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Illuminae: The Illuminae Files: Book 1
Illuminae: The Illuminae Files: Book 1
Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman | 2015 | Children
9.2 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Illuminae is the first book I’ve read of it’s kind. I’ve never really read any sci-fi books before, and I think Illuminae was a great jumping off point. The action and adventure in this book kept me on the edge of my seat the whole adventure. I loved the mixed media aspect of this book, and the dual writers made this story phenomenal. An added bonus was the touch of romance without allowing it to dominate the whole story.
Let me start off by acknowledging the way in which the story is presented. This book is written completely in mixed media, and is set to resemble a dossier of an event. The story unfolds as you read emails, text messages, surveillance footage, and memorandums. When I read Illuminae I started by just reading the first 25-40 pages by myself. Then I decided to get the audiobook from the library and I listened to that while I read along and my reading experience grew exponentially. There are different narrators for different parts, sound effects, the whole nine. It brought the story to life and made me fall in love with it and the characters.
Kady Grand and Ezra Mason are the main characters of this adventure. Kady is the tough as nails hacker that is separated from the boy she hates to love and loves to hate. She is everything I look for in a badass heroine. She has a superpower (hacking), she has her sarcastic wit, she cares deeply about the people around her and humanity, she finally realizes how great she is when she needs the confidence boost the most, and she carries herself with integrity and aplomb. Ezra Mason is tough, but also unsure of himself. He loves Kady, but doesn’t quite want to admit it out loud. He is pretty badass and is always putting others ahead of himself.
If you at all enjoy sci-fi, and especially Battlestar Gallactica I encourage you to give Illuminae a chance.
Not If I Save You First
Not If I Save You First
Ally Carter | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maddie and Logan were best friends when they were kids. Granted, it was under slightly unusual circumstances: Logan's dad was President, and Maddie's dad was one of his Secret Service agents. So when something happens that causes Maddie's dad to move the two of them to an isolated cabin in the middle of Alaska, everything in Maddie's life changes. She has no contact with the outside world beyond letters--no Internet, no phone, no anything. Just a tiny cabin, a few library books, and her Dad. Maddie learns to become self-sufficient, and she learns to be alone. Then, suddenly, six years later, Logan turns up at her door. In Alaska. Before she knows it, someone attacks Maddie and Logan. Maddie has no choice but to put her wilderness skills to the test to save them both. Maddie's pretty angry that she hasn't heard from Logan in the past six years, but she's going to have to get over it for a bit, while the two cling for life in the cold.

"She was through with waiting for letters, for phone calls, for people and friends. Maddie was absolutely through with looking back."

So this is a totally crazy and wild book (just read that plot summary), but it's also really fun and an enjoyable read. I've never read anything by Ally Carter before, but this book inspired me to grab a couple others by her. It's exactly what it claims to be.

Even though they are tramping through the Alaskan wilderness, trying to save their own lives, Maddie and Logan's banter is pretty great. The story is dramatic at times, but also romantic and cute at others. It's complete and utter escapism, but that's what I wanted when I picked it up.

Overall, a really fun, quick read. I felt transported to Alaska, and I enjoyed the back-and-forth between Maddie and Logan. 3.5 stars.

Jordan Binkerd (567 KP) rated Zombicide: Black Plague in Tabletop Games

Jul 21, 2019 (Updated Jul 21, 2019)  
Zombicide: Black Plague
Zombicide: Black Plague
2015 | Adventure, Fantasy, Fighting, Horror, Medieval
Improved ruleset vs. the original game (3 more)
Fantasy theme
Excellent miniatures!
Improved components vs. the original game
Primarily a combat simulator (1 more)
Low complexity
Improved rules and components, plus the fantasy theme? I wish I discovered this before the original.....
My wife and I love the original Zombicide and have most of the content for the modern setting, minus Kickstarter exclusives and the guest artist characters. So when we found ourselves at the local ComicCon and there was a copy of Black Plague in the game library? We jumped all over that! Compared to the original game, they've fixed several of the rules that bugged us about the game, especially regarding shooting and resources. They've also upgraded the dashboard system to a plastic thing with pegs, which is so much better than the originals that we've seriously considered buying them on eBay and Photoshoping cards for the modern characters so that we can incorporate the upgraded dashboards. We did incorporate a lot of the rules changes into our own games. So if you want to get into Zombicide and can only pick one setting, make it this one.

Like I said, we love Zombicide. But there are a lot of people in the gaming community that feel it lacks something in the way of complexity and strategy. They're not necessarily wrong. It's primarily a tactics game: here's your mission and goal, here's the situation, go! Is it easy? Sometimes. Depends on how lucky you are. Sometimes the zombies spawn in ways and locations that play right into your hands. Sometimes the Abomination spawns right in front of you and you either die immediately or the game bogs down while you scramble to outmaneuver him or find the (scarce) resources to defeat him. It can be pretty random and frustrating at times, and there are people who avoid randomness like the plague in their gaming. But like I said, my wife and I love the system, and this is the best version of it that I've seen.
Century: Eastern Wonders
Century: Eastern Wonders
2018 | Nautical, Pirates
Simple to learn (1 more)
multiple strategies make for good replayability.
Strategic yet simple
Played this for the first time recently and it was the hit of the game night. It felt balanced and very playable even for just two people. We learned the rules quickly and only found the wording vague on one subject. We had to refer to BGG for clarification. Play moved quickly and it tickled our chess fancy, as we were able to be very strategic and plan our movies carefully and in advance. My partner and I adopted very different strategies and the game ended up being very close which is a good sign in terms of balance and replayability.
    For those who are unaware of the games mechanics, you create a board of tiles, each tile representing a market where you can trade, and the trade requirements for that particular market. The commodities are different colored cubes, one tile may allow you to trade 2 yellow cubes for 2 reds, another a red for a green, etc. You can pay cubes for additional movement and to create outposts that allow you to trade. The goal is to acquire the needed commodities for the different ports, which have a changing request via small tiles placed on the port tiles, these may require a variety of cubes, if you are the first to bring that combo to that port, you score the victory points. There are also victory points and special tiles that affect gameplay available via outpost placing, which encourages you to spread your presence on the board. My partner chose this strategy and built nearly all twenty of his outposts, I milked only a couple tiles for their trade combos, focusing on commodity acquirement and port fufillment. I won, but we only had a few point difference.
    We really enjoyed it, and look forward to playing it again, it's mechanics are unique enough that it stands out in our game library and it was a comfortable length for casual play!
The Best Thing
The Best Thing
Mariana Zapata | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I feel like I have to start by singing Mariana Zapata's praises. She is the Queen of slow-burn romances. I do believe that I have read everything she's ever written so far and this is her latest. I'm not the biggest fan of long books but I've found that with this author, I don't care how long they are because I'm so drawn in I just keep reading until I finish.

This one is no different. We meet Elena - Lenny - who runs a gym with her grandfather that helps fighters get ready for their next fights - MMA, boxing, etc - when her ex turns up who she hasn't seen for the last 17 months wanting to see her. I'm not going to go into much detail as that would ruin in but Lenny has an amazing personality and I love her thoughts in regards to him coming back - it includes various imaginative swear words and scenarios.

I love Lenny. As mentioned above she has a great personality and a great outlook on life. Pretty much every sentence she spoke (or thought) had me grinning like an idiot. In my eyes, she's such a great character. I also really liked Jonah. He was this mix of shy and sweet and just plain amazing. There are also some other characters that I loved liked Grandpa Gus. Some of the interaction between him and Lenny was hilarious. Then there was Peter and Mo, too.

I also like how she includes previous characters in her current ones. Lenny is Luna's - the main character of her last book, Luna and the Lie - best friend and appears quite a lot in this one offering her support.

It's really hard to write a fitting review of this book without spoilers, I'll just say that I thought it was pretty awesome.
Hearts on Air (Hearts, #6)
Hearts on Air (Hearts, #6)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited library.

Well, first things first. You DO NOT have to read book #5.5, One Epic Night, to understand this as it is included at the beginning of this book.

Then the story continues where that one left off. Trevor is now a TV star in a free-running show that follows him and a handful of other free runners as they do stunts around London and other big cities. One difference now is that Reya is not in his life. Chapters go back and forth a few times so we see what happened in the months following their "one epic night" and how things didn't end so well with them.

It's been about 2 years since then and Trevor suddenly turns up in Reya's life again wanting to be friends again and asking if she'll fill in for one of their pregnant PA's while she's off on maternity. Reya is wary of letting Trev back into her life but eventually agrees and they travel to several cities around Europe with the group doing stunts and free running in pretty parks and some well known places. As they spend time together, they grow closer once more and before long those feelings from two years ago are creeping back in.

One thing that was driving me a little mad was the Leanne and Callum thing. I know they get their own book in a different series but seeing their love/hate relationship and the arguments and tender moments and NOT KNOWING what was happening was driving me a little mad. I will definitely be getting their book at some point.

I also liked how we saw pretty much every other character from the series in this one towards the end. I had honestly forgot how they all connected but seeing them in those last few chapters was really nice.

Definitely should be read if you've enjoyed previous books in the series.
Cat Tale: The Wild, Weird Battle to Save the Florida Panther
Cat Tale: The Wild, Weird Battle to Save the Florida Panther
Craig Pittman | 2020 | History & Politics, Natural World, Science & Mathematics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I ran across Cat Tale on the New Books shelf at my library. I had no real interest in the subject prior to seeing the cute picture on the cover, along with the bright color scheme. I was also drawn to the word, "Weird," in the title. I flipped the book over, and read the praised reviews on the back, so I decided to give the book a try. I'm so glad that I did! Number one, I live in Florida, but am a transplant from the north. So I see a lot of names on counties, streets, schools, etc., and know them from that, but not from what any of the people or places were involved with in their day. So I did get a little basic name history while reading, which was an added bonus.

The book, itself, reads like a fiction novel. Plus, it's pretty funny throughout, which made it that much more enjoyable! I kept looking names and events up to make sure that they were real when the book seemed too fictional. (They were real.) It's amazing how messed up the whole process got while trying to save the species, and how such a small number of people can end up being so detrimental to any project. There were some unforgettable characters (again, real people!) that assisted Florida during this process. I quickly was drawn to the story and information. To me, it ended up being wildly interesting. Without ruining the details for you, I realize that any non-fiction account needs to be taken with an open mind and a grain of salt at times. However, everything that I questioned was information that could be found easily. I wish more non-fiction books were written for smooth reading like Cat Tale was. Craig Pittman took a potentially dry, possibly boring subject, and made it very engaging all the way through. It's definitely worth reading, if you're even the least bit curious. (Or, if you simply like the cover picture and color scheme!)


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