BookwormMama14 (18 KP) rated Cinder in Books
Jan 2, 2019
Set in the very distant future, 126 years after the end of World War IV. The moon is inhabited, there are only 6 countries on earth, and a vicious plague is laying waste to the planet. Set in the Eastern Commonwealth (Asia/China), we get to experience the story through Cinder as well as Prince Kai. Cinder is as loveable and caring as she is in any other telling of Cinderella. The prince's responsibilities to find a cure for the plague and to maintain peace with the Lunars weigh heavily on him. Nut he posses a strength that I admire.
Both Kai and Cinder are faced with challenges that are beyond anything that I could even imagine. Will they make the best choice for the people? What will come of it all? Well, I can't even tell you, because this is only the first book in a series that I can not wait to continue. I already placed the next book on hold at the library.
Filled with descriptive details of the architect, the technology, the customs of the era, I was completely submerged into this brilliant world that Marissa Meyer has created. Although not a Christian book, it is clean and appropriate. I can recommend this book to young adults without any hesitation.
If you think you would enjoy a dystopian sci-fi with a fairy tale mixed into it all, you should definitely give Cinder a try. I think you will truly enjoy it.
I found Cinder at my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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