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The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden, #2)
The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden, #2)
Julie Kagawa | 2013 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>.

<i><b>Note:</b> Formatting is lost due to copy and paste</i>

I should warn you. It's a really long post. So feel to scroll on down to the After Reading part if you want to. :3
<b><u>Before Reading:</b></u>

      Wowzers. The Eternity Cure must be popular at my library (YAY!). Apparently I went crashing into dead ends (I even lost count of them) since who knows when (April, May) with so many holds (that includes ebook lend on Overdrive and whatnot but those holds weren't me) and FINALLY I have my hands on The Eternity Cure.

       Imagine my reaction after that. Happy dancing. Of course. VICTORY! (Yeah... I'm glad I placed a hold before the last copy got taken...)

      And then mom drops the bomb. Yes, a bomb. A verbal bomb. The one shatters your dreams (okay, not exactly dreams) into a million pieces and you can't put them back together, like Humpty Dumpty (poor Humpty...), who unfortunately has fallen off the wall.

      “Returning book on Saturday.” (or something of the similar sort).

      Time for another reaction.

      *gawk* Jaw drop. Faceplant on the wall (no one saw it; it was virtual because I don't want a big purple bruise and questions...). Victory dance stops and then someone gets stared at as if they had grown three heads (no, I didn't actually do it, because then everyone at the library will be the ones staring at me as if I had grown three heads).

      Expected to read an almost 500-page book in a few days? (It's not even a week.)

      It's Julie Kagawa! Challenge Accepted, mother.

      Gives mom a thumbs up.

      Nods with a very confident (and possibly self-satisfied that says I can do this!) grin at her.

      Turns off computer.

      Becomes hermit crab for the rest of the week or however long I finish this book. Because I'm not planning to read halfway through and then return it (it's not my style. Once I start, I must finish or there's something that stops me. And by then... there's gotta be something that makes me want to chuck the book across the room – of course... I might have to pay $30 dollars. Not exactly worth it. But I can imagine it being chucked.)

      I'm pretty sure I'll fail at staying off though. Because even if the computer doesn't have internet connection...

      it's the epitome of procrastination (you know, files to organize, chess to play – yes, girls play chess, making extremely lame movies from MS Paint stick figures, that type of stuff).

      At least for me. I should ask someone to lock it up for me. Or ask them to toss me in a place that's so boring, I have nothing to do but to read. Oh, and be sure to remove any magazines, or put some dreadfully boring ones on that coffee table in the corner.

      But still. It's Wednesday. I'm closed. Come back another day and see if the sign changes.

      Because it won't change. Not until I savor every moment I have left with Allie, Zeke, and any other [lovable] characters that may return (and possible new ones as well).

      (Holy monkeys, that probably sounded like a monologue. Sorry if you're bored, or if you think I'm insane by now and don't want to read my thoughts after I come out of hermit-nation in a few days.... because I know I talk too much when I write. Oopsies.)
<b><u>After Reading: - A Few Days Later...</b></u>

      Well. I'm out of my little hermit shell now. “Justin Time.” So...

      It's been a few months since Allie the vampire left Eden, and there's a new not-so-very-pleasant surprise popping up around the corners. She's more mature now, and when a certain character by the name of Zeke comes around from the previous book, he's also more mature.

      Remember Jackal from The Immortal Rules? He's not that bad after all, though he reminds me of a certain arrogant vampire from...

      The Vampire Diaries.

      Actually, that certain vampire popped up in my head every time Jackal spoke, despite the fact both vampires look different.

      In fact, Mr. Raider King is actually a pretty likable character. But Jackal actually has humor. Considering the fact he seemed like the person to take over the world... I didn't exactly find that he would make wisecracks here, there and everywhere.

      I think you've figured out which vampire I'm talking about now. *neutrally cheerful voice* Go Daemon.

      But about the ending...


      You're kidding me.


      That didn't just happen (or should I say, I did not just read that). I couldn't have read that wrong, could I?


      Nope. Definitely didn't read it wrong.

      And now you're making me wait for another year or so to find out what happens. >__<

      But I'll wait... because I have plenty of other books to keep me company... and the only way to come up with a good story is to patiently wait... and wait... and wait. In which I'll happily do while stalking the county library catalog as soon as it's published.

      Oh... and the after part is shorter because well... you're already stuck reading 500+ words from the Before Reading. I figured you don't need to read another 500+ for the After Reading. I mean, you might be bored of me talking too much by now...

      I hope no one minds? :3?
Choose Me (Banger Trilogy #1)
Choose Me (Banger Trilogy #1)
Donya Lynne | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awesome 5 star read
This is book ONE in the Banger trilogy, which was previously released as 7 part books. I was going to buy them, all 7 books, once they were all out, but life got in the way and I totally forgot about getting. Until I saw they were being rebranded and rereleased as a trilogy. They were released on Jan 1st 2018 and I purchased all three in one.

And let me ya!! You NEED all three before you start!! Seriosuly, DO NOT attempt these books til you have all three (book one is currently free Jan 6th 2018)

Because this will GRAB you and not let you go! Took me about 90 minutes, to read all 233 pages and I did not move for those 90 minutes!

And you know what?? I did not notice, it did not even occur to me til I was over half way through about something about the way this book is written

First Person
Multi Point of View
Present Tense!

So there I was, merrily reading away, about Katherine and her hunt, about Greyson and his personal affliction and about them doing naughty unexpected things to each other and it hits me! Like a freaking sledgehammer to the face! It hit me that this book, that grabbed me so well, is written in the PRESENT FLIPPING TENSE! For me to get way past half way, for that penny to drop, just shows you how engaging I found Katherine and Greyson.

It is explicit, it's down and dirty. It makes no apologies for being so either! It is, in places, emotional. Not quite the bawl your eyes out, more the kind I wanna stab Katherine's ex's eye out with a blunt pencil, but I have a feeling the bawling is to come. Oh yes, I know its-a-coming!

I Love Ms Lynne's work, and this is an excellent addition to her library.

Off to read book 2, Covet Me now.

5 full and sexy stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
An American Family
An American Family
Khizr Khan | 2017 | History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Moving story of an immigrant's journey (0 more)
Amazing memoir
Like many people, I was inspired by the Khizr Khan's speech at the Democratic Convention last year, and appalled by Trump's reaction. As a Marine wife, the family members left behind when a service member dies get my utmost sympathy and compassion. That was my biggest fear while my husband was in the Marines, and it's still a very emotional memory to look back on. So when I heard that Khan was writing a book, I knew I HAD to read it. I put a hold request in at the library before the book was published, and I'm glad I did. The book is definitely one of my favorites of 2017. (One of my next posts will be a round up of my favorites from this year.)

An American Family follows the Khans' journey from Pakistan, to Dubai, to Texas, Maryland, and finally Virginia. And it's fascinating. He says in the beginning of the book that he wrote it to answer the question he's constantly asked: why do you love America? Why are you a Patriot? He couldn't answer it in a few short sentences. This book is his answer, and what an answer it is. It's impossible to summarize this book - it must be read.

It's a very easy read - it flows beautifully, and Khan tells a story well. It's easy, at least, until you get to the point where their son dies in action. Perhaps it wouldn't have such an emotional effect on someone else, but that, and its aftermath, was pretty hard for me to read about. The event is important, however. Its repercussions ripple out through the Khans' lives and affect everything they touch.

I can't recommend this book highly enough. Especially if you're American, and no matter where on the political spectrum you fall, this book is important. It might give you a different view on immigrants.

You can find all of my reviews at
Wreck and Order
Hannah Tennant-Moore | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Elsie is a wreck just as the title of the book suggests. She is living mostly off of her father's money with some little jobs to hold her over. She's seeing a guy who barely respects her and she doesn't really seem to have found her direction in life. Taking trips overseas to Paris and Sri Lanka improves on her recklessness, but once she's back in the states, it's hard to control old habits. Will Elsie find her place in this world before she destroys her life?

At the beginning of the book, I could relate to Elsie on some level. During my early 20's I was pretty reckless with my own life doing things that now I can look back and see weren't the best decisions. Those things have made me into the person I am today, but who would I of been without those experiences. Who is Elsie without her crazy alcohol induced, drug addicted boyfriend, Jared? Who is she without Suriya, her Sri Lankan "sister" and without her parents who continue to support her financially even if it's not the best thing for her

I was so looking forward to this book. I first discovered it through Penguin's First To Read Program, but at the time I had some difficulty downloading it to my Kindle I had the opportunity to borrow it from the library, but I was not as thrilled with the overall story as I was hoping to be from the description. To me Elsie seemed like she was going in circles instead of moving forward in her life. Continuing to make the same choices sh know are not good for her, not learning from her mistakes, or maybe she does learn from them but doesn't implement these changes into her life. I rated it three stars, but it's more of 2.5 for me. It started off strong, but the ending left something to be desired.
Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas | 2012 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (91 Ratings)
Book Rating
Throne of Glass is the first book of Sarah J. Maas’s debut series, and that much is obvious when reading it. In a way, opening its pages has enlightened me to her growth as a writer. And while Throne of Glass is far more difficult to get into than Maas’s A Court of Thorns and Roses, I can definitely see where its fandom comes from – now if only my library had book two!

One of the things I was most excited to learn by reading this book is that Maas isn’t one of those authors that fall victim to making all their characters the same. In fact, I was thrilled to learn that Celaena is nothing like Feyre from A Court of Thorns and Roses (or should it be the other way around since this was published first?). Her love interests are vastly different, and so realistic that I couldn’t decide who I wanted to cheer for. Usually I’m pretty decided on what characters I like/don’t like, but even this early work from Maas shows she makes it difficult to simply pick and choose.

The plot of Throne of Glass is a bit Hunger Games-ish, what with a competition to find out who will be the King’s assassin meaning that it gets narrowed down to one. I will admit that I wish I’d read this book before I read Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller, as this one was published first and the plot is a bit too similar for my taste. Both books center around a competition to become the ruler’s assassin, so I couldn’t help but think of Miller’s book the entire time I was reading this one. That, and Sal and Celaena have similar attitudes. It makes me wonder if this book inspired Miller. I do like the idea of magic only just returning to the world of Throne of Glass, though – if you can call it that.

That said, I really, truly cannot wait for the opportunity to read the next book.
King&#039;s Cage
King's Cage
Victoria Aveyard | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third installment in Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen series, King’s Cage, is probably my favorite so far. Once again, Aveyard proves she is more focused on telling a story than describing a romance – something my readers know I really like. Especially when it comes to young adult fantasy. In fact, I feel labeling this series as “romance” is a stretch – especially given how little Aveyard focuses on actual material meant to draw in readers of that genre.

King’s Cage begins where Glass Sword left off: Mare’s deal with Maven. While she spends her time in prison, we finally get to learn more about other characters in the story – namely Cameron and (later) Evangeline. Though the latter takes place more toward when the action begins to kick up. Naturally, the story is more focused on Mare even from these perspectives, but it provides a refreshing look at the rebellion.

Surprisingly, there are several turns in King’s Cage that caught me entirely off guard. This is a good thing: I hate when books and stories become predictable. I won’t divulge more than that, for fear of spoilers, but I will say this: so far, this book is my favorite in the series and though I am so angry at the ending I could burn it, part of me wants to open it back up to page one and start again. I don’t imagine the library will like it much if I burn their book.

Until the fourth book hits shelves, I guess I’ll have to satisfy my hunger for more by reading the two novellas that Aveyard wrote for her post-apocalypse universe. Oh, and as a side note? This is the first one I read physically so I finally got to see a map of the lands. As I suspected, it takes place in the ruins of what was once the United States.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Falling in Books

May 10, 2018  
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Montague has just left the hustle and bustle of life and work in New York City and has moved to Westport, CT. She has left her job as a banker, to slow down a bit and try her hand at interior design. It's something she has always been passionate about and has a great eye for it as well. She finds a house that has a lot of potential, on the beach and the landlord, Dominic is willing to compromise on the changes she has in mind for the cute cottage. Emma sees something in Dominic that she has never seen in any man before. But, they come from two totally different worlds. Emma is from England and left there to pursue a life in the United States and Dominic has barely left Westport. A relationship between these two would never work. Would it?

I love Jane Green books. They are always so emotional and I can always find a way to connect the story and characters to something that is going on in my life. This book was no exception. It was very emotional and the last few chapters had me crying like a baby.

Emma and Dominic have the type of relationship we all wish we could have. They met and had an instant connection Their love for each other and for Dominic's son, Jesse is almost instantaneous. When an unexpected visitor comes to town, Emma thinks that her relationship with Dominic will be over just as quickly as it started. But Dominic is firm in his feelings for Emma and nothing will change that.

Another book for me that was impossible to put down. I may get in trouble from the library for the tear-soaked pages I left behind, but it would be well worth it. If you have never read a book by [a:Jane Green|12915|Jane Green|], you don't know what you're missing and I suggest you pick one up right away.
Go Set A Watchman
Go Set A Watchman
Harper Lee | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been excited to read this book as soon as I heard about it. As soon as I could, I reserved my copy at the library. Many have questioned whether this is a sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird, or the first draft of the book, or something entirely separate. All I can say is that I enjoyed this book and now will go back to read [bc:To Kill a Mockingbird|2657|To Kill a Mockingbird|Harper Lee||3275794].

Jean Louise Finch is 26 and currently living in New York City. She returns home to Maycomb Alabama to visit her beau, Henry Clinton, and her father Atticus Finch. In this visit Jean Louise "Scout" learns more about her family and the town she grew up in and especially about herself. Scout still has her same tomboy mannerisms we all love, doing whatever she wants to do and not caring what others think.

Jean Louise is one who just sees people and not so much color. Living in the South during this time, it's hard to make that distinction. She thought her father was the same. I see him as a man who vows to always do the right things no matter who the person. Atticus and Scout get the opportunity to get to know each other as adults with their own opinions and ideas, they discover they are alike in many way and in way very different.

It's interesting to see the dynamic between a parent and a child after they are both adults. And the child is able to think on their own and not they way their parents choose for them. My only problem with finishing this book, is now, I want to know more. Will Jean Louise marry Henry Clinton? I would like to know what kind of impact she is going to have on Maycomb, AL. And will she end up moving back there?
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>4.5 stars</b>

<b>The Seance</b> was one of those books that I just could not put down! Addictive, fast-paced, thrilling, and thoroughly fun, it had everything I wanted to read - mystery/suspense, romance, paranormal - and reminded me of R.L. Stine for adults. Of course it's not 'serious' fiction, who wants that when picking up a book that looks like this? It's fun brain candy, plain and simple, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I haven't had an easy time finding books to read because my concentration level has taken a nosedive, but this book had me hooked from the back synopsis - and kept me hooked throughout. Yes, there are some editing issues, coincidences, red-heads seem to be the main populace, redundancies (e.g. victims are attractive red-heads, beautiful red-heads, gorgeous red-heads, and did I mention Christina's a beautiful, attractive, gorgeous red-head also? Argh, it was annoying! I got it the first time; I don't need it repeated ten million times.), and I figured out who was behind everything in the first-seventh of the book, which could have used more of an explanation for the why at the end, but my problems are eclipsed by the engaging plot.

After Christina called Gen, I wondered if there was a previous book with her, Thor, and Adam, and there is called [b:The Vision|731809|The Vision (Harrison Investigation, #3)|Heather Graham||717999], and I've already ordered it from the library - I can't wait to read it! I'm thinking Heather Graham's romantic suspense novels might just be the key that'll keep me reading all the way to the end of a book. :) So, overall, I liked the characters, the story was great, and even though it isn't even close to Hallowe'en, I would still recommend it for a thrilling good read.