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Hayley Neale (6 KP) rated All We Know Of Heaven, All We Need Of Hell by PVRIS in Music

Jan 25, 2018 (Updated Jan 25, 2018)  
All We Know Of Heaven, All We Need Of Hell by PVRIS
All We Know Of Heaven, All We Need Of Hell by PVRIS
2012 | Alternative, Electronic, Indie
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
Crazily catchy tracks (2 more)
Dark and mysterious vibe
Lyrics that inspire the inner songwriter in you
Sometimes have no idea what she is singing (0 more)
An Electropop-punk masterpiece
This album is beautifully dark. The intensity of each track pulls you deeper and deeper into the disturbed, yet intriguing world that Pvris have created in their second studio album. Every track is unique in its own way, whilst still maintaining that twisted vibe that secures this album in being my go to pick whenever I'm in the mood to release some bottled-up anger. I can stomp my feet to 'Mercy' or get hypnotised by the simple yet ingenious 'Separate'.

Every song is catchy as hell and I always find myself letting go, feeling the music and falling in love all over again with every listen. The female lead vocalist, Lynn Gunn has an extremely powerful voice that has a deliciously attractive raspiness to it. Her voice gives me chills, especially when she belts it out in 'Same Soul' so perfectly and her mellifluous high notes that are present in almost every song. The only issue is she mumbles a lot of her lyrics so best to look up the lyrics as you listen, makes the songs a lot more incredible when you know what she is singing:')

Overall this is one of the best electropop-punk albums I have ever listened to. With its eccentric lyrics, mind-blowing vocals and headbanging worthy beats, I'll never go a long distance journey without it in my music library again.
The Bear and the Nightingale
The Bear and the Nightingale
Katherine Arden | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.4 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful descriptions (1 more)
Nice worldbuilding
Good but overhyped
So I finally got around to reading this one - people have been raving about it all year long. And honestly - I don't see what the fuss is about. It's good, sure. But it's not Girls Made of Snow and Glass, or The Crown's Game, or Uprooted. It's not The Golem and the Jinni. I enjoyed it, but I think the hype is a little undeserved. I am, however, always a sucker for Russian-themed fairytales. (Probably why I liked The Crown's Game and The Crown's Fate so much.) And I am looking forward to the sequel, The Girl in the Tower, which just came out. (I have a hold requested on it from my library.) The third book in the Winternight Trilogy appears to be The Winter of the Witch, and is scheduled to be published in August.

The Bear and the Nightingale is set in Rus - a Russia-like country, but with magic, of course. Vasilisa/Vasya is a granddaughter of a witch, and has some abilities herself. Mostly just the ability to see things that other can't, and to talk to them. Through the course of the book, she avoids an arranged marriage, saves a priest, fights a priest, and tries like hell to save her village from the demons of winter. I loved her tenacity, and her love for the old spirits. The description of The Winter King and his home was absolutely enchanting. Overall a good book, but a bit overhyped.

You can find all my reviews at
The Blessings
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been hearing some positive things about this book around the library and so I decided to give it a read, not knowing what to really expect. It wound up being a very relatable and enjoyable book. There isn't really much by way of a plot, rather each chapter winds up being basically a short story about one member of a very close, extended Irish Catholic Philadelphia family over the course of several decades. They are all connected, and so answers that aren't necessarily provided during the course of one person's "story" wind up being provided during someone else's. Each character is both different enough from the others and fully fleshed-out enough to keep things interesting, and the choice to follow different people in each chapter makes it hard to guess where things may be heading next. There are certainly some surprises in store for members of the family throughout. Growing up with a large family that was very close makes many of the moments immediately resonate with me, and some of the problems faced throughout the course of the novel strike close to home as well. Still, the aforementioned lack of plot makes it feel somewhat uneventful when all is said and done. The Blessings do wind up being a great cast of characters though, and the family's unwavering love for and faith in each other no matter how much life throws at them is a joy to behold, and that alone makes this one of the better works of fiction you might run across this Summer.
The Wild Robot Escapes
The Wild Robot Escapes
Peter Brown | 2018 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Wild Robot Escapes By: Peter Brown
Middle Grade Pages: 273

This is the second book in a series. I didn't realize it when I picked it up at the library. I read this book to my 13/14 year old. I read to him most every night for 20 minutes because he has a learning disability and this helps him with his reading.
Even though this is the second we still really enjoyed it and gave it 4 stars. The author did a great job with giving you a run down of what happened in the first book that yo able to catch on with what he telling in this book.
This book is about a robot named Roz who wants to go back home to her Island. The book starts off with Roz working at a farm well she is actually running the farm. She is very good at what she does. She becomes friends with the cows and the two children on the farm. Roz can only think about going home to her island while working on the farm. Roz also has a secret that she is hiding because she is afraid that if someone finds out she will never get back home and she thinks the family will send her back to the factory because she is dysfunctional. Does Roz make it back to her island. You will have to read the book to find out.
This book is full of adventures that your child will enjoy it.
Laurell K. Hamilton | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anita's over herself (0 more)
Can't really think of anything (0 more)
So I just finished Serpentine in the Anita Blake series. I borrowed it from the library because, well, the series has gone down in quality. In this one, Anita is back to kicking ass and taking names! All of my favorite characters are back (Edward, Olaf, Nicky) and happily, Richard and his baggage are nowhere to be found. Anita's let go of alot of her own so she didn't push and moan her way through this one. Finally.
In Serpentine, Anita and her fiances are in Florida for Edward and Donna's wedding, where Micah has also been in contact with a new group of "Weres" whose body parts become actual snakes. Of course, despite promising to use this time as a threesome vacation, the Four Horsemen have to solve a murder and a kidnapping, deal with a new flavor of psychic, a wedding party that is completely crazy, and keep her relationship going. There is some sex (which honestly makes me happy), but it's not the focus of the story. This book reminds readers that Anita has always been a badass with badass friends, and they start doing what they do best. Even Donna shows some fire, though it quickly goes out again. Still, Anita hardly does any magic or psychic stuff compared to the other books and manages to come out swinging. Hamilton seems to have gotten the memo about the series, because this book finally focused on the action outside of the bedroom.
Ok... so I feel kind of bad giving this one a rating when I didn't read the whole book, however I believe it's justified in the sense that I didn't read it all because I didn't like it...therefore, a one star rating from me. Now, I must admit that I have never read the original Pride and Prejudice novel and I have never had any interest in doing so, it just doesn't appeal to me. When I saw there had been an addition of Zombies I was sold, I love a bit of Zombie I was getting to read one of the 'classics' at the same time. about 50 to 60 pages in I am sadly bored stiff, the language is such an effort to decipher sometimes, I often don't know what's going on or why and really...why Zombies? I'm not complaining that there's Zombies but there's nothing to them. It's the original story with some random Zombies and martial arts thrown in, unexplained and lacking. They are slain so easily and with haste in order to get back on with the original story. I was, at least, hoping for equal measures of Zombie action and original story but unfortunately it just didn't deliver, more zombie action please! Maybe I will pick this up again in the future to give it another go but as it stands I just can't bring myself to struggle through something I'm not enjoying. Back to the library you go!

I have been very interested in reading as many anxiety/depression self help books as I possibly can as I believe it's something that I need to overcome. Depression is a really awful thing to suffer from and so I am willing to do whatever it takes to cure it, improve it or even to just learn to live with it.

After reading the back of the book when I came across it at the library I thought it sounded like a fantastic idea and perhaps something that could really improve my outlook on life. I was, however, a bit disappointed with this one as in my opinion it is a very good idea which has been very poorly executed. The sections within the book became very very repetitive, I couldn't stay interested and once I had finished it it left me with a 'meh' feeling...I was definitely hoping for more.

The language in some places was a bit technical and therefore cold and uncaring, however, I did enjoy the illustrations even though they were very child-like. There are definitely better self help books out there, on the other hand, I still recommend reading this one as the idea is very interesting and the way the 'conditions' are approached is somewhat unique yet not very broad. Read this if you are willing to try anything in order to understand depression and anxiety more but I must say this one isn't at the top of my list.
Night Shadows: Queer Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book whilst browsing the shelves at my local library, the front cover intrigued me and the genre even more so. I love horror novels and when I noticed that this had a LGBT theme I thought 'how brilliant!', I didn't hesitate to pick this up. Once I got the book home I decided to look up some reviews and noticed that the majority were 4 and 5 stars...I was excited as I thought I had found a gem. Well...I'm the minority.

Me whilst reading <i>Night Shadows</i>...

<img src=""; width="320" height="160"/>

I was so disappointed and really thought I must have missed something due to all of the glowing reviews but I only liked 4 out of the 14 stories. My favourite was definitely <i>'Ordinary Mayhem'</i> which was the longest story in the book. I thought it was gripping, gruesome and positively twisted. Unfortunately I couldn't give this book any more than 2 stars because as a collection this was pretty poor. I don't recommend purchasing this book. As far as I know <i>'Ordinary Mayhem'</i> is being released as a full length novel so I highly recommend just waiting for that (I wish I did).

I found the majority of the stories either confusing, repetitive, dry or just plain pointless to be honest...the ones that were a couple of pages in length just had me sighing in frustration.
This, for me, would not be a re-read.
Maid to Crave (Man Maid #2)
Maid to Crave (Man Maid #2)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maid to Crave by Rebecca Avery
Man Maid book 2

Maid to Crave is book 2 in the Main Maid series. It is the first book I’ve read by Rebecca Avery, it was part of a 4 book collection I rented through my library and Overdrive. Sadly this was painful to get through. I literally had to force myself to finish this book. The story line had so much potential I just felt like this was a horribly novice writing style and it just didn’t work for me.

Tori Stewart is a single mom to a 6 year old boy. Her friend recommends using the Man Maid service that she had luck using (and finding love). She agrees just hoping to not get the one Maid that makes her heart flutter, Seth Lewis.

Seth Lewis is a former military man who comes to work for his friend at Man Maid services. He is working not only as a Maid but as a stripper to pay for his brothers medical bills. He remembers Tori from a wedding a little bit back but doesn’t see her other than his potential boss.

Tori and Seth realize they can become friends and maybe then morph it into something more. Like I said, this story had such great promise but the writing really killed it for me. I would like think I would give this author another chance at her writing style but I can’t say that for sure just yet.
A Sparrow in Terezin
A Sparrow in Terezin
Kristy Cambron | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am apparently a glutton for punishment and decide to read all the books that will rip out my heart and stomp on it back to back. Story SHOULD move you though. As you read the words of the author's heart poured out on the page...If you finish unchanged...What was the point? These characters, these stories, may be fictional, but they represent many people who had to live through one of the darkest times in history. Ask yourself, what can we learn from them? What are they trying to tell us? Fiction CAN and WILL challenge you to grow, to learn, to thrive...

Multiple times I wanted to cry (and there were times tears escaped) while listening to this story. Knowing that the horrors depicted in this book were lived out in reality during WWII. Kristy Cambron...I tip my hat to you...You have found BEAUTY in the ashes of a history that is riddled with sorrow and death. You have brought redemption to life on the page. You have spoken TRUTH and LIFE and LOVE into the hearts of any who lay a hand on your books. But none more so than this one*. Thank you. A Sparrow in Terezin truly is a masterpiece.

*Revision: And The Lost Castle

I won a print copy of this book from the author. This review is based on the audio version which I borrowed from my public library. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.