76 (64 KP) rated Christine in Books

Jun 15, 2018  
Stephen King | 1983 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (40 Ratings)
Book Rating
The 1st I ever read and still one of my favorites.
This was the first Stephen King novel that I ever read. I was proably in fifth or sixth grade, and my brother had been reading Stephen King books for years. I picked up his copy of Christine that he had checked out of the library and started reading. I was hooked and for a long time I was current with everything that SK wrote.

Christine is still a favorite of mine.

Boy fall sin love with possessed car. Possessed car gives boy confidence and his life gets better. Car gets jealous of boys relationships (all of them) and starts to make life much worse then it was to begin with.

I still want 58 Plymouth Fury... White over Red... cool vanity plate.
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Great organizational system (0 more)
Confusion between versions of books (0 more)
A great app to organize and share book recommendations
I have used Goodreads for years, and when they came out with an app I immediately downloaded it and it has made things much easier! The fact that I can just go to the library or a bookstore and scan into the app to add it my lists is very convenient! Hook up with friends or other book lovers, join groups and follow reviews, both of friends and authors alike. I wish there wasn't so much confusion as to verisons of books, some books are listed several times whether its the kindle version, or hardcover... and it's a bit difficult sometimes to find new books. But overall, really pleased with the app!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
J.K. Rowling | 2016 | Children
9.0 (247 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 Wizards, 1 Cup
Before we get into this review I just wanted to let you guys know that I know my posting has been all over the place at the moment, but bear with me, just trying to crack this final year stuff so I apologise in advance and until I finish uni there's going to be no sort of posting schedule so just bear with me and we'll get through this together!

Harry Potter.....the love of my life.

I have to say re-reading the series is bringing back all sorts of memories from when I first read it in secondary school, hiding behind library shelves and reading it every single moment I got.

Continue reading my review at:
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storyline (1 more)
Could be a trigger to some people with mental problems (0 more)
This book was FANTASTIC.

I have never read a John Green book yet, so finding this gem from my local library system was a great find.

Aza has issues. Issues that none of would ever wish for our worst enemy much less a young girl. Her particular issue I don't have an exact word for, germ phobia with some invasive thoughts add some OCD in there?

Aza and her friend Daisy are looking to come into some money by doing some detective work. What she finds more than anything is an honest and open friendship with maybe a little love thrown in there.

My love for this book is amazing, now I have to find his other books and read them.
I Am the Messenger
I Am the Messenger
Markus Zusak | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I got this book from the library, just because I got the cover. I didn't see who wrote it or what it's called. After I finished the last page, and read the author's biography, I realised it's the author of The Book Thief, a book I have bought and adore. Then I realised why I loved the main character. He reminds a lot to the boy I love, and Audrey resembles on me. What I loved the most about this book was the message the boy gives to all those people, and for no particular reason. I loved the symbolism with the aces. Perfect book. I even enjoyed it more then the book thief. Thank you, Markus, for making me think about becoming a better person. Great job ♥