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Life Before Death
Colin Fry | 2008
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>4 Stars!</b>

I must say that I very much enjoy reading these sort of books, I find them incredibly moving and sometimes even life changing.
Life Before Death by Colin Fry happens to be one of those books that just turned me into a blubbering mess!

I would recommend this book to all of those who are interested in spirituality and the paranormal...and to those who may have lost close family members or friends and need a place of comfort and solace. I personally found this book to be very moving in the sense that it teaches you to remain positive in certain situations and to forgive in order to move on in your life before it is too late.

This book is very different compared to his other books as it deals more with life BEFORE death rather than focusing on the spirit if you would prefer to read more about the authors psychic connections then I would say read one of his other books instead of this one. I myself prefer a book more focused on the after life which made me knock a star off of this one, not because it is a bad book in any way but because I would prefer some of his other work. He does document a small amount of his readings, however, it is not the book's main focus. Fry talks about some of the little things we could do in order to enrich our lives and to follow our dreams.

Once I finished this book I was deep in thought reflecting about my own life which is why I recommend buying a copy of this book to keep so you can keep referring back to it time and time again. I understand how easy it is to get wrapped up in the negativity of life sometimes, this is one of those books that may help you to focus on some positive aspects.
The Book Thief
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (129 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel was recommended to me by an old high school friend. This is definitely not my typical book. I like the fast paced suspense/romance and I tend to stick with those novels. I'm glad that I picked up this novel.

This novel was very interesting. It's a collection of short stories narrated by death. It follow the life of a young German girl during the time of world war 2. It's told in a different way by having "Death" as the narrator.

This was a pretty quick read. It makes you think too. It's one of those novels that will make you think about the depravity of human beings and give you some hope along side of it.

All in all, it was a good novel that deals with World War II.
Heaven Knows What (2015)
Heaven Knows What (2015)
2015 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Heaven Knows What is such a disturbing story about unrequited love, heroin addiction, and suicidal tendencies that somehow evades being only completely weighed down by desperation. Even though the death-like weight of the all-out junkie life is detailed and harrowing, it’s also a really interestingly made film in the way it’s shot – it’s bleak, yet somehow a fascinating and important addition for me to recent American filmmaking. And the central character played by Arielle Holmes who also wrote the script and lived the life, and she plays a very riveting and detailed character. Coupled with a great performance from Caleb Landry Jones, who also, appears in our film, among several other actors. Did you see that one?"

I, Eliza Hamilton
I, Eliza Hamilton
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alexander Hamilton was an integral part of the early history of the United States, both in its war of independence and later in the early days of its government. However, to look at his relatively short life and ignore his wife who survived him by 50 years, is as much a disservice to the man he was as it is to the woman who stood by his side, both in life and long after his death. Author, Susan Holloway Scott saw this lack of focus and answered this need in her latest novel "I, Eliza Hamilton." Read what I thought of this book in my review here.
The Gathering
The Gathering
Anne Enright | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found the set-up of the book to be perfect (the writing, the plot, the characters, etc.) (0 more)
A blatantly honest, gripping story about family.
"It blew me away. I found myself constantly highlighting quotes from it, stopping to think about how incredibly relatable it is. It is a book not only about death and grieving, but the ghosts that follow you throughout your life. Anne Enright speaks your innermost unspoken thoughts, and she does so unapologetically." -my bookstagram account, rorythereader.
Orange: The Complete Collection #4
Orange: The Complete Collection #4
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This series is turning pretty amazing. I love how close these six are. They're doing everything they can to make him happier, to stop him from taking his own life, and I think it's actually working.

Volume 5 could be the death of me--making me an emotional, snotty mess--or it could make me so happy I can't stop grinning when I think about it. I'm so hoping for the latter.

Off to start it! See you on the other side!

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Aaru in Books

Nov 8, 2019  
David Meredith | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rose is only 16 but her life is over. She has terminal cancer but a mysterious strangers offers her and her family the option of taking part in a trial. When she dies they assume the trail failed and mourn her passing, her sister being hit particularly hard. Then the message comes... Rose lives on.

This books takes one fascinating idea - what if people's personalities and memories could be copied at the point of death and then recreated inside a computer? - and looks at it from a lot of different angles. It is certainly thought provoking, and occasionally disturbing.

The first half of the book deals with Rose's death, the grief of her family and then the emotional trauma, denial and final acceptance that in some ways she is still alive. It also follows Rose's journey as she discovers her new virtual world and its other inhabitants.

The second half is darker and moves into thriller territory as Rose's new paradise shows that it may not be perfect and both her and her sister are exposed to danger. Some of the themes here - obsession, violence, sexual abuse, suicide - are made all the worse by their premeditated nature.

This book will make you think about a potential life after death but it doesn't flinch from showing the emotional, physical and moral implications that might arise both for those saved and those they leave behind.

Jennifer Kirkland (1 KP) created a post

Jan 27, 2018  
Bardic Voices by Mercedes Lackey
I'm re-reading this series, as since my husband's death I find comfort in the literature I read as a teen or a young adult. And what I'm finding now, nearly thirty years later, is the same kind of anti-racism text as is found in Real Life Politics today. One of the Free Bards (Kestrel) is talking about Humans Only signs and varying things being declared as evil...

and I'm thinking... didn't I just hear this story on NPR?
A Ghost Story (2017)
A Ghost Story (2017)
2017 | Drama
Recently added to Netflix is 2017 movie A Ghost Story, starring Casey Affleck. From A24, the studio responsible for The Witch and Heteditary, so I was very dubious about watching this! A poignantly beautiful tale of life, death, time and grief. With minimal dialogue, it is definitely a very weird film (a 5 minute scene of someone literally just eating pie in silence?!), and many people will just hate it. For me, there was just enough thought provoking and beautifully shot scenes to keep me happy.
After.Life (2010)
After.Life (2010)
2010 | Horror, Thriller
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Liam Neeson (1 more)
Christina Ricci
Justin Long (0 more)
Life After Death
After.Life- is a decent horror thriller. I have pros and cons of this film.

Liam Nesson
Christina Ricci
The Plot/story
The suspense

Just Long
Not Really Scary
Not Really horrorfying
Just forgetable

The plot: After a horrific car crash, a young teacher awakes on a mortuary slab. The funeral director convinces her she is not alive but transitioning into the spirit world. Is he telling the truth?

Like i said its decent but forgetable.